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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. I fuckin saw one in Port O'Connor this morning! Just about gave me whiplash doing a double take seeing it parked next to a clapped out RV lol
  2. Looks like it's android based? Probably a pretty nice emulator and game streaming box, but at that price point you could instead get a Steam deck and have access to the same emulators AND run x86 games natively
  3. This is why it's so popular for the surly IDW folks. It's a reason to tell everyone to shut up and stop complaining
  4. Lol it's insurances job to find a reason to deny coverage. They'll find their reason. The company is absolutely fucked though
  5. Texas tough is the good HEB trash bags
  6. They do it on the screens, batteries, cameras, ports, etc. The linked ifixit article from the iPhone 14 teardown touches on a few, but Apple does that on iPads, watches, MacBooks, etc. The carve-outs are BS IMO, but hey I guess their checks cleared first and that's the system we live in ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
  7. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/03/oregon-governor-signs-nations-first-right-to-repair-bill-that-bans-part-pairing/ Huh, Apple would not be in compliance with the new Oregon law due to their practice of using serialized parts to block repairs
  8. Well it just seemed like a calloused fucking thing to say "you don't love your mom if you're not rich enough to pay for the best facilities", so I wouldn't have guessed that you had to deal with it before. My b, dawg.
  9. More dumb money coming in to fuel longtime holder exits is how line go up
  10. Tell me you've never dealt with elder care without telling me. Shit is outrageously expensive, and even when your family does shell out for a place that's "nice" you still have to fuckin hound them constantly just do do the bare minimum On topic edit: when my family ran out of money and my dad needed a higher level of care than we were able to provide him we used an estate attorney to guide us through the process and help us get our ducks in a row. It's a scary thing because going Medicaid is a one-way street
  11. TBH when shit is offline at 3AM that tends to be the motherfucker that's online holding shit down. Lord knows I've taken on call handoffs from those poor bastards in the past
  12. Just like how the holder of the office of President of the United States, the commander in chief of the armed forces, and chief executive do not actually represent an "officer" yeah? Gimmafugginbreak
  13. She absolutely did - Ogg is a real piece of work. But then again, Texas is not exactly known for its ability to punish law enforcement officials.
  14. It's what happens when consumers get gouged on prices - it's more expensive to replace so the premiums and deductibles must go up
  15. Chrome on iOS and iPadOS is still safari. Every web browser on iPhone is Safari (webkit) under the hood.
  16. Video games are designed to be addictive and "sticky", just like how potato chips are designed to make you want to eat one more. Treat videogames like potato chips - some are a great treat but you shouldn't be living on em
  17. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2024-03-26/cuba-gooding-jr-diddy-lawsuit-lil-rod-sean-combs-sexual-assault
  18. It's almost like that specific person has a history of materially misrepresenting public figures, or something. There's a reason why the deacon loves her so much
  19. In ideal conditions. I'd love to see TSLA stand up to the SAE testing to validate their claims, but theyve found a market to get people to pay ten thousand dollars to be a guinea pig so they're prolly gonna keep charging the useful idiots
  20. Apple is getting sued because their business model is "you can't update your ear pods unless you buy an iPhone to connect to them". They are getting sued because their business model has become "punish users who have products outside our ecosystem through actively blocking integration standards". The entire argument that you're parroting hinges on the circular logic of "well they wouldn't be buying apple products 10 years later if they were locked in amirite???" Yes, antitrust action will harm apple. Their business model is built around getting locked into their ecosystem (and by connection their app store) and guaranteeing a 30% rake on anything ever installed onto an iPhone for forever. Where you lose me is when you argue that apple charging a 30% universal tax is ACKSHUALLY fuelling innovation
  21. Yeah but what if people paid five figures to beta test software around your family?
  22. Is it your contention that children do not do this sort of thing anymore? Wtf are you saying? This is some ridiculous hyperbole to say that children never go outside anymore and are depressed because they're on their phone so much
  23. I still have a major problem with a vision only driving model. There is not enough data to safely navigate around other independent agents
  24. I guess my problem with his framing is that he's also requiring you to accept that climate change, social inequality, and the breakdown of our democracy are things not all that worth getting upset about. His core thesis is "if people wouldn't look at their phones they wouldn't be upset with existential climate change". It boils down all the gripes and genuine issues into an incredibly boomerific view of "it must be those newfangled cell phones that are the problem!"
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