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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Brisket was a bit bitter (too much smoke). Sausage was wild hog jalapeño cheddar and was the best thing on the menu. I’d give the brisket a B-.
  2. I only eat pizza for “cheat” meals. This is typically once every two months or so. I eat once a day otherwise. I went from 310+ to 180 lbs. I can splurge every once in a while. My typical diet is chicken/lean beef/venison and veggies.
  3. Just throw $5 mil at Boom and call it a day. Throw 2 mil at Joseph or whatever his name is at LSU for DB coach.
  4. I’ll still eat the shit out of a pizza buffet but I will no longer eat CiCi’s. Mr. Gatti’s is the destination for pizza buffets for my family if I’m going. My wife will take our 5 year old there without me if I’m out of town but I will no longer eat that nasty shit.
  5. Blackboard BBQ tomorrow in Boerne. Calling it in at 9 for pickup at noon. Deer blind by 4:30 PM. Will post pics on my way to the deer lease.
  6. Damn, if this keeps up, it’ll be the shortest amount of time passed between purchase of a boat and repossession my bank has ever seen.
  7. His parents literally pay for everything. He's a mooch. His brother is one of the hardest working guys I've ever met and truly a good guy. His sister is in her mid 40s and worked full time up until about 5 years ago and runs a business out of her house. She's a great lady as well. BIL is a worthless piece of shit and everyone in the entire family knows it. He bitched and complained to my SIL that she got fat (and to be fair, she did) and told her she needed to lose weight. Meanwhile, he's a tub of lard, drunks from sun up to sun down, and is the laziest person I have ever met. He's told my SIL that she needed to get fake tits, dye her hair and essentially be his barbie doll. See why I win this thread every year? It's like I've said: It's like the Manson family combined with Eddie's family from Christmas vacation every year.
  8. So my SIL called my wife at 11 PM last night. Her husband had to be transported to the hospital burn unit via ambulance last night. He won’t tell anyone how it happened but it involves a camp fire and gasoline. Half of his face is bandaged up and he has first and second degree burns on his face and arms. This is the one that is almost 40 and has never had an employer or job in his life. Thanksgiving can’t get here soon enough.
  9. Can't wait to get out to the lease on Sunday. Taking the 5-year old again this year. His first trip was last year when he was 4 and he had a fantastic time. My FIL's lease is out just north of Ozona. My son and I are driving about halfway to Boerne and spending the night in a hotel Saturday night, waking up and hitting up Blackboard BBQ then heading over to the lease. We should be there in time to hit up a blind Sunday evening. We got three bucks last year and split it between my FIL and my household. My freezer is empty and needs to be restocked.
  10. This. I didn’t buy into the bullshit the 9.95ers wrote this year and I’m not at all surprised where the team is at this year. Thankfully, I’ve been too busy to watch many games this year and I’m honestly thankful for that. My activities have provided me an outlet to avoid disappointment.
  11. This program needed an enema. Thankfully, Kansas provided that.
  12. I checked the score on my phone probably 3 times. Laughed each time. I just don’t care. The last 10 years have driven me nuts. I just don’t watch the games anymore. I have more important things to do.
  13. Not Dallas but if anyone is looking for boot repair or any kind of leather work in Tyler, Lucio’s Boot Repair on Front Street is the number 1 place in town.
  14. So now you want people prosecuted on their thoughts. Cool.
  15. I'm pretty sure he's vaccinated. I'm going to guess he looked at the statistics and probabilities of dying from COVID and made the risk assessment. Vaccines are super effective at preventing him from dying. Why would he care if he gets COVID if his risk of dying is next to nothing? Because it's his responsibility to make sure other people don't die? One can only do so much.
  16. Everyone saying that this needs to stay between the team is only looking at it from one dimension in my opinion. Now that these players know that the entire fanbase, hell even opposing fanbases know about this, I would think/hope it would actually carry some weight. I'm sure there have been these conversations in the past that have "stayed on the bus or airplane" and it hasn't done fuckall. We'll see.
  17. Try switching up your workout routine. I wake up before 5 most mornings (when I go in to the office) and go exercise. It gives me energy throughout the day and I sleep like a baby at night. Also, drink more water.
  18. It's good to see that at least someone on the sideline gives a fuck. Sucks that it's a coach and not the players.
  19. I had Chophouse for the first time a few weeks ago. Didn't disappoint, at all. Best steak I've had in New Orleans.
  20. Nope. My wife and I had a conversation about getting him vaxxed and we're not in a rush. He should still have antibodies. We're going to have a conversation with his doctor. This is why I'm hesitant. My then 4-year old caught it at daycare earlier this year and gave it to my wife and I. We were down for probably 3 weeks. This was after the vaccine rollout but before we had our two shots. We're both vaxxed now. My reasons for being hesitant are different. Mainly because of the low risk of serious infection in children. He'll eventually get the shot, but not immediately. Every adult he comes in to close contact with is vaccinated.
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