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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. To close out your lightning tab, you have to commit a transaction to the blockchain to ACTUALLY send your buttcoins. It's a running tab that you keep open with merchants. It's not revolutionary, it's just choosing to trust a specific entity with not draining the escrow funds you put in the lightning ledger. It really demonstrates the capabilities of a trustless system, by implementing a trusted layer on top! What GENIUS!!!! Edit: the inefficiency referred to the quadrillions of thrown away calculations required to spend a nickel that underpins the fundamental basis of all proof of work cryptos
  2. Lol so a highly inefficient patreon, very cool. But that is specifically not goods or services. You're donating to other Bitcoin maxis that are in the clubhouse already. You can't buy an actual thing from a normal person with Bitcoin or lightning. I'm glad that you've found a way to simp and evangelize at the same time. You're really channeling elmo quite effectively
  3. There's an online advertising reckoning coming, it's hit pretty much all the writing outlets and is propagating out from there. Once folks start actually interrogating the CPM they're getting or paying, things don't seem on the up and up
  4. More data needed. But what's been reported so far doesn't really add up
  5. That's moonshine. It doesn't exist and does not have any degree of genuine market adoption. I have addressed the technical faults with lightning in the past - namely that it's just a side-book with a single vendor at a time where you still have to incur a transaction fee and long confirmation time delay to close the equivalent to an escrow account. You just keep repeating your fucking lies over and over again in the most trumpian way. Repeating it doesn't make it true. It just makes gullible people believe you.
  6. I don't buy stuff from Ali Express, I more meant to make the point of the ubiquity of devices at a price point less than half of the Umbrel with the same specs 1) I'm not poor lol, ask Phil and Thad if you don't believe me 2) There is no ethical capitalism, so sure you got me on that one I guess? 3) It's possible to give a shit about wealth inequality and enshittification without being poor. I understand that this is a foreign concept to you, and that's ok.
  7. Bitcoin IS the network. It's scarcity is derived from the fact that electricity and computational cycles spent throwing away 15 quadrillion hashes per block confirmed can never be spent anywhere else. Per your russian peer GRUhorn, that digital scarcity is the most important thing about BTC. Do you really lack the inductive logic to understand how our state and taxpayers are directly subsidizing bitcoin? Or are you just choosing to not see it?
  8. Because my goddamn state is paying hundreds of millions of dollars to fucking imported mining operations from China, rather than using that money to invest in energy storage and transmission capacity upgrades. Ya know, so we don't have over a MILLION GODDAMN ACRES OF TEXAS get burned down by a poorly maintained power line. But they can pay bitcoin miners to consume less, while charging familes an ever higher rate in a captured monopoly? Get the fucking fuck out of here. We are being robbed by oligarchs.
  9. I could see a whipsaw short climb into a short steep dive along with a goosed throttle doing something like that, but even so, yeah. That's way too much M times A to be reasonable, at least I would think intuitively.
  10. No. You can't. When was the last time you actually used your bitcoin to purchase goods or services? Have you actually gone through the end user experience of buying something, sitting with your thumb up your ass for 10 minutes waiting for TX confirmations, and then fighting with their support to prove that it did confirm and that they have your money now? And fucking MEGALULZ for claiming that cryptocurrencies "can't be debased". Wow. That's shot straight past aggy on the delusion-meter
  11. TIL that receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidy is "market price"
  12. Gold has actual, REAL value. It can be used in electronics, or sold as jewelry, and easily exchanged for goods or services or currency. Bitcoin has no actual real use nor intrinsic value. Its sole """value""" is the hope to sell it for more in the future than you bought it for in the past. But there's no consumptive demand or actual place of business where you can use it as a currency. Even the countries that have been pushing it as a national currency have not been able to get people to adopt and use it. It's too complex and slow, lacks guardrails and safety measures to protect people who aren't cyberninjas, and consumes far more value in electricity every day than it generates in economic activity.
  13. Whenever google bites the dust, it's going to seriously fuck up the web engineering and online advertising space. It's basically google driving much of that ecosystem and BILLIONS in advertising spending every year. I don't think it's a bad thing for that to happen, but I also kind of think it already would have happened if we had any sort of decent data privacy laws in the US. Google's (and FB/Meta's) entire business strategy has been unravelling since the EU started enforcing GDPR, and we are seeing the subjective quality of ads and services dropping because the platform providers can't do (as effectively) what they were doing before in terms of microtargeting. And while I 100% agree that you're usually better off rolling your own version of a thing.... Bruh. Most people can't even work a damn Chromecast, much less set up and maintain an in-home server. Even with that Umbrel product (which does look really nice, gonna have to look into one of those....) it's still on the end user to actually install, configure, and administer those application on their box. Hell if it were between buying a family member one of those, or just paying for a google photos subscription for literally the rest of their life, I would go with the subscription lol. Fuck being family tech support edit: it does seem like the Umbrel is pretty overpriced for what you get though, I found similarly specced boxes on Amazon and AliExpress for like $200
  14. See, what I don't understand about bitcoin is that it has zero functional real world utility. Zero. Zilch. None. It's impossible to use in a normal consumer transaction due to the (at minimum) 10 minute latency in TX confirmations, it has extremely high transaction fees, wastes an astounding amount of energy every single day just to maintain its state, and it has ZERO consumer protection to protect and mitigate against fraud and scams. It's worse in every single measurable way than fiat currency. Cryptocurrencies are even more ethereal and faith-based than USD's, despite the common refrain of hate for fiat currencies that is espoused by every crypto enthusiast. BTC would have some sort of value if it had ANY utility aside from "hurr dee durr duh number goes up!" and hoping to sell it to someone with worse judgement than you at some point in the future. It's funny too, to see folks get all excited about the price going up so quickly - as if wash trading and artificial price inflation isn't one of the most common features of exchanged cryptocurrencies and crypto assets. It's fun and easy to cheer on the number going up, because it couldn't possibly go up for any reason besides it ACKSHUALLY being worth that much, right? ... RIGHT???
  15. Gee, wasn't there a rash of Boeing jets deciding to lawn dart on their own due to an intentionally concealed engineering change to the plane? It's gonna be interesting to see literally, physically, how the 787 accelerated so intensely with only a 25ft dive. That's a considerable amount of acceleration to pick up 100mph of ground speed in a second - even moreso if passengers were lifted out of their seats by the negative G's. I wonder if there was another singleton computer somewhere along the chain that had a reboot and caused some abberant behavior or something. Or maybe the pilot fucked up, but at this point I don't trust Boeing's ability to produce and maintain their aircraft effectively. And even less so their candor and honesty in telling the public wtf actually happened
  16. I'm sure Boeing is sending his family a lovely wreath
  17. We weren't talking about "carbon capture" - we were talking about paying locals to NOT deforest an area, and then that "preserved" forest is now a transferrable carbon credit. Carbon sequestration is theoretically a method to generate carbon credits as they will also guarantee (theoretically) a semi-permenant reduction of CO2 from the atmosphere. TBH, we're about 2 decades late for the big oil companies to be able to make a difference, but it's nice that Oxy realized that we're all fucked and our children will suffer greatly for our abuse of the planetary ecosystem
  18. Bro do you want to survive the apocalypse in your Tesla or not? Your vehicle is your CASTLE! And it should be IMPENETRABLE!
  19. Goddamn to see Heat on a huge classic silver screen with the booming theatre sound system.... That final shootout must've been incredible
  20. TFW the former secretary of transportation's sister died because she could not safely break the window glass to escape the sunken vehicle. Emergency services had a hard time even https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/report-angela-chao-may-have-died-after-accidentally-putting-her-tesla-reverse/OWWRV3YA6JHAXMHWU6HICOLCT4/ By the time some of Chao’s friends and a property ranch manager got to the pond, the SUV was submerged. Over the next several hours, her friends, then the ranch manager and his wife, and first responders tried to break the windows or find an escape hatch to get Chao out of the car, the Journal reported. “The two deputies who were in the water standing on the submerged vehicle requested tools to break the window of the vehicle to perform a possible rescue. One EMS crew member donned water rescue PPE and entered the water with a Hallagan tool. One Firefighter entered the water wearing proper water PPE relaying tools to attempt rescue, several tools were used to attempt access to the victim,” the report said. Eventually, the vehicle was towed out of the water and Chao was removed and found unresponsive, the Journal reported. Chao was declared deceased at the scene and not taken to a hospital. No autopsy was performed.
  21. LMAO you can just say "trump says he likes bitcoin". I would also accept "convicted rapist says he likes bitcoin"
  22. It really is a wild arc he's taken through pop culture. Hell, a pretty technical engineering book about rocket propellent development during the heyday of Cold war NASA titled "Ignition!" that I have on my shelf has a fucking front cover quote by elmo
  23. Hey man, Boeing had a fiduciary duty to enshittify their product! Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to push the best returns and stock buybacks to their shareholders. Sure, things may be bad now but it's only bag holders taking it in the shorts - the exec leadership team that made the decisions that got them here cashed out LOOOOONG ago
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