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Bill Brasky

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Everything posted by Bill Brasky

  1. plant some kiddie porn on him and call the cops. the tricky part is acquiring the kiddie porn without getting caught
  2. You to go woody's for sausage, jerky, and other sides. I've never even bothered with the other stuff there.
  3. Hi! So there were some break-ins in the neighborhood around that time and the wife was a little bit worried about what would happen if she were home alone. I showed her the basics of how to work my shotgun and that pretty much if she were just able to work the pump action that sound alone would be a pretty good theft deterrent. So that night I went to store while she was sleeping. When I came home and as I am walking into the living room she raises up from behind the kitchen counter and works the pump action and out of instinct I dive for cover behind the couch. She starts laughing at me and I am like wtf, you don't point guns at people like that. She was proud that she remembered how to do it and wanted to show off for me. I asked her how she knew it wasn't loaded and she said she pulled the trigger and nothing happened.
  4. do people who live in travis county have a map of the county by zip code memorized or some shit?
  5. I think uncle Dennis probably used to molest him which is why he has so much power over him
  6. Why can't Helen Keller drive? She's a woman
  7. Slicker than owl shit Wilder than a shit house rat Busier than nine cats taking a shit and trying to cover it up Finer than a frogs hair split five ways Hotter than a half fucked fox in a forest fire
  8. Where do I need to send my reperations check?
  9. I heard she was clubbed to death in the heart by someone trying to steal a diamond from her.
  10. Annnnnnd the pace car just wrecked
  11. Rian Johnson choked bigger than the Oilers versus the Bills
  12. They are going for the top 50 bbq joint list on Huffington Post
  13. Hike up to the M, visit the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
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