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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. You said it was relevant. If you're not sure how it's relevant I don't think it's relevant. I can't speak for AOC but the point I am trying to make is I have know idea of a trillion is enough. I don't know if a quadrillion is enough. We don't have enough information to do anything more than guess as to probability of intelligent life on other planets. There is no informed speculation, just wishful thinking by anyone who thinks there either is or isn't intelligent life on other planets.
  2. Yes it's large but why is relevant? How do you use that number? What is the probability of sapient (or sentient, however you want to define it) life on any of those planets?
  3. What a dumb meme. Everyone knows that Gore would poured just as much gasoline. /Rimbo
  4. Man, Waddle is going to be great when he enters the portal and becomes a Longhorn.
  5. Sure reparations won't be part of national 2024 platform but I also wouldn't dismiss it as "fringe". I fully admit that I don't know the ramifications / likelihood of passing but in California there was a state task board that has met and presented recommendations to the state senate including economic reparations. Those weren't defined, as the task force specifically said they weren't able to come up with a number and recommended economists come up with something, but I do think there is something brewing. Now the word reparations can mean way different things to way different people, but again just wouldn't dismiss it as kooky talk.
  6. @shadow_operative - you keep talking about bans but I haven't noticed anyone in this thread except yourself claiming that that a ban is imminent or even being discussed. You know that UWS and others are not mods. You know that immamac has seen this thread as he replied in it and moved it. It is still not banned. You have repeatedly said that a ban on the word threatens the soul of Surly. Why do you keep referencing something that is not in the conversation? Also, regarding the "tar and feathering" for using the word, I strongly suspect that not a single poster has had their opinion of you change, for better or worse, as a result of your usage of the word or the existence of this thread.
  7. Ana is super proud of this both siderism. Gore would have had a response but it is utter foolishness to suggest our next two decades of FAFO in the Middle East, set in motion with 7 years of fuckery by the Bush admin, would have played out the same with Gore admin.
  8. @Beau Vine and @jimmyjazz - can we at least have some common ground that Johnny's cover of "I'm a Barbie Girl" is better than the original?
  9. Even better - kids die so he can keep his guns AND fewer taxes for fewer teachers means the boat fund grows. Win-win.
  10. Y'all got any more of them playing-piano-with-his-dick tv performers?
  11. A series of questions to help me (and potentially others) understand your vires on when it is reasonable to discriminate due to religious beliefs: 1a) 100 years ago do you belive it was a legitimate religious belief that black people were inferior and that mixed marriages were inherantly immoral? If not, why not given that it was widely preached in churches? 1b) 100 years ago do you believe it was acceptable to discriminate against black people by denying jobs, services, etc.? Same for denying mixed marriages. 1c) 100 years ago, do you belive that the Supreme Court should have upheld a claim that it was acceptable to discriminate against black people by denying jobs, services, etc? Same for denying mixed marriages.
  12. I am really disappointed in your Sci fi cred Rimbo.
  13. Trump Doral you say? Anything else served there @Bozo_Casanova?
  14. @chainsaw, face it, there isn't any connection.
  15. So is the non-cyber anus safe? Asking for a friend @NowThis.
  16. It's fake and not hard to see. Auto-neg from me on any posting of fake tweets / social posts.
  17. Stop with the fucking fake tweets. It's stupid and counterproductive.
  18. It's even more insane than 4 million parents screaming per year. It's 4 million NEW parents screaming per year. Even if this massive pedophile ring just started 5 years ago you're talking 20M parents screaming / 10M kids missing. It's just so bonkers to think about.
  19. It fits on the top of the list. Alien is definitely sci-fi horror but Aliens is action in the same sense that T2, predator, etc., are.
  20. But other than that it's a solid 10/10
  21. I am not an expert on the homeless problem but you are saying that of the 600k homeless population, >2/3 of those will be homed in a year or two? That is surprising to me, but if pressed I wouldn't have a different number to defend. I would have guessed closer to 20% but like I said, not well educated on this issue. Is there a good place to go for data like this?
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