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Everything posted by DaggerHorns

  1. So you’re saying he may have ran out of time?
  2. Jeff Saturday just allowed the most points of any NFL team in 2022. He’s the best!
  3. It also depends on how strong the shrooms were by the looks of it.
  4. I dunno. Watching those videos of him talking are pretty interesting. After tonight’s Cowboy game, I think I’m going to leave my wife and try to walk-on at CU.
  5. I still think this may be the case. How do they justify a 2 loss team over a 1 loss team?
  6. That was not a small caliber rifle. If it was an AR15, you’re looking at going through multiple walls. If it was an AR10, you’re looking at going through multiple walls and cars. If I live next to him, behind him or in front of him, my life is in danger, cops included as they were probably shooting AR15s, .223.
  7. Tell me again how many titles he was a part of and then tell me again how many Heisman winners he was a part of? But yeah, you’re smarter than him at college offense. Also, how many Heisman winning running QBs he’s had?
  8. I would seek mental help. Been there many times when it was the Tavern and now the pub. If I feel like a dive and I want to see an old man blacked out in the corner mumbling nonsense to himself, I go there. This is literally the type of bar you go to if you sit, drink, and post on surlyhorns. The place is an absolute shit hole and it smells of vomit for the better part of 2 decades. Without a doubt, we should have a surly meet up there just to recognize all of the degenerates that post here in a low light environment.
  9. Is part of this calculation when they reported like 90,000 for the UMass game?
  10. You couldn’t care less about what actually happens with the real football team. Your interest is with internet message board reactions. Cool stuff Blotto!
  11. We have too for about 13 seasons and counting.
  12. Those are pretty good trucks. Perfect for shopping malls and other disappointing journeys in life.
  13. The sister of one of the victims was on the news. It was an odd interview. She talked about the house being a party house for a long time even before the victims lived there. The door lock was a combo lock. She said everyone was very liberal about giving out the combination.
  14. I know a coast guard pilot. He once sent me a pic of his ship nearly sideways, covered in ice, with his helicopter strapped to it in the Bering sea. He also had to do Sere training just like fighter pilots. Dude had some onions…
  15. I like how he calls Jimbo by the name “thin skin.” Somone needs to take that 8 & 4 logo and make it 4 & 8.
  16. My parents always used ether but they did it together.
  17. An Ohio State fan asking about rules…. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… …..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha
  18. Man………..Brutal! Lol
  19. After every tip, fumble, missed tackle, hold, etc, we finally fucking came down with one.
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