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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by boilerhorn

  1. UNC is pooping the bed right now. Somehow Braun can scream "bitch" at the UNC team as he leaves for the timeout and it's not a technical?
  2. After starting down 7, UNC is on a 38-16 run, which includes a 26-8 run, which includes a 16-1 run.
  3. This is a great thread. I'll follow with a stream of consciousness about my experiences and the experiences of my kids. The multi-tiered approach recommended by @Bateshorn is correct. All of my older kids did that and it worked out very well. Older son did CS at UT and did not get accepted to Northwestern or Carnegie Mellon. Not sure I would have paid for the others, esp. w/ a UT CS acceptance. Youngest son is a junior and will start the college admissions process next year. He goes to Regents and the fields are for football @Lobo and should should not be mistaken for lacrosse fields even though they are used for lacrosse . Older kids went to a top public school in Austin, but Regents was a better fit for him. Small class sizes, more individual instruction, far more open roundtable debates, etc. Is it perfect? No, but it is a good fit for him. I had zero expectations that it would look better on a college app than LASA, Westlake, Westwood, etc. If you want to be an engineer or computer scientist, get through school ASAP and start earning money. Many larger companies put a premium on an advanced degree (for some reason), but many of the smaller and more nimble ones do not. Most folks learn more in their first year out of college than they would learn in 2 years working toward a masters. Opportunity cost is high today. I am in tech and participate in a considerable amount of the hiring. The name schools still carry a decent amount of weight, as the strong peer groups at those colleges usually result in strong candidates. I've hired mostly out of UT Austin. First, it's local. Second, I know that a CS or ECE grad w/ a 3.5+ will succeed. I know her courses, I know the faculty, etc. The same applies for folks from a handful of other schools. The primary advantage of a Stanford, Duke, Harvard, (and dare I say Texas A&M) etc. is the strong alumni network. @CooterBrown dismissed it a bit, but there is a distinct difference for Texas A&M - and some others. Texas A&M grads almost blindly prefer other Texas A&M grads. A Texas A&M Civil Engineer friend notes that it is because he knows they are prepared for what he needs them to do (similar to what I noted in the previous paragraph). It seems to be a bit "blinder" than what I see from Texas grads. The college application process has gotten wild in the past 10-15 years. Rather than applying to 2-3 colleges, strong students are applying to 20. Rather than taking the SAT 1 time (like I did), kids are taking it 7-8 times. The top schools are getting 20 applications per spot and most would be just fine if they were admitted. I wonder if the admissions teams could not save a lot of time by just take the "Random Walk" approach: discard the obvious mismatches and just throw darts.
  4. For what it's worth, the uninitiated answer is 2. Brock Cunningham: 11/23 (0.478) Triston Licon: 4/10 (0.400) With that number of attempts, let's call it zero. McNeil was 57/155 (0.367) By comparison, Texas's top 3-point shooters: Ramey 49/140 (0.350) Carr 47/139 (0.338) Jones 56/175 (0.320) I'm not a basketball stats expert, but those numbers do not seem materially different than what we got from any of the 3 guards above. Plus, he's not quite the defender of any of the above. We only know that Ramey will not be back. Upshot (IMO): he's a less athletic, poorer defending, better shooting version of Andrew Jones.
  5. This. Nova has run a 6-man rotation all year long; they averaged between 25 and 34 minutes per game throughout the season. And Justin Moore led them in PT. Nova played 7 players against Houston. One guy got 2 minutes, one got 25, and the others each had 30+. Moore was at 37 minutes before he got hurt with 35 seconds left. It looks like Moore ruptured his Achilles, which really sucks.
  6. Agree. Anyone who every challenged Iverson's intensity, dedication, and effort either did not pay attention or just did not like Iverson. Nice that they Texas Spring Practice thread has evolved to highlight the greatness of Allen Iverson.
  7. CSB, really. That said, does he know you have a pic of his daughter's ass as your avatar on a fairly public message board. Here's to hoping he does not recognize her.
  8. This. I started watching it based on recommendations here. I think I had a smile on my face the entire time. What a great documentary! Strongly recommend.
  9. Edey had 5 turnovers. Ivey had 6 turnovers. Edey should have seen fewer minutes. Barkley: Purdue had the worst game plan I've ever seen.
  10. I laughed out loud. Won a lot of games and almost always underperformed in the NCAA tournament. The 1988 team was a 1 seed and lost to K St in Sweet 16. The 1994 team had Glenn Robinson - #1 seed and lost to Duke in the E8.
  11. With this officiating crew, Texas wins by 10, as there are 10 fewer fouls called. The Cocks have been mauling the shit out of Trevion and Edey and getting away with it. I guess it changes the narrative of "Purdue gets to the Elite 8 after shooting 100+ foul shots in the first 3 games." Regardless, Ivey has come up small. So small, it looks like he drops out of the lottery.
  12. Yeah. This is prototypical tournament Purdue.
  13. This. There is a reason that Beard was not constantly complaining to the refs - it was the strategy. 3 players had 30 of the FT attempts for Purdue: Edey, Ivey, and Hunter. The objective was to take away Edey's size advantage w/ physicality (if you've watched Edey at all you know that was a good approach). Likewise, harass Ivey. It worked for the first half, as they held him in check. Ivey's athleticism took over in the 2nd half. This Purdue team is built for the F4 - size, athleticism, and a lottery pick. Let's just see if they can overcome their defensive deficiencies. Texas played extremely well and I am super excited about the future.
  14. Yeah. Then he offered the wise comment that they should not have fouled the guy with the 87% FT percentage. No kidding.
  15. Agree. Gonzaga is too much for Memphis and too much for most teams. They have some very skilled players, are extremely well coached, and play smart basketball.
  16. Listed as 7'0" - 195. He has very good basketball skills, but will get hammered in the NBA. He needs a good S&C program.
  17. Timme is a very good player, but he projects the attitude of the #5 or #6 off the bench "scrapper." Wild claps for fouls; arms raised after every play. Kinda douchey as one of the top players in the country.
  18. If I'm the Panthers, I definitely would not have done that trade until the Texans offered to throw in the 2022 4th rounder. Tips the scales. :)
  19. A guy I know lives in West-Central Arkansas; the biggest nearby town is Mena. He's been complaining on social media that there is a shortage of saltine crackers in Mena. Seems like an interesting/strange supply-chain issue. Fwiw. https://www.wpsdlocal6.com/news/supply-chain-shortage-leads-to-missing-items-in-grocery-stores/article_4002bfc0-8a01-11ec-9877-dfb9b1431eec.html
  20. I read it as a variation of Churchill's "Democracy is the worst form of government. Except for all the others that have been tried." Similarly, "Capitalism is the worst economic system, except for all the others." Keep calm and carry on.
  21. Underrated post. EDIT: of course I did not wait long enough for others to not rate it before I called it underrated. smh
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