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Everything posted by ajax

  1. I don't know what genre this is. Math rock? Shoegaze? I like it. And some nice variety in vocals from Invent Animate, not just straight up screaming.
  2. My deadhead friend dragged me to a Dead show with Herring on guitar and Joan Osborne on vocals. Not my type of music but Herring was outstanding. I've only ever seen Trey on youtube and to my ears he's nowhere near Herring. Maybe Trey is better for that type of music which as I said is not my thing.
  3. I'm late to Sleep Token. I haven't loved everything they've done, but this I love. I hope they steer more in this direction.
  4. Interesting list but not terrible. I will say this, a lot awesome guitar players make terrible music. There's all sorts of torture I would endure before being forced to listen to Dream Theater. Even EJ's music I have to be in a certain mood for. I think Dime is one of the few shredders whose music I like.
  5. I'm thinking about going to see BMTH. But they're touring with Fall Out Boy, who I'm not all that crazy about.
  6. Nope. Straight up fixed gear. I'm hoping knees hold up. On my first ride I was granny pedaling down any negative incline. It was terrifying yet fun at the same time.
  7. My wife made a remark about me getting fat, so I decided to buy a bike. To hold my interest I decided to get a fixed gear. Took it for a spin yesterday and it was awesome. As a side effect of riding a fixie I all of a sudden want to buy a beret, grow a handlebar mustache, and only listen to obscure Albanian rap metal.
  8. Dammit Hodor. You had one job. https://twitter.com/MuhSocioFactors/status/1654528534340042766?t=9BM0qS-pNRkEXCn8YIu6BA&s=09
  9. Actually, the second victim was a graduating senior. And the first victim, the homeless guy, wasn't a random vagrant. He was well known around campus as "Compassion Guy". He had a bench in the park and would talk to students about compassion.
  10. He's got dynamite in his hands, the kind of power that only comes from making hundreds of thousands of tacos.
  11. *Allegedly* I've been kind of a nervous wreck because my daughter's a student there. Seems like the suspect failed out of school and then started killing people. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna82499
  12. Does Francis have CTE? What the hell is he thinking? https://www.mmamania.com/platform/amp/2023/5/2/23708921/one-championship-claims-to-have-offered-francis-ngannou-20-million-guaranteed
  13. Even without the rehydration clause Tank would be favored. With it, hard to pick Garcia.
  14. Umm...sorry. Dude has heart. No chin, but heart.
  15. Interesting video here. According to the John Wick producer, when they screened the first movie to studio execs they hated it. One Fox exec hated it so much that he got up and left in the middle. How can anyone hate John Wick 1? And considering some of the total crap that they put out, I wonder what criteria they were using.
  16. So much to talk about with this fight. Is that dude wearing a bra? He actually tries to tap out. In a street fight! Never seen that before. @Patricio Swayze or anyone else who has trained grappling, I'm sure you can see the obvious mistake here. That guy must not care about his ankles.
  17. The High Table runs some of the highest tech hotels I've ever seen, yet uses manual typewriters, dot matrix computer terminals, and '50s era phone switchboards. It's visually interesting but kind of funny and really nonsensical.
  18. (not quite a hood fight but seems apropos) The celebration at the end
  19. I couldn't take Donnie Yen seriously. The entire movie he's dressed like Leslie Chow.
  20. If there were an academy awards for hood fights, that video would win best cinematography and best supporting actor. In the narrator is the David Attenborough of hood fights.
  21. Green shorts dude deserves to be a meme
  22. Outstanding camera work indeed. Also, wtf was the dude in green shorts doing? He looked high af.
  23. I saw a boob. FMU = Florida Memorial University.
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