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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by deft

  1. Well I want my lentils to be conflict free free range too
  2. Are you a lance stroll fan?
  3. Regular ass sharp cheddar. I don’t care much for goat cheese bullshit. Jester west.
  4. Well he also chose to be an aggy so he could just be an idoit.
  5. “….to get gatti’s pizza delivered” or was it Mr gattis delivered
  6. Como se dice umami wey But yeah, not in chili
  7. Here in San Antonio, there’s a bill miller every half mile so they’ve got the Shittee’s rebrand locked down.
  8. Well that’s fucking stupid. How are vt lobbyists supposed to get rich that way?
  9. Back when yelling “get off my lawn” really meant something.
  10. They wouldn’t fire him for that, he’d just have to sit out coaching the first quarter of the PVAMU game
  11. Two aggys were out hunting and one shot the other. He probably would have made it if he didn’t also get field dressed right after.
  12. All this talk of aggy throwing sexual encounters at jimbo and hoping he takes the bait…..just know and accept that they’ll try to fire him for cause. And they’ll royally fuck it up. The whole journalism chair will pale in comparison to how bad they trip on their dicks on this one.
  13. This thread is giving hey steel shank vibes.
  14. I mean…..I do like me some Mr pibb here and there :ducks:
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