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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. not that these are great rates for bonds - but they have to be the most unstonkiest of investments that anyone could find perhaps you should start a thread for things that are actually sound investment advice and stop polluting this thread that is about things like IBRX, how to catch a falling knife, should I invest in the Inverse Cramer fund or the Inverse Wally fund?
  2. Tonight it starts - double header of MACtion Ball St @ Kent State - ESPNU Buffalo @ Ohio - ESPN2 Tomorrow night CMU @ NIU - ESPNU WMU @ BG - ESPN2
  3. Billy Gibbons looking good bro
  4. Oh, then you are going love December. When tax loss harvesting sales drive the market drop.
  5. I have heard a rumor that as ETF's there are also options related to them and you can lose money both buying and selling these options. Looking for @Parliament to confirm said rumor.
  6. Are you new here? So you are surprised there are idiots posting here Welcome to Surly No on should defend any of the players involved c'mon face it we are all morons, well really we are worse than morons (depending on the number of posts you have nevermind - he's on a roll FAFO and DSS, WBS are real - but are no excuse for what happened yup - surly gonna surly All the players involved should be done for the season, hopefully they will decide to hit the portal. I would like to point out that if you look at the longer video - you can see #22 in blue head up the tunnel before #1. I haven't heard about any altercation there, so something happened, but regardless the gang style beatdown is inexcusable. Thankfully I was flying back from Vegas yesterday and got delayed in Denver, the planes wifi was broken so I didn't "get" to watch the ass beating that took place on the field.
  7. So what is everybody's guess as to why the market is going up, or really anybody's guess? - more TINA, the rest of the world is in worse economic shitstorm than the US - just a melt-up before the next big crash - smart money/dumb money think more upside return than downside risk (ps - there is no smart money) - the more it goes up, the more people have FOMO disease, it is very contagious - thinking the Fed is doing to pull a surprise slowdown in interest rate increases after the election - like most other market moves, who really knows what is going on - the group think driven there are no black swan events on the horizon (ps - there never are until it already happens)
  8. every fucking paycheck - just like all the other regular slobs in working america
  9. I hope you didn't buy all at once, you could be buying a 2nd tranche of those puts at a much better price today.
  10. We should be on somebody's staff - I think I would be a great WR coach, because I think you can teach talented WR's how to draw holding and PI calls whenever you want; the whole trick is to only do it in key situations.
  11. good luck - if I was posting that it would be a surefire sign the market has bottomed
  12. What the fuck is Kansas wearing? Even Oregon fans think those suck
  13. Maybe it is next Monday this time around.....are you short?
  14. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/24/will-the-saudis-and-donald-trump-save-golf-or-wreck-it
  15. 35 years ago today - Black Monday a true market meltdown, it was the end of the financial system if the SEC, Fed and others didn't step up and make changes. Everyone knows that the markets fell over 500 points or 20%, but it was the commodity/futures markets that almost didn't open on Tuesday was where the real crisis was eventually averted. And there was no internet, so I heard it driving from my office in Greenway Plaza downtown for a lunch. In today's market that would be a one day decline of 6,000+ points in the Dow - there are no memes to properly reflect that
  16. RIP to James McDivitt, selected as part of group 2 for the astronaut program. Flew mission on Gemini and Apollo flights. And had a connection to my hometown, along with several other NASA flyers. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/17/1129511108/nasa-astronaut-jim-mcdivitt-dies-gemini-apollo I might change my strategy for 2023 and just pick astronauts and member of the Berkshire Hathaway board of directory=s
  17. Posting to keep this thread alive & Huge a Boom Boom guy (also I shot 60 this one time - didn't even have to play the back 9 to do it)
  18. and yet they are built like a tank, or at least they used to be. my Suburban was in 5 accidents: - first was the deer killing incident, I was driving. Broken headlight, dead deer 1-0 burb - 2nd was I got rear ended by on the the HS teachers, both on our way to Friday night HS football game. Dents and scratches on the burb - 2-0 burb - 3 my dumbass son 1/2 rolled it doing some off roading, it would have rolled but there was a tree that prevented it. My kid was fine, the burb needed some work 2-1 burb - 4 eldest daughter bumped into a car in a parking lot (no damage to the 'burb). 3-1 burb - son missed a curve, in the neighborhood, must have been doing 50+, sheared off a 3-4 inch round tree. Tree died, burb was fatally wounded (at 280,000 miles) hit on the front passenger corner, bent the bumper, broke the raidator, headlight, hood, front quarter fender and other shit. Burb dies with a 3-2 record, son never went to the hospital (at least not for vehicle accidents) Loved that thing - RIP Green burb
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