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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by boilerhorn

  1. The Aggy brain-trust (I use that term loosely) who signed Jimbo to the insane contract clearly did not perform some of the most basic risk analysis before doing so. A simple 3-part question like, "If we need to make a change after year X, what will it cost us, will we be willing to pay it, and will we have the cash?" In a real business, if the answers are not "we know, yes, and yes" then you do not proceed with the contract. For Aggy, the answers are "holy shit, maybe, and no." I think. that was the answer when the signed him and it is definitely the answer today, esp. if you have legally minded Aggys looking for reasons for cause. Actually, when signed, the answers were likely, "Don't care got Jimbo; Don't care Got Jimbo; and Don't care got Jimbo" We all believe a contract like this is foolish. If you willing to eat the political shit-sandwich and pay the cash, then the contract was "fine." Risk/reward/etc. Don't forget that Jimbo was the 2000s version of BoB. His name showed up as a candidate for EVERY OC and tier-2 HC search. Perhaps Aggy believed a 10-year deal was the only way to secure him. The question Aggy needs to be asking themselves at this point: is it worth it to pay out the entire contract to get rid of him? Short-term pain for long-term gain? When a CEO is fired by a board, this is one of the questions they ask. I am fairly certain the board concludes, "Yes it is worth $80+ million to get rid of that person" once the cut ties. Aggy needs to answer the same question.
  2. Anyone with an attachment to tOSU should probably take a step back before taking a moral or ethical stand on anything related to football, much less as it applies to UM. At home or on the road, tOSU fans are the paragon of boorish behavior. They throw bottles at and threaten visiting opponents; they trash campus buildings when on the road.
  3. In Elon's post acquisition screed, one thing stood out: It's a well-known fact to those who are paying attention, but I am astonished that he was so transparent about it. If something's free, you're the product. Free gmail and search can be useful, but there's a reason you get ads for "bags of dicks" soon after a google search for Bob Stoops or Brent Venables.
  4. If your path to KSU football takes you through a JUCO, there's a pretty good chance graduating is low on your list. Jerkiness aside, Klein had significant numbers for only 2 years (as did Bishop), and was really only used as the "run first QB" as a soph. Only 8% of his total production came before he was a junior.
  5. Yeah - seems like a load of shit. "CDC would like our booster club..." Uh. No.
  6. Couple of comments, fwiw. Income 10% and 1% fly coach because they want to become wealth 10%er to 1%ers. A planned RT from Austin to NYC will cost around $250-300 on a non-shitty airline. It's 3x-5x. for first class. And if there is any buffoonery on the flight, First Class is still subjected to it. My employer pays for business on overseas flights - definitely worth it Flew from OHare to Austin 2 weeks ago on a flight leaving around 8p. TSA pre was closed at all of the checkpoints I approached, so I kept walking. Stopped at the checkpoint that was nearest Spirit. First, the clientele in that space adheres to the stereotypes. Second, a TSA agent said to me, "We do not do TSA Pre at this checkpoint." Looks like the US Govt has figured out a cost savings - no Pre Check at Spirit. No one spat on anyone, but this was clearly the Trailways of the sky. My adult kids will sometimes consider Spirit to come visit us. If they insist, I will always offer to pay the difference to get them on a real carrier. It's with my money to mitigate their disaster, esp. since I am picking them up... So it is a little bit selfish. On same OHare visit, son and I had pretty crappy seats. Noticing that no one had paid a premium for the exit seats, I politely asked if we could be moved there for a lower cost. The gate agent gave it to us for free - and left the middle seat empty. Flight was clearly not full, but treating other humans with respect and dignity can go a long way. A former coworker had a VERY bad drinking problem at one time. He'd get on long flights - and some red eyes - and proceed to drink vodka for the entire trip. On one trip back from Asia, he got so sick that he (more or less) "destroyed" one of the business class area bathrooms with vomit, etc. All over his clothes, etc. The attendant moved him to a more isolated seat so he would be less of a nuisance. He missed a couple of days of work and claimed "food poisoning" or something of the like. Fortunately, the guy did not become a volatile asshole when drunk. Just an asshole. The only really disruptive experience I had on an airline was when a woman had a heart attack on a flight from Houston to San Francisco - around 20 years ago. Fortunately, we had a Cardiologist and a Ben Taub ER doc on the same flight. They kept her alive as we made an Emergency landing into El Paso. Only delayed the flight by a bit. No big deal - saved a person's life. I shudder to think how the entitled idiot masses would have responded to that today.
  7. A head coach engaging with an opposing player's trash talk is prime idiocy. Perhaps he's not the one passing up the top jobs; perhaps they are passing on him because he is an immature simpleton.
  8. Yet every damned one of them would transfer to Texas if the opportunity arose.
  9. I never looked before today, but it is a very strong staff. Staff Directory Members By Category/Department NAME TITLE EMAIL ADDRESS PHONE Sonny Dykes Head Coach | 1st Season Joe Gillespie Defensive Coordinator / Linebackers | 1st Season Garrett Riley Offensive Coordinator / Quarterbacks | 1st Season A.J. Ricker Co-Offensive Coordinator / Offensive Line | 1st Season Carlton Buckels Cornerbacks Coach | 1st Season Paul Gonzales Safeties Coach | 11th Season Anthony Jones Jr. Running Backs Coach | 1st Season Malcolm Kelly Outside Receivers Coach | 4th Season JaMarkus McFarland Defensive Line Coach | 1st Season Doug Meacham Inside Receivers Coach | 6th Season Mark Tommerdahl Special Teams Coordinator | 1st Season
  10. IIRC, one of Bill Belichick's "go to" defensive tactics (esp. when losing) was to commit some form of holding or PI on offense. Under the theory that the referees would not call a penalty on every play. Combine that with general incompetence and you have Big12 officiating.
  11. Amazing. With 12:41 left in the 2nd, KSU already has 3 sacks, an INT and a stopped 4th down conversion. Texas wins by 30 last week with that production. Of course, PK.
  12. Not wholly relevant to this thread, but... Fuck Tom Herman for not recruiting Vaughn. Even Strong's staff at USF recruited him (perhaps because he was Chris Vaughn's kid, but whatever). Hermand and his staff had to do darn near zero work to drive to the RR area to watch Cedar Ridge play. Vaughn consistently gutted EVERY team he played in his JR and SR years. He was clearly the best player on the field the handful of times I saw him play. His 5'5" size probably led to a 1 star recruiting reduction, but it was clear the guy was a player.
  13. Yes. Let's not forget that the Jets, the NFL, the media, and the Favre worshippers also did their best to destroy Sterger. Jenn Sterger was one of the "FSU Cowgirls" that Brent Musberger commented on in 2005. https://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/20/fashion/jenn-sterger-takes-a-different-path.html I post these to further remind everyone that Brett Favre being a piece of shit is not new.
  14. If you have a few minutes, go ahead and read this. It was penned by AJ Daulerio, former editor of Deadspin/Gawker. Daulerio was know as the guy who broke this story and the Hulk Hogan sextape infidelity story. He violated Jenn Sterger's confidence to make a buck. She explicitly requested that she not be exposed and hoped that Daulerio would use the information to seed further investigation. The following highlights the story and his path to contrition with Sterger. https://mailchi.mp/e2464892404f/how-to-mend?e=acf4226a5c Some excerpts: Favre had harassed a team employee, and the Jets nudged her out the door while they protected him. This was bigger than both of us and I waited almost six months before I published anything on the site. Most reporters would not wait that long with a story this huge. But I published her account (including the email shown above), and then a third party stepped forward and provided me with the evidence. I don’t even remember their name because they didn’t matter. I just met them at a hotel, handed over an envelope with $10k in exchange for a flash drive with the voicemails and photos and off I went. I did see her "Good Morning America" spot, a two-part interview with George Stephanopoulos that occurred about a year after all the mess where she sounded positively deflated. “I just want my life back,” she said. In one of our email interactions before the meetup she confessed her lingering self-doubt, that maybe she’d lost her right to feel like a victim because she’d confided in me in the first place. I related to that part as well: the true madness resides somewhere between that fear of culpability and the anger of justifiable victimhood. Plus she's struggled with what part of her life should be different: How does it feel to no longer be blackballed? How does it feel to be whole?
  15. Thanks. I used the search function before even looking at the section. My bad.
  16. Bump - any recommendations in N or NW Austin? Someone pulled out in front of our '22 Yukon. Not too major, but needs fixed.
  17. We fans have been complaining about how loud (and shitty) the music has been - from the jumbotron and otherwise - for years. Traylor should be thankful he only has to deal with it once every 2 or so years.
  18. It looked to me like Sark was frustrated at Traylor/UTSA. Sark maintained eye contact and gave direct responses. Traylor seemed to avoid eye contact and his body language was less assertive. Perhaps I misread it and I was applying my perspective about the timeout w/ 22 seconds left...
  19. Sark does not seem satisfied with what he is hearing.
  20. https://espnpressroom.com/us/bios/galindo_lowell/ A native of San Antonio, Texas, Galindo was graduated from Emerson College in 2003 with a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism.
  21. First and foremost - Fuck Penn State. Fuck Franklin, Diaz, Paterno, Sandusky, etc. Second, c'mon Brohm, you had that game locked up. Brohm's offense reminds me of the run-and-shoot. They have no way to move the ball AND move the clock. Before the last unsuccessful drive, Purdue had the lead and the ball 2 times. They ran 12 plays and 3:43 in clock in those 2 drives. 2 3-and outs running into the pile can run 4:00 off the clock.
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