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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. Mistakes happen, but as pointed out.... That's one hell of an "accident" It's like the line in Chicago - "and then he ran into my knife. Ten times." At a certain point it strains credulity that this was an accident and not a planned attack. Especially when Israel has been waging a literal seige and intentionally starving the civilians and native inhabitants. For some reason, I just don't find myself giving them the benefit of the doubt
  2. They isolate themselves and stay away from politics because "it's all so gross now". They frame anything they dislike as political, and therefore rude, so they can shout down discussion of it and preempt even the smallest challenge of their norms. The middle third is too tolerant of intolerance, and I'm afraid there's just nothing that can be done about it until it directly confronts them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the type of person to vote for the leopards eating faces party won't change until a leopard eats their face. Nothing is real to these unempathetic fucks until it directly affects them
  3. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. Cocktail that with an upbringing that has groomed them to set aside cognitive dissonance in favor of """faith""" to resolve any logical inconsistencies, and you're looking at some fertile grounds for conmen and grifters. It's no wonder trump is trying to sell bibles to the true believers now - if builds a longer play of credibility for the intentionally uninformed middle third (read: people who "don't want to talk politics") to cast him as a faithful person. These people keep voting for trump because they've been trained their whole lives to believe rather than to be critical.
  4. What really boils my oats about all this is the constant insistence by the legal community writ large that we MUST let the fascists have their way with the justice system, "otherwise we are just as bad as they are" or some other backhanded defense of the Byzantine and multi-tiered legal system.
  5. No shit an Israeli military source would claim their war crime was an oopsie. That was an ugly lie when we were blowing up weddings in the middle east, and it's still an ugly lie when deployed today.
  6. Fucker couldn't get into Blinndergarden
  7. It's funny to see BagOfHammers in here arguing that WCK was harboring Hamas without a shred of evidence besides circular logic - reminds me of 2019 when he was certain that Schiff was conspiring with Zelensky to interfere in an election. But JFC that timelined map a few posts up is terrible and consistent with a preplanned attack by the IDF.
  8. Fat, racist, and dumber than aggy is no way to go through life
  9. Driver is about to get a recruiting call from his local PD
  10. Useful idiots don't know what they are. They wouldn't be either if they did.
  11. Raytheon and Lockheed definitely win
  12. Captainant


    Shot: Chaser:
  13. Mfw wanting business entities to favor long term outcomes over short term gain is """anti-Capitalist""". Boeings problems are entirely of their own making, and are an artifact of the predominant business culture run rampant and unchecked. You can be a capitalist and still believe in making a good product instead ripping off your customers for the fattest margins.
  14. The core friction is that uttering this statement would get you kicked off a board or fired from your executive role, particularly so if your company has public shareholders.
  15. That's the Raytheon Quality Promise right there
  16. Well formerly trusted sources (read: MSM) stopped being about informing the public a long time ago and became another entity that exists SOLELY to generate a profit for its shareholders.
  17. Don't forget PFAS/PFOS, which the 5th reich circuit appeals court recently ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency doesn't have the authority to regulate it's release into the environment.
  18. It makes them sad so they want to ignore it, nevermind that trump is actively grabbing our justice system by the pussy and funding it with bibles sales
  19. Brief moment of clarity? And/or the REIT chickens starting to coming home to roost on the end of a quarter?
  20. You could just about watch Dune 1 and 2 in the runtime of Lawrence of Arabia
  21. What's crazy to me about all these fucked up cybertruck deliveries is that we have "Lemon Laws" on the books that should give the owners some recourse, but the cult of personality for elmo and TSLA is too stronk
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