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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by sidis

  1. used to do nevada until 2019 as well but stopped because people weren't buying the book for vegas. as our local michelin reviewer expert, i can tell you that there are a few restaurants in austin that that would definitely qualify for at least a star if, as jimmy points out, michelin actually reviewed austin. i would venture a guess that amongst pasta bar, juniper, este, dai due, suerte, franklin, odd duck...there'd be a couple that could get a star. certainly nowhere in austin has the focus on service hospitality necessary for a 2 or 3 star but food quality wise, there are a few.
  2. i think we may be in trouble. all you other clubs keep shitting the bed against luton fucking town. we really need to win out 10 point deduction appeal.
  3. sidis


    you two nut jobs are the only people i would ask this based on posting history... grabbing a bottle of salon for a gift. have either of you compared the 2012 to the 2013 and have any opinions on the superior vintage?
  4. no. as you know, you are either just a terribly pathetic troll or truly one of the dumbest fucking idiots to ever roam this rock.
  5. That was me and i remain of the opinion unless one is significantly overweight.
  6. More green, drivers for the spring.
  7. appears to be legit stacked fwiw.
  8. i did not enjoy it nearly as much as i expected to but then again, i can't stand carey mulligan so that probably did not help.
  9. still have nightmares about when you and i saw him 17 years ago. was like seeing your childhood her get publicly raped by a donkey-pig mutant. hopefully this better venue will improve the experience.
  10. i watched it and it was nothing groundbreaking but still an amazing thing to see all that talent in one place. the only thing that stuck out to me about it was stevie wonder's ability to imitate bob dylan's singing voice. that shit was crazy. and the job he did shaking bob out of his funk.
  11. i am so disappointed in this nonsense at this point. the paranormal jump scare bullshit out of horror movie playbook is so lame. i still have no desire to root for anyone at this point. i kind of hope a pack of polar bears just eats the entire town. this director is fucking horrible at this. we should be two, maybe three episodes in for the amount of information conveyed. filling it over and over and over with drone shots of trucks driving through desolate, snowy roads in iceland every thirty seconds to extend it to six episodes is insulting and i have no idea how this director got this job. consistent with some of the comments on this page though, the music supervisor for the show is the only person that should not be fired. they are doing an absolutely fantastic job. the use of jon hopkins's "feel first life" last night was excellent, if not too brief.
  12. While I would welcome some new roundabout overlords throughout the city including all along Barton springs, it would require a driver reeducation program to teach people what to do. Putting one at Barton and Lamar would resemble the clusterfuck of throngs of tourists trying to navigate the arc de triomphe roundabout.
  13. The congestion I am referring to is the traffic upstream of the bottleneck eastbound. Everyone going into azie Morton getting funneled into one lane…people in the right lane pretending they don’t know it is coming and forcing a merge and fucking everything up like it is an exit lane on mopac. The congestion is through the park back to mopac upstream of azie. And it is fucking awful. I will acknowledge that westbound from lamar is not nearly as bad and I think a reasonable compromise is achievable to have two lanes eastbound and one west and give the ped/bikes a comfortably wide area on the north side of the road (which is where everyone wants to be anyway) that unburdens the light at A.M. eastbound and gives non vehicular mobility increased safety and a better experience.
  14. I use the road virtually every day and live less than half a mile from it. Traffic is many orders of magnitude worse, I am a lot less happy using it, everyone I know that uses it with any frequency fucking rage hates it, it backs traffic up all the way from azie morton through the park to the mopac service road routinely, and I suspect you have no actual empirical basis to say it Is any safer yet given we are merely six months into this idiotic experiment. Or maybe you think a tower.net blog entry saying they saw a twitter post one time is actual data satisfying an event study comparison. I don’t know who Todd and Donn are I don’t understand the Leander or 19xx red herrings other than to say they are ineffective and unpersuasive.
  15. Everyone that was involved with the Barton springs to one lane each way decision should be shot to the fucking moon and forced into involuntary slavery for the benefit of creating spiked dildos to fuck their own asses with. Stupid fucking idiots.
  16. Fantastic Goredho. This is a hell of a musical accomplishment. I hope others on here with good taste and appreciation will give it a listen. Phenomenal structure and such a good interpretation of prog. Perfect combo of Pink Floyd and genesis. The solos are really nice and the chord transitions throughout are awesomely sophisticated. i know it was a lot of work for you and i think it paid off. Lyrics are really good and while you know the singer’s voice is not my particular cup, he did a nice job executing it all and we both know how bad vocals CAN sound compared to a quality contribution like this. Great job again, goredho. It is in my regular rotation.
  17. All the Italian houses seem to be leaning into the greens this spring. Grabbed a new unstructured Luigi Bianchi and liking it.
  18. There is a bit more creepy for the sake of creepy to this season than i would prefer. it's hard to describe how they did it so perfectly in season one but they just did and they've been chasing it ever since. i am still in and i am interested in where it is going but it would be nice if there was just an occasional sense of normal life and not everyone being a stoic, unredeemable asshole with a totally fucked up life and horrible interpersonal relationships incapable of making a decent decision. the older detective prior allowing himself to be catfished feels unrealistic, the amount of shit the younger prior takes off jodie seems unrealistic, the stereotypical everyone talks to ghosts because there are indigenous people around, the jodie just being a bulldozing bitch to literally everyone. the interpersonal stuff between jodie and the trooper is fucking tired. knock that shit out in ep 1 and let them start working together. again, they nailed that with matthew and woody...that they annoyed each other (even fucked the other's wife)...but there was at least some helpful dialogue and professional working relationship and respect between them. it wasn't just this constantly miserable "fuck you, fuck you" trope. so far, the teacher that jodie went to consult, her daughter's underaged girlfriend, and the bartender that trooper keeps bootycalling are the only people i don't hate. It's trying to be a darker twin peaks but without any of the enjoyable parts. hopefully now that our two main characters are going to start collaborating, it will become a bit more enjoyable.
  19. because if you are a stripper/escort trying to get from austin or l.a. to vegas for the weekend to work, you don't care what seat you get and you don't have any luggage so it actually is cheaper.
  20. genuine question if you have time answer between your work obligations...what is the "differing opinion" that was "not allowed" in your post below?
  21. god damnit, how the hell did i miss this post for four months? great trip report. very disappointed to hear that la pelosa was a miss that day...it's usually quite nice and we loved it when we were there. but not surprised at all to hear you enjoyed cala goloritze and cala luna...and the overall east side/northeast side. as i said above, never wanted to leave the east side cale. they are extraordinary. thanks for posting the follow up.
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