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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Fairlife salted caramel is what my wife drinks. I add protein powder (MyProtein salted caramel) to my morning oatmeal.
  2. First marathon is Jan 15th in Houston. I ran 20 miles today. Jeez I’m sore.
  3. I ran 20 miles today. Marathon training is officially over the final hurdle. First Marathon will be the Houston Marathon on Jan 15. @Prepuce of Doom this be the Surly Fatass thread of dominance for 2024?
  4. Got the scoop from my wife this morning. Apparently two years of no running water and no heater has made my SIL finally start looking for a place on her own. She has literally been supporting him for 15+ years by herself. Very proud of her. Before I left my in laws house yesterday, I gave her a hug and told her that if she needed anything to give us a call. Bitchy SIL is still at my in laws house with the yippy dog. Her boyfriend left to go visit his 90 year old mom in Dallas and she wasn’t invited. I didn’t spend any time over there today so no drama on my end today. I think we’re done with the holiday drama now as we leave tomorrow.
  5. After getting rocked in the nuts for a second time, my patience was running thin with this yippy fucking dog. My dog has less patience with it than I do. I actually got some decent gifts from my in laws this morning but did manage to snag a propane tank? OK. Came back to my folks house so the 6 year old could get his stocking and Santa thing done over here. When we got back to my in laws for dinner, SIL and her boyfriend are literally screaming at each other for some reason. Like dude, you really put up with this bullshit? Apparently his mom hates my SIL (I don’t blame her) and doesn’t want her or their dog to come to her house. We sit down for dinner (dry AF ham, tasteless potatoes and tasteless deviled eggs and half cooked biscuits) and my son starts being 6 and isn’t eating his potatoes. We’ve told him that he at least needs to give it a shot so he can have some dessert. He starts crying and sobbing quietly and just pouting like a 6 year old. Whatever, we’ve all been there, right? We all finish except him and start clearing the table. SIL starts telling everyone that we don’t care about his feelings and he’s upset because we’re acting cold and cruel towards him. My wife finally had enough and told her to “shut the fuck up”. Needless to say, she did. I’ll find out tomorrow what the resulting conversation was with my other SIL regarding the deadbeat BIL as she was pretty tipsy when I left (I stayed with my folks tonight).
  6. My MIL is attempting to liquor up my SIL in order to get information regarding the deadbeat BIL. This’ll get interesting.
  7. It was a crossword scratch off. I didn’t have the patience to spend 45 minutes scratching it to see if I won anything. I’ll stop at a gas station today and scan it.
  8. Got to my folks house around 2:30 today. My mom was silently giving me the cold shoulder pretty much all day because she was pissed I didn’t come yesterday. My wife gets a call from her mom saying that deadbeat BIL didn’t show up with my SIL at my in laws house. We head over there after we finished up at my parents house and SIL is very quiet, looking like she’d been crying all day. Come to find out that he yelled, slapped her, etc. prior to them leaving and he decided that he’d rather spend Christmas going to a movie theater. She actually left him at home and came without him. Bravo. Other SIL and boyfriend are also here and their little shit dog is yapping, all up in everybody’s shit. My border collie has just about had enough. We start at 7:30 in the morning. So far, I’ve been given 3 1000 piece puzzles (used and already opened), a few notepads, and a $20 crossword scratch off. It’s like my in laws just like to give shit away rather than throw it in the trash.
  9. Wife and I decided to travel tomorrow instead of today. Making sure everything is squared away with our house (pipes froze last night) before we take off. It's supposed to get above freezing today for a few hours. We'll leave first thing in the AM. Let the shit show commence.
  10. One of these days, I will make it to Truth. I'm a pickle person and those look delicious as well.
  11. Funny enough, when my brother and I were actually speaking (haven’t seen or spoken to him in over 12 years) we would always say that there was no family more disfunctional than ours. My mom would always say “be careful what you wish for.” My mom was right.
  12. Ho-fucking-ho and merry-fucking-Christmas to you all. Leaving town on Friday or Saturday and heading up to Tyler. This may get pushed back if the weather is shitty. My wife is actually meeting my in-laws today so that my son can have a few more days with his grandparents before we arrive. For the uninformed: I have two SILs. One is/was? a nuclear engineer whose husband didn't like her working long hours at a nuclear power plant so convinced her to stay home and essentially be a bum like him. She's now a rental property manager for a broker because they needed money and he's not going to work. He graduated from college in 2006 and has literally never had a job in his life. His resume is blank. My other SIL is a bat-shit crazy moron who likes to give my wife and I parenting advice even though she has no kids. But she was a nanny for 5 years! She's in her mid 40s and her "significant other" is a retired microsoft middle manager who is a crazy left-winged conspiracy theorist (think cloak room on steroids - but no CR). She's allergic to everything under the sun and has to have her own christmas and thanksgiving meals (who the fuck is allergic to fucking turkey and potatoes?) My FIL is probably one of the nicest guys in the entire world. He'd help anyone out who he can. He's also a packrat who loves to go buy random shit at auctions. He has over 75,000 nails. His garage is packed to the rafters with shit (which is how I ended up with weedwacker string as a christmas gift a few years back). He's an engineer by trade and loves tinkering with shit and building shit. Takes care of his neighbors, would do anything to help anyone. He just wants everyone to get along. ***HINT: there is typically a fight between my wife/my MIL and the 45 year old SIL over some stupid bullshit that makes me laugh and makes my wife just get pissed off*** Every year when we're driving home, my wife will always say to me - "We're not going to visit for next Christmas. I want to spend Christmas at our house because I don't want to ever talk to her again", referring to the high-drama SIL. Yet, here we are. The deadbeat BIL will mope around for hours on end, drinking hard liquor at breakfast and throughout the day and is in a constant state of depression. He hates being at my in-laws and they hate him. Hell, everyone hates him and they even talk shit to him to his face. He's the kind of person who I wouldn't be surprised if he went postal. His wife (my SIL - the former nuclear engineer) is great with my son and overall, a pleasant person to be around. I have no qualms with her whatsoever. My other SIL - literally no one can stand her. She marches around whining all day, nitpicking at random bullshit and is just tiring to be around. Her boyfriend just feeds this telling everyone what is wrong with society. Plan is to do the whole Christmas shindig with my folks on Christmas Eve (gifts, dinner, etc.) then spend the night at my in-laws, wake up and do their whole shindig. I'm not sure what I'm cooking for lunch over there (told my FIL to buy whatever and I'll grill it, just need a heads up). Christmas with my parents is so easy. There's only 6 of us. Christmas with my in-laws is a big fucking ordeal dealing with multiple personalities (10 people, 12 personalities), tears, yelling, and WTF christmas gifts.
  13. I put PB in my oatmeal in the mornings. Also, the Kirkland's brand 7 nut butter is legit, as is their PB.
  14. Can be a good thing or a bad thing.
  15. When you're done with the peanut butter, turn it upside down (with the lid on of course). Store it upside down.
  16. Live shot from Weigman when Petrino is hired as OC:
  17. I mean, aggy needs to know who to pull for in the playoff, right?
  18. You're correct. Krazy Karen says something along the lines of "there will be more transfers, this one is just the tip of the iceberg" and tarp comes back and says he can't say anything or identify any specific player right now because his credentials will get taken from him.
  19. Even if the parents give $10 to said outcasted family member?
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