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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by boilerhorn

  1. 19 EDIT - doh! Replied w/o looking for the next page of posts
  2. Obvious (maybe) DT question. They offer to sell you certificates for the tires. In my experience the certificates work out to around 15-20% of the price of a tire. Years ago, I always bought them, but have never had to use them. These days, I just pass. None of my driving is offroad. Basically, it's insurance that would require me to have 1 replacement for every 5-6 tires I buy. Seems obvious to pass, esp. for someone who only drives "normal" roads. Thoughts?
  3. My oldest was vacationing in Boston this week and went to the game last night. Said the experience was fantastic. No obstructed view Wife's maternal grandfather was in the construction industry in the Boston area after he returned from WW2. One of his roles: bagman to motivate the city inspectors. The financial incentives were initially for scheduling preference, but evolved over time undoubtedly. /csb
  4. I understand that one. I was on a panel for an insurance issue. During voir dire, the insurance company's lawyer asked something like, "Do you believe that if the plaintiff believes he is entitled to the entire award that he should get the entire award?" I asked her to repeat it. I said that there are multiple questions here. First, if the plaintiff does not believe he is entitled to the award he is requesting, why is his attorney asking for said award? Second, no one here knows enough about the case to answer that with any level of confidence. I was stricken from the pool, of course. However, the jury panel was a disaster. Two people could barely put together a sentence. IMO, settling out of court was a better path - for both sides. Risk mitigation and all. I am convinced that I would have been selected if I had just kept quiet.
  5. If you are going to spend $25k on a car - and hope for it to last - I'd still be biased toward a used member of the Toyota family. It will last more than 6 years and you will not have to deal with Hyundai. While these cars have improved vastly over the past decade, I'd rather have my kid in a used Lexus 350 (as noted earlier) than a new Elantra.
  6. And if they did, would they be enrolled at ETSU?
  7. Also consider Lexus. It's Toyota, of course, and may actually be less expensive than a Toyota. In my experience it was. For my oldest, we bought an inexpensive 15 year old Camry. It needed a bit of work, which was relatively inexpensive. The downside is that 15 year old Texas cars do have items that start to deteriorate (plastic, rubber, etc.), so there was the occasional stall, etc. that started to worry me. After someone rear-ended the car, we went a little more upscale, primarily for the added safety features and the lower likelihood of mechanical failure. But, we stayed in the Toyota space. This was around 3-5 years ago and things have definitely changed, but we found that a 6-8 year old Lexus RX350 was less expensive than a Highlander of similar vintage (around $14k-16k). We dealt with the local Lexus dealer and got a single-owner RX350; bought at the dealership and traded in; and EVERY maintenance activity and repair had been done at the dealer. Vehicles of this ilk are not that rare, actually. Plus, they are not beat to hell, in general.
  8. Quoting works. More options than Hookem. Thanks @immamac
  9. Chrome on MacOS (same as on Win10): privacy at lower right now gone HookEm is only option Cannot quote Cannot see embedded pics/videos I am not seeing slow load times.
  10. Can see text, but no links to videos/photos work. Also, same experience as @South Austin - I tried to quote his message. Shit's borked. Chrome on win10 Chrome on ios.
  11. Agree w/ everything @TexasEd said on the options. It's easy to say when it's not my money, but don't skimp on options that are "permanent" (tile, deck, water features, etc.) On our first pool, my wife designed a small rock waterfall at the shallow end. It fed a relatively short "stream" leading into the pool. A raised rock was placed as a step to enable walking on the deck from one side of the stream to another. I do not have a picture handy, but it was great looking and worth the extra money. Good point about DE vs. Cartridge on a salt chlorinator. However, the salinity/balance challenge is similar after a large party with kids. You'll typically lose around 1% of pool water when backwashing, so (assuming you add water) a 20k gallon pool would need about another 5-6 lbs to get back to the same balance. As noted, it'll be another required step in the process.
  12. Wasn't he jogging home from some tryst? If so, he knew the way home. Breadcrumbs not required. Joking aside, I often wondered if he wasn't sleep deprived from the late nights followed by early mornings. Symptoms of sleep deprivation include slowed thinking, poor decision making, poor attention span, etc.
  13. Intent to project "screw this" to the world. Even without the groping/griding, viral videos would exist. He's at his own bar in Columbus, having a good time when every other coach would have been back at the office trying to figure shit out. Few coaches do not take the team plane back after a midseason road game. Those occur because they get fired before they are allowed on the plane.
  14. I can't help but think this is Meyer's way of getting out of a bad situation. All year, his body language has projected that he is miserable. This was a major public mistake and may have been intentional. If he gave one damn about the Jax job he (1) gets on the plane Thursday night or (2) acts with a lot more discretion while staying behind. Again, I suspect intent. The Jax coaching staff is really not composed to handle losing Meyer as HC. Charlie Strong is the assistant head coach - he's not getting promoted. OC Darrell Bevell was 1-4 as interim HC at Detroit, but I think they'd need him to remain as OC for the sake of protecting Lawrence. Perhaps DC Joe Cullen. Safeties coach Chris Ash has some HC experience He'll walk away w/ about $8.5mm, go to some form of "coach retread assignment", and will be refreshed and ready to go in a few months. He did the same crap at tosu and Florida. It's his MO. He's a good coach, so someone will take a chance. In a few months, he'll be showered and blue blazered, filled with quarters, and mistaken for stranger by his own friends.
  15. Typo. They were calculated from the 25, but I typed "1". From the 1, the win %-ages are 99.9% and 100.0%, respectively.
  16. I'd avoid the popup in-floor cleaners. They break and are inferior to a robot or a Polaris. We had a salt system in our previous house. The "problem" with the salt systems is that the cells did not last very long; I have read they are better now. The salt does tend to erode limestone faster and that's well known. I have never heard of a pool builder cautioning about ruining metal and other stuff around the yard. That was never my experience and almost zero of what your pool water will contact should include metal. Perhaps he's worried about spillover or splashing ultimately challenging the integrity of the rebar used under the concrete decking, but I think we'll all be long gone before that becomes a problem. OR, he's worried about premature aging of the heating elements, should you choose to add a heater. I've only had DE filters and recommend. They do a really good job at filtration. I have never used a cartridge filter, but the cartridges require frequent cleaning and flow/pressure needs to be lower than in a DE filter. This means full turnover of your pool water may take longer. Faster full turnover will keep your pool cleaner, in general. Backwash/clean/replace DE in your DE filter is a little more involved and dealing w/ DE is not that great, but you get used to it. Just do not inhale it. Recommendations: Get as big a pool as you can tolerate consider adding an integrated spillover spa/hot-tub. You will use it. Plus, the heater option allows you to consider heating your pool a couple of degrees to give you a few more weeks of swimming early and late in the season. Consider a design that incorporates forms of water features. Shears add visual appeal and additional audible ambiance. Make sure the design includes an option to separately turn on/off shears. In other words, if your main pump is running, shears could be on a secondary pump or on a controllable valve. Don't allow them to cheap out on the above ground plumbing in the equipment area. Use Jandy valves (not cheaper ball valves). Make sure the filter, pumps, chlorinator, or anything you might have to work with is easily accessible. In fact, you should ask for a plumbing schematic early in the process so you can evaluate. Feel free to ask more questions here...
  17. This. Around this time last year, Texas had just survived a precarious OT win over TTU, and a turtled loss to TCU. I prefer where we are now. Pro Football reference website has a win probability calculator. While it largely uses NFL info for its metrics, it cannot be that far off. Up 12, 4th-1 at 1, 9:32 left ->99.7% Up 12, TCU 1-10 at 1, 9:32 left -> 98.5% Up 15, TCU 1-10 at 1, 9:32 left -> 99.7% Up 19, TCU 1-10 at 1, 9:32 left -> 100% (hard to believe) The ESPN tracker showed 98% on 4-1 and 97.1% when TCU got the ball. Subtle differences in %-ages are likely due to the fact that college football stops the clock at first downs. That all said, going for the TD is the right call.
  18. Geez. I wish you would have actually read it before you posted. Nice pic, though. The article is quite lazy and banal. I'll save everyone the effort and put the 7 bullets here: Greener - no CO2 emissions Plus no gas money You get tons of exercise Parking's rarely a problem More social (stop riding and talk to people you pass - HUH?) They are cheaper (citing the $100 mech-shit variant you buy from Target) Yes to helmets, no to insurance. I was an avid cyclist in the Austin area for years. Backed off when kids and other parts of life started taking more time. When I have returned to cycling, I find it is more dangerous than ever before. Too many cars on the road; too many people in a hurry; too man people distracted. As a result, it's really not a great means of transportation beyond a couple of miles. For exercise, you need to go really early on weekdays and fairly early on weekends. That all said, I have SEVERAL pet peeves about cycling: If you are riding on Old Spicewood Springs road between Spicewood Springs and 360, you are both a moron and an asshole. Moreso if you are doing it around rush hour. Do not roll through a stop-sign - at near full speed - if there are ANY other vehicles around. I do not care how it impacts your exercise to release and reinsert your shoes. Learn the freaking hand signals for left and right turn. Use them. Do not filter to the front of the line at an intersection. Cars just spent and exhausting amount of energy to get around you. Don't make them do it again. Riding 2+ abreast on busy a 2-lane road. Rant over. Enjoy the road.
  19. Agree w/ @Chewbacca - do what is best for you and your family, especially given you are dealing with 2 large corporations. Heck, even if you were dealing with a smaller corporation, you should do what is best for you and your family. The conversation might be a little more painful and personal, but so be it. Another thing to consider: big companies seldom consider employees' personal situations when making deleterious decisions. It's "all business" to them and should be for you.
  20. Highlighting what stood out to me: winter and City of Austin. Years ago CoA would allow you to self-report pool fills and not consider that amount for wastewater averaging. I believe they no longer do that. Regardless, you should check, as you DO NOT want to be paying monthly wastewater fees for any of that.
  21. https://www.quora.com/How-do-prescription-discount-coupon-plans-like-GoodRx-work This explains it fairly well, too.
  22. I told the guy next to me at the game, "That was a great defensive play by Tech. 15 yds vs. 6 points." Foster should have taken note.
  23. The intra-squad practices can distort things a bit. QBs wear the red jersey, so they know they are not going to get hit. The DL knows they cannot hit the QB; there's a chance that they play a little "soft." With an extra split second and the confidence he is not going to get hit, a QB can be VERY successful. I think that happened to Card. When you remove the red jersey and add an opposing front seven with zero interest in the QB's physical well-being, you really get to see who the gamers are. Also, players learn the tendencies of their own team. That can often lead to players looking fantastic in practice and struggling in games. I've seen it other sports (basketball, lacrosse, etc.). An offensive player will exploit his teammate-defender because he has learned how he will respond to specific footwork, leans, etc. I wonder if that did not play a part here, too.
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