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Everything posted by staboner

  1. hope our friends will be ok they are trying to wash us away
  2. that smarts doesn't? getting slammed in the nose. fucks you all up
  3. exactly. have to be able to pack it up and be proactive about it. i remember calling my mother 3 or 4 days before Ike hit and telling her to GTFO. 1 meter of water and a lost home later - right move. at least in that moment in time. every time i open this thread i keep thinking about Ida Delaney. good luck NOLA
  4. this thread exploded. hmm. pun not intended. i see some American soldiers died. make sense with the post count. fucking shame man no nuke friday in these parts. gonna make it i think. i have a beach, a beer and a dog. ya'll homies be cool.
  5. the end of this fucking page sucks and the fucking cow didn't have to die for that shit.
  6. now imagine if obama did it with colonel mustard and a wiffle ball bat
  7. following My company does marketing analytics work for legal folks but for large brands. I would be worried our solutions can't apply to smaller outfits. Curious to follow and understand the recommendations you get here. as lobo asks....what type of law? size of your business? any commentary on the supply side of your specialization you can share. names of competitors, typical size, turnover estimate, really anything there wouod help
  8. yeah potato does good stuff. you know the duder or just mean you following on YT? big CIV fan here for some time. Have been at HK for some months on betas and now in the real. Fun game. Very layered and of course very new and unbalanced. I understand its a bit "if you built it they will come" in terms of the various mechanics for now. Saying that it does feel a bit hollow to me so far. Very easy to survive and thrive and the scale via the various cultural buffs. the early game is however pretty challenging and many of the AI guys can snowball then too. fun game. lots of great stuff
  9. holy shit. such an emotional ass beating on tape for everyone to watch. with his fucking wife vice gripping his sad nuts over and over again
  10. sweet jesus stay out the bushes Jesse!
  11. haha thanks man. don't want to offend the grecian shag errr surly community. am i not a man?
  12. well that was certainly festive. does this guy have any eligbility left? maybe put him at gunner on the punt team
  13. we have lot of fed versus state issues. bet on the wrong vaccine (AZ). got the messaging all wrong. media made AZ sound liek it was going to kill you and your first born. no clarity at all to the medical profession. doctors here refuse to advise of AZ as they are afraid of lawsuits. nothing is digitalized. and in general the Super Boomers of Australia are scared of their own shadwow. oh and scomo is a W reincarnate of happless emotionaless drivel. and this culture makes greeks look like productive Germans. never seen anything like it honestly. so they have lik 90% vaccers (as opposed to anti vaccers) but the issue isn't not "muh freedoms" but rather "she'll be alright" and generally just not giving a shit to do anything proactive about anything. *zorba* the vaccines for tomorrow! *thegreek* my family is on the run now in the west. we had to get out at. no clue when we will return. did a 16 day indiana jones journey to create "regional immunity" and now in the west where life is regular as its damn near impossible to even get here in teh first place. lucky AF we is https://www.theage.com.au/national/scott-morrison-has-little-control-over-australia-s-destiny-or-his-own-20210817-p58jdy.html https://www.theage.com.au/national/when-it-comes-to-covid-19-we-cannot-run-a-risk-free-society-20210427-p57mq7.html
  14. don't forget the school shooting drills too for the kiddos and i guess, the school shootings as well now that i say that. well, if the left one don't get you...
  15. here is NZ trying to do it right? or is that wrong? https://edition.cnn.com/2021/08/17/asia/new-zealand-lockdown-one-case-intl-hnk/index.html we fucking science fair experiments down here. not gettnig vaccinated, not getting any herd immunity, just time capsules. when we ever decide to reenter the world we will die when the wind blows the wrong way
  16. hey friends whats up? oh i see Afghanistan? I thought we had a chance to do something here. Also, what is it we were doing? Good news is there are many other people we can drop bombs on. Why limit to just the Afghanis? Explore the space I say.
  17. china needs to be investigated. as does the research. need to treat bio weapons like nukes. anyway my no rona tuesday is rocking and rolling. you homies will get here soon enough.
  18. Australia seems out of their damn mind. The goal was never and should never be zero. It's impossible. i've mentioned it a few times on here - Australia is run by Super Boomers - never faced a problem in their life. They crisis manage great, but they are always stuck in crisis management. The idea is to change when 70% are vacced, which sounds great, except the 'Crisis Management' Goverment has royally fucked up every aspect of the vaccine rollout. They have an agreeable sheeple populuation so there are no excuses. So many lapses in organisation, effort, messaging and execution.
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