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Everything posted by SKJ

  1. How hard is it to not click on a Vic thread? You could also put him on ignore. Fucking vagina
  2. You know what else could've prevented his death? The cop not shooting. Why does everyone act like cops aren't in the equation?
  3. I'm just spitballing here, just taking a flyer, but I suppose, just a guess, that schools just might support the idea that the protest of not enough being done to stop shootings AT SCHOOLS, just might be something that SCHOOLS could maybe get behind a little bit.
  4. Having been something disqualifies an observation. I see... That's very weak
  5. I'm seriously confused as to how the fuck these idiots think there kids are somehow shills. THEY'RE NOT HAPPY ABOUT BEING SHOT AT IN A COUNTRY THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE
  6. How fucking disingenuous can a motherfucker be? It's not organic that the kids of this nation are tired of school shootings? They're being used? Come the fuck on, man.
  7. Vandalizing and thieving are quite different. Remember when a US kid got caught vandalizing cars in some foreign country and was gonna get caned for it? Remember that reaction from the nation? That was a big deal here. This guy got the death penalty. Where's the outage?
  8. Fucking Fox news bullshit with an msn domain. Nobody really believes anything at Fox that says "suggests" or "possible." Get the fuck outta here with that propaganda
  9. I couldn't make it through the first post
  10. Also, no one gives a fuck about this dumbass opinion.
  11. Ahem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence
  12. I don't know what an idoit (i-dwa?) Is, but this is most likely the essence of the OP
  13. I had to read the damn thread to know who this guy was. I guess Bob stops is no longer your mortal enemy?
  14. What the fuck? I mean, cricket? Who even knows what the fuck those dodos are doing out there
  15. Yeah, I spent many years around them so I can't help but read it like that in my head when I see it. It is kinda funny
  16. I don't get ads on tapa. That's kind of weird
  17. Too bad that 'pato' is Puerto Rican slang for fag
  18. Yeah, I don't get why they would protest abortion at school, unless they're saying abortion doctors are going into schools and forcing abortions on the students. The logic misses me, I guess
  19. Brisket used to remind me of Vinnie Gambini. Now he reminds me of that guy Tom Cruise was in the Firm
  20. SKJ


    I had a thread called insomnia on the other board a few years ago. I still have it
  21. He must not choke you enough
  22. I used to rock climb and free climb. I never liked heights on man made things for some reason, but could stomach a lot of natural heights. It made my hands sweat watching it
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