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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. The twins on the bikes kill me.
  2. I'm telling on myself here unfortunately. Did OSUT at Ft. Knox so basic/AIT combined for tankers. My cousin was married to a Captain who was in JMOC school there at the time and he, being a really cool guy, and also urged by my cousin came to visit me on like the 2nd Sunday I was there. I'm minding my business cleaning shit or whatever we were doing in the barracks when the runner come up and says DS wants you at the CQ desk. I shag my ass down there and there's 4 Hats there staring at me as I come around the corner. I'm wondering WTF and then I see CPT L standing there in civies. Totally choked when I saw him and said "Chris! What are you doing here?" I thought those guys were going to stroke out. CPT L takes me out to the parking lot to see my cuz and ask me if I need anything and all I can think of is "Those guys are going to roast me when I get back in there." Had a nice 15 minute visit, they promised to bring me some M&M's or some shit and back in I go to face the music. Only one left there is my Senior DS and his eyes are as big as saucers when I walk in. First thing out of his mouth is "Chris? Chris? Don't you mean Captain L?" He hit me for 20 but his heart wasn't in it and that was last I heard of it, which shocked the hell out of me. Got my M&M's the next week too.
  3. I got a really nice weather station from Ambient Weather on 7/2 and set it up on 7/3. I'm in Manchaca. Since setting up I've had 7.81 inches of rain at my house. In July and August. I have yet to register a temperature over 98.9 F. My kind of summer.
  4. Hello skilled photographers. I've found that I'm getting interested in birds. I'd like to get a good camera/lens combo for photographing them. I'm a beginner obviously so I was looking to get some insight on a good low to mid range set up to get started with. I'm fine spending a little to get started but not like 5 grand or anything. I'm doing some online research but I find this community to be an outstanding resource for things like this. Thanks in advance.
  5. Felix

    2021 MLB Thread

    Or maybe the Indianapolis 500.
  6. I started laughing my ass off when the ship dropped. Had to pause it to explain the significance to my wife and daughters. No pics.
  7. Felix

    Whatcha reading?

    Just finished A Higher Call by Adam Makos. WWII non-fiction about an incredible incident in the air war over Germany. Fantastic read. Second Makos book I've read and I may have to read them all. He tells a great story.
  8. We had one of these knuckleheads that worked for us a few years back. I knew he was weird but didn't really know the whole deal. One day he's gone and I ask about it. "Oh he's doing 25 years for tax evasion. They took him to jail yesterday." I guess his nonsense arguments weren't respected by the man. I didn't feel sorry for him because he was an ass, but I did feel sorry for his 6 kids.
  9. They are replacing my coil under warranty next week. $1598 for labor and refrigerant. I haven't seen the breakdown but I doubt they are charging me $1200 for the juice and $400 for the labor, but who knows.
  10. So this isn't tax evasion? Isn't this the very definition of tax evasion? Isn't tax evasion what put Al Capone in jail for 1000 years or something?
  11. I'd say this was an IT lunch but too many chicks. I'm leaning towards State Social Services now.
  12. Bullshit. The Englishmen were all white. English men of war had incredible diverse crews. Of course the officers were all English. As for the foremast Jacks they didn't give a fuck what you looked like as long as you could pull a rope, trim a sail, or charge onto an enemy deck with a boarding axe. They didn't even care if you spoke English.
  13. Who do you think we're playing? Southern hasn't won 28 all year.
  14. Yeah that was pretty bad. He was jerky enough when he was dominating his first match, but I couldn't believe the way he acted in the semi.
  15. Yeah but he was a spearchucker. That's what made it funny. He threw the javelin in college. It's not like they were making fun of him. It was intended to be ironic. The character was a neurosurgeon, so no exactly marginalized. They were poking fun at the stereotype.
  16. It seems I have a knack for this. I just thought of another one. I was at a football game watching my old high school play in a big game ten or so years after I graduated. I don't want to out myself so I'll not name the teams, but it was at the opposing stadium and it was homecoming for that school. We ended up sitting with some other people who had been in my class in the visitors section. These were all people I had been friends with in high school, had multiple classes with, and in most cases still had occasional contact with. The homecoming festivities are in full swing at halftime and I'm ragging on the whole tradition of the homecoming king and queen. I come out with "I mean seriously, who even remembers who our homecoming queen was?" Turns out she was one of the people sitting with us and probably one of the nicest, most fun people I know. She turns around and says "I was the homecoming queen!" She was laughing, thank goodness and we all had a big laugh about it, but I felt about two inches tall. I still see her every now and then as she's a teacher in the district and very well regarded by everyone. She still teases me about it on occasion.
  17. I had to dumpster dive once back in the day to get the hardware to put a piece of furniture together after she was "helpful" and unboxed it for me.
  18. Yeah it's hilarious when Tony Casillas gets up at the end like "Whew he's down right?" "Oh shit there he is!" "Damn too late".
  19. 120mm training sabot. Nice. Great name for a tanker too. Sergeant Cannon.
  20. From what I've heard it's mostly supply disruptions due to various factors. Lumber is out of control. Steel isn't as bad but it's going up steadily.
  21. I'll give you real world example. My grandmother is 96 and lives with us. She lived with my parents when she got to the point she couldn't live on her own, but they are in their 70s and my Mom is in bad health herself with my Dad basically being her full time care giver. My Grandmothers money ran out a little while back and the $700 a month she gets in social security basically pays for one week a month of part time home health. Fortunately she doesn't need full time care yet, but it's coming. My family, cousins, siblings, etc is footing the bill for the other 3 weeks a month because we want to keep her here as long as possible instead of having to go into a home. She's medicare-pending which means we've applied and are waiting for approval, but since she's destitute that's just a matter of time. It would be nice if we could get a little help with home health. We're lucky we can afford to do it ourselves, barely, but most can't. Thus Grandma ends up in a shitty medicare nursing home and wastes away, basically alone.
  22. My temper has gotten me in trouble a couple of times. Coaching an 8th grade girls parochial school basketball team. Qualified for national tournament in Valparaiso IN. Driving to get dinner in van with team and a couple of team Moms. Bitch almost hits us in the parking lot running a stop sign and cutting the corner too close. Scared me a little and I scream "Learn to drive you fucking cunt!". I look back in the rear view mirror and everyone is studiously looking anywhere but at me. My wife was in the passenger seat and I thought she was going to die. It's quiet for a minute and for some reason I think it would be a good idea to say. "Well did y'all see what she did?". The other time was watching Texas v Tech at a sports bar in Brownwood with some friends while camping at Lake Brownwood. We were getting hosed by the refs as usual, and I scream at Cooper Castleberry, "You're a god damned retard!" I don't say that any more but this was a long time ago. My friends are all silent and I look over and the only other occupied table in the place is from the local home for the menally challenged. That one was tough. I felt about 2 inches tall. I still get well deserved shit for that one.
  23. If you know the world record is 172 feet. Why wouldn't you just jump from 173? Why TIE the record? That doesn't make sense.
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