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T’Boo Ted Marshall

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Everything posted by T’Boo Ted Marshall

  1. Truths. That article and their grandstanding is just dumb.
  2. Heck no. I make piles of her stuff and yet I’m told I never throw anything away.
  3. Stabber or cutter? Is knife a hard word?
  4. Same. Bought at .30 and sold at .50 when the lawsuit news arrived.
  5. Coinbase is saying they allow XRP trading and it shows in their charts. Not the same on Coinbase Pro.
  6. Ah Homestead. We looked in there about 4 years ago.
  7. Are you still offering up 3% of that to the buyer’s agent if represented?
  8. We will go look at the new builds being done by Beazer. I think they are part of Stoney Creek. Is there even a bar anywhere?
  9. Roddy was my guy. Dude cracked me up when he was on the mic.
  10. I don’t think the Small Batch US1 is strong at all.
  11. That’s a good look. I’ll be f 250 shopping later this summer. I might add on some shoes like those.
  12. For those selling in this type of market are you negotiating agent commissions?
  13. We have 2 kids in elementary. Our son was just placed in the RAP program in Richardson so schools are key. Also looking for something smaller and not north of where we are now and outlaws live in Ferris. What we would spend here to stay would get us a barely remodeled and smaller home, if we can find one, ~$500k My work location isn’t a factor. I’m all over and am looking to acquire other locations. Wife works in DISD.
  14. I know on TOS we had some posters that lived there. Wife and I are more than likely moving in. We are house hunting out there this weekend but will probably be looking to build. We considered this about 5 years ago but didn’t pull the trigger. How much development has happened there in the last few years in terms of restaurants, grocery stores and traffic flow? Any areas of homes or builders that should be avoided?
  15. If trapped they have to be removed within 24 hours correct?
  16. It’s like a south Dallas nightclub in hurr.
  17. I'm familiar with all the above. I ran some Test and Var when I was about 30 with great results. Measuring out 3500-4000 calories per day and ran Nolvadex for PCT after. Test levels at that time were still really high. Last time I measured BF it was done 90 days apart in a water tank. Each under 12%. That was about 2 years ago. I'd guess I'm still under 15% now. Now it would be almost purely aesthetic. At 46 with my frame and lifestyle it would be hard to get back to 206 and throwing heavy iron. I'm good at 185-190, multiple HIIT per week and a session or two of yoga.
  18. How old are you? I’d be curious to see how I would do with gear at 46 and not 30.
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