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Everything posted by BigSwingingD

  1. As a Christian, this is uphauling (NTTAWWT). That being said, fuck aggy. Total cult. Hook'em
  2. It is fully earned and guaranteed and that is the problem. Aggy is stuck. He won't change. Do you think that cuck is going to turn over the offense to a new coordinator? No way in hell. They can't force him to do shit. Even if he did, he would micromanage the shit out of him. It will be interesting to see what happens to their recruiting this year and next. The current SEC teams will be all over them. I think Jizzbos tenure at aggy is going to mimic the roller coaster. Clickity clack mofos.
  3. Appropriate that the offensive total was 420 because...well...because. Hook'em
  4. @Wulaw Horn@immamac @RGBIII So awesome! Great interview and the Fat Boy Whataburger, Pinkerton's, Applebee's, Bare-back- convenience-store corn dog minute. Classic. What are the odds of the RV coming back in one piece? Zilch More pics! The olds are living through you. Hook'em
  5. Look, Goddammit @immamac @RGBIII I have one job...buy Margs and Bob Armstrong at Mats! WTF. Text me next time. Great podcast!
  6. Just bombing in. Mack looks horrible. Good kids! Orange slices for everyone! Hook'em
  7. We already recruited Jesus. The one and only Vincent Young, but I will gladly take some of the Apostles or some other pipe hitting mother fuckers. Now lets win and everything will fit right into place. Great get. Hook'em
  8. This thread is going to shit. Speaking of, this Doctor probably gave half of Surly prostate exams. Next week can't get here fast enough. Hook'em
  9. Lincoln is channeling his inner Tom Herman. Good, fuck him and his fucking visor. We are going to mudhole those inbreds. Hook'em
  10. CU game is at altitude. Definitely one to watch.
  11. You know what will help? Winning. Win and College Station will look like an even bigger shit hole than it is. Austin isn't the issue. Hook'em
  12. @Johnny Sack's website is cool. This should hold a few 100 gallons of margaritas. DO IT! Hook'em f margs
  13. I was born in early 1970. My parents (still married and rabid Longhorns) were sophmores and lived on 26th street within walking distance to DKRTMS. They tell me my first game (in utero) was a beat down of Tech in Sept of 69. My mom said I was very active during the game. It hasn't changed. It has been in my blood ever since. Hook'em
  14. @immamac @RGBIII Preach. So here is the question...Are you two Surly motherfuckers going to watch Baylor play Spring Football? Cause that's where they are headed. Fuckem. Great podcast once again. Awesome summary of the last week. Thanks. Hook'em
  15. I would also prefer that he knew. It would neuter any argument they have against the SEC SEC SEC. Occam's razor...do you think this jizz jar loving red ass aggy could keep that secret for 5 seconds?
  16. Great post. I will admit, I have suffered from "Post Hermantic Stress Syndrome". We are going to kick ass. Hook'em
  17. I figured I would distract you with Bob Armstrong and a discussion of how we can work an NIL deal with the Chap Girls/Cheerleaders.
  18. @RGBIII @immamac @closetojumping That was fucking awesome! From projectile vomit, to a CLEARLY communicated and thoughtful NIL discussion, and, to top it off, the "Fat Boy Minute" ...Pizza Edition, I was captivated and came away with some knowledge. I am amazed that all the douche bag 9.95rs that do this for a living can't do what you just did. Communicate. Wish I could give you $9.95, but will have to buy you Mats El Rancho margaritas. I will have to cap Rick at 4. 5 if he bahaves. Seriously, this was one of your best! Appreciate it. Hook'em
  19. Agree. He has aggy by the balls. Why renegotiate? I would pay good money to see the culture clash of Jizzbo coaching USC in his pressed high water wranglers, open collar sweater and boots.
  20. I will give @PHLaggie this...at least he has the balls to post. Texum aggy is loserville.
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