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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Matuka

  1. I don't know man, but I've had a "few" years of experience with MJ and have never heard of this... “Scromiting,” the New Panic Over Weed, Is Actually a Real Thing (msn.com) “Legalising pot seems like a common-sense policy but in fact, it’s a public health disaster that the MJ industry is doing its darnedest to cover up,” the author of the piece wrote, citing the rise of “scromiting” as a concern.
  2. Yet, he liked to go swimmin' with bald-headed women...
  3. Because some rich and powerful people who make a shit ton of money off alcohol/pharma/crime/politics don’t want weed to be legal.
  4. His schtick is getting old; same ol' shit. He needs to come up with a new, wacko theory for our entertainment.
  5. I forgot myself, but this is from a Reddit thread... "On Juneteenth he said, "there is another primate holiday to discuss..." before leading into his typical anecdote of some famous monkey. So they thought he was referring to Juneteenth as a holiday for primates and cut him off. I think he meant this is also a holiday for primates...but they didn't take it that way. EDIT: Went back and listened to my recording. He said, "today is extra special primate anniversary for KoKo and Koko not talking about Juneteenth. Do you muser know what commemorate today is?" i still think he just had an unfortunate choice/order of wording but maybe i'm naive."
  6. $3.5M in bail. Seems like prosecutors would have a pretty good reason for judge to revoke bail as a flight risk.
  7. "You know, if I'm going to do the Horns Down, I'm going to do the Horns Down," he said. "I don't think anybody's going to stop me from doing it." dude's a modern day Patrick Henry...
  8. My Pillow Dude is following the playbook of Sherriff Joe Arpaio's Maricopa County "Cold-Case Posse" investigation into Obama's "fraudulent" birth certificate. Announced their "findings" in a private meeting with no press allowed and then continued to gripe about how nobody in Congress wanted to view their "evidence" and take up their cause.
  9. And then there was the tan suit… a tan suit!
  10. Did you not read he's blastin' Skynrd?
  11. Got back Monday, no rain the five days I was there. But I think you are getting close to the rainy season IIRC. Was at the pyramides last Sunday, was worried about the sun and heat. I wore a long-sleeved white fishing t-shirt; it was breezy and I didn't suffer at all. We drank lots of water, you should too. Vaya con Dios hermano.
  12. "...as there's a drive deep into left field by Castellanos..."
  13. Why would he shut the PAC down so fast? Seems like he would be limiting the grift.
  14. Tableside tacos al pastor
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