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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. they've had some great scenes this season, but i think i prefer the "i did it for the money" from a couple episodes ago.
  2. just some clarity here - when an episode of a tv show says "written by" it doesn't mean she went home and came back two weeks later with a finished shooting script. she most likely pitched the story idea and was in the room when they built it. i have no idea about previous seasons, but i believe she is considered a "staff writer" this season, so she's one of many voices in the room, most of which are louder than hers. the scenes, the twists and turns, the mini-arcs, and especially the dialogue, were more than likely not penned personally by her. typically a show like this would assign episodes and the "written by" credits are spread around (each writer might have one per season).
  3. Now let's not get into semantics with ChatGPT right? i told it to behave like trump and it bent the truth in half over its leg. pretty intuitive, i would say.
  4. let's see what gpt can do with this: if i give you a topic can you summarize it in a paragraph using the speaking style of former president donald trump? ChatGPT Absolutely! I'll do my best to summarize a topic in the speaking style of former President Donald Trump. Please provide me with the topic you'd like me to summarize. please tell me about january 6th ChatGPT Look, let me tell you about January 6th, folks. It was a big day, a tremendous day in American history. The whole world was watching, and I mean everybody. We had a massive rally, like no one has ever seen before. People came from all over, patriots who love this country, who wanted their voices to be heard. They were upset, I mean really upset, because they believed the election was stolen. And you know what? Many of them were right. They wanted to show the weak politicians in Washington, the swamp, that they weren't going to take it anymore. They marched to the Capitol, and sure, there were some people who got carried away. But let me be clear, I didn't tell them to do anything wrong. I said be peaceful, be strong, but the fake news media, they don't want to report that. They just want to smear me and my supporters. We have to investigate the election, we have to get to the truth, because our great country deserves better. So, January 6th, it was a day of passion, of love for our country, and no one can take that away from the incredible people who were there. edit to add - lol it named itself "trumpy style summary".
  5. much like baseball and other professional sports league strikes/lockouts, everybody knows not only the expiration of the agreements, but the sticking points in the negotiations. in short, people always know (or think they know) how hard it will be to come together. my recollection of the 2007-8 strike is that both sides were confident that a deal could be reached and worked to get there, but it didn't happen. this one has always felt like it would be a longer, more serious one. it addresses both new issues and issues that have been kicked down the road. the feeling is that the way things get negotiated now will have a lasting effect and will be much harder to ever change later on, especially when it comes to streaming and the rights of shows. syndication isn't really a thing like it was 15-20 years ago so the rules need to change. it also comes at a time where we're less reliant on broadcast network programming, which means less pressure from the public to get it sorted. do you know when the next season of hacks comes out? severance? loot? (6 months ago i would've added dave and ted lasso). the point is that if they get pushed from december to march, nobody will notice the difference, because shit takes so long to come out on premium cable/streaming. there is no schedule. sucks for the writers to lose that leverage. at least it stopped fucking raining.
  6. catching up now and i think mccroskey has won me over. next fall, when i go to my polling place, and see the options are (d) biden and (r) trump, i will use that opportunity to write in "the world of politics is broken and needs to be better" and then i will leave with my head held high. both sides is no sides. take a fucking side, dimwit.
  7. there are no undecided voters in this country.
  8. i'm not gonna watch it but i have no problem with cnn holding this town hall. i want him everywhere all the time. we need to stay angry.
  9. once again, fewer gatekeepers, fewer gates. reorg and consolidation are the watchwords.
  10. can you write me a csi miami one-liner having to do with a robot? ChatGPT Sure, here's a one-liner for you: "I guess this robot thought it was smarter than us, but it didn't calculate one thing - the long arm of the law." - Horatio Caine, CSI: Miami.
  11. i had to stop in dfw on my way from atl->lax this morning and someone was on the la leg wearing a horns cap and an astros hoodie. i assume it was one of you clowns. we need good hb tonight. he's our undisputed sp3 for the rest of the season + playoffs unless we make some moves.
  12. the difference is that ai cannot write comedy. at least not intentional comedy. they could probably churn out csi/svu/er procedurals no problem. it won't matter, because by the time they need to resort to that, sag and dga will be involved, and it will be a fucking bloodbath. there's a lot of solidarity right now.
  13. sucks for the fans, but this is the type of shit that needs to happen to put pressure on the studios.
  14. except here's the problem - with king of queens, raymond, and sandler stuff, those guys are writers. raymond was based on romano's comedy, and he wouldn't be there to help guide the scripts and the show. same with kevin james, he was a big creative part of his show. sandler movies are likely only funny because he and other comedians (writers, cough), make changes and adlib when they're shooting. those scripts are basic and formulaic before they get on set. if you want robots to write that shit, you'll have to get robots to play the characters as well. when those guys produce their own shows, it's so they can be involved in the creative process. there are plenty of actors who are just actors, but those 3 examples (and many others) wouldn't fly. even the big bang's of the world deal with a mega-showrunner like chuck lorre and he's a writer too. i hope corporations try to produce a multi-cam sitcom using gpt. the fallout would be something.
  15. didn't remember that these two posts were both on this thread, 10 weeks apart.
  16. you wanna waste some time - ask it to write in the voice or style of a writer/director you like. it will come up with some shit-rate dialogue but the occasional fun insight.
  17. i was on a zoom on thursday with some folks who know way more than me and they set the over/under at halloween.
  18. there are a ton of comics/funny people in it. not sure how marsden made this short list.
  19. almost all women (and plenty of men) wear wigs in tv shows. it's much easier for continuity. consider this season has only covered a week or so, but took months to film. i have no idea if strong wears a wig, but it's certainly possible.
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