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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. I can't believe you think anybody who wants your cell phone can't get it any time they choose. I'm all for privacy but let's get real. Your shit is out there and anybody can get it.
  2. Was playing golf at The Rock many years ago (80's) and about to hit my 2nd on #2 when one of those dust devils came running down the fairway. I was mesmerized by the coke can flying around about 30 feet in the air and so I didn't move as it rolled right over me. Spun my pull cart a full 360 degrees and stung like a bitch but then it moved on and about 20 yards after it hit me the coke can shot about 20 feet straight up and then fell to the ground and the thing was gone. Found the whole thing very amusing.
  3. I like names so I collect good ones. Latest one I saw was a movie producer named Richard Suckle.
  4. I loved that place. Bacon cheeseburger was $.79. Used to get four of those, fries, and a coke for $5. On drunk nights it was the Bag o' Burgers ten to a bag for $3 each. I miss it.
  5. Fantastic surrender cobra from Private Dumbass.
  6. I've been using one for a little while. Still on the first blade. It's not as good as the Gillette Fusion I had, but I think it's worth it for the price. I'd say the jury is still out for me, really.
  7. How would shooting the guy have stopped the woman from shooting him? It's a stupid argument. Once he pulled his weapon the guy who pushed him backed off and there was no longer a threat of force. He chose to start some shit, got assaulted and stopped the threat. Then he murdered the guy.
  8. I agree with you, but it's pretty fucking hilarious coming from a cop.
  9. Complete garbage. Do not watch.
  10. With a serious #metoo problem. Have you been following the Michigan State disaster?
  11. We're still trying stuff, but I'm not hopeful. My family has been breeding and raising boxers for years. I've only seen this happen once before and nothing worked then. I haven't given up hope completely but I just want him to have a good home. Hopefully still with us, but it's not looking good.
  12. Jiff. Choosy moms choose Jiff you know.
  13. That would cost me half my shit or likely prison time, so probably not. It might still be worth it, but I'm going to stick with this plan for now.
  14. I think we can only conclude from this that white women are racist as fuck.
  15. I'm in South Austin. I've got a male (neutered) boxer a little over a year old. He's a great dog for the most part, but he's started fighting with my other male boxer (his sire) over my wife. There's a thread in help if you want the whole scoop. He's very sweet with people and the other dogs and doesn't even fight with his sire unless my wife is there. He loves to play ball and he's very smart. Crate trained and uses a dog door at my house. He's leash trained and generally very well behaved. He's very vocal, but doesn't bark much, if that makes sense. He's big, about 70lbs, I'm guessing as we haven't weighed him in a while. He loves kids and people in general. He's fairly high energy but self exercising and plays well by himself. His name is Solo as he was a single pup. That's pretty rare, but not unusual. He's up to date on shots and is microchipped. If you're interested PM me and we can figure out the details. He would be ideal as a single dog, but would probably integrate fine into a multi-dog home. I have leash, collar, harness, and microchip paperwork.
  16. Felix


    You are a child.
  17. So you gave it to her twice?
  18. I think I'll give this a try when the women folk aren't around. Thanks!
  19. Puppy is initiating the fight. There is usually a short stare down with growling and raised hackles. I don't think it's a dominance thing so much as a deferral thing, based on research I've done. I.E. puppy has something and daddy muscles in and doesn't defer when signaled. BTB is a lover not a fighter, but he's also kind of clueless sometimes. The other dogs will just warn him, but the pup goes after him hard.
  20. Might as well! Everybody else does.
  21. For all intents and purposes, I have one. My eldest daughter (no pics) has one and she visits about 4 times a week.
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