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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Less popular and less cray is the 2%er Jizz craft batch
  2. Wut? lol. Trump look like if Elvis’ deuce took a deuce
  3. People don’t think it be like it do
  4. Voting for Ted Cruz is like intentionally stepping in dog shit
  5. I’ll take groups of idiots for a thousand, Alex
  6. Go Niners! Go pretty Taylor!
  7. Come on cunty Dallas fan, make that neg fall like rain you grumpy bitches. Two negs so far. Muah!
  8. 9ers going to the Super Bowl. Eat my ass haters
  9. Dallas fan furiously jerking that tint dick energy.
  10. One or two hand jobs a day isn’t going to work like her last Colorado district. She needs a new strategy
  11. Her hands are easily twice the size of his. You can read the hand envy on his grumpy ass face
  12. Dotard cult going to need to work a shit ton of overtime to pay this one off
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