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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. What the everloving fuck. Cops can legally profile fucking whoever they want and deport them with no recourse. Inb4 the supreme court decides to wait to address this issue so that they can really let some blood flow at the border.
  2. My team at work just got security approval for a new set of in-house built tools that are pretty sweet. If we record a meeting, we can throw the .mp4 at a slack bot and it'll transcribe the call and then author a summary that gives stakeholders in the call, key details, decisions made, and action items for each stakeholder identified. Saves me a good 15 to 20 minutes of cleaning up my notes from a call, and my customers LOVE it! It's not replacing me, but it's making me a hell of a lot more efficient and better documented
  3. Moving my reply to the steam deck thread lol. When I'm playing handheld on the couch or whatever, I almost always have a USB-C power cord within arms reach that can put out 65W for the deck. If I'm playing on a big screen, I stream my desktop to the TV and get 1440p with HDR. That's crazy the deck does so well driving a large display though, I assumed out of hand that the APU wouldn't be up for the numbers of pixels
  4. This is neat and works for "lower end" games - HOWEVER - steamdeck is built to display at 720p, not 1080p or 4k on a TV. So while you can play Cyberpunk2077 or BG3 natively on a steamdeck pretty well, it really struggles at typical desktop resolutions with "modern" (made after 2016) games
  5. TX National Guard getting in on the backing of fascism at the border https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2024/03/01/guard-officials-probing-texas-generals-appearance-at-trump-rally/ The fuck fuck games are going to be around "well state guard members aren't subject to FEDERAL rules!!!" as states continue to assert their """states rights""" to be as hateful and cruel as possible
  6. its outragous that we've waited THREE FUCKING YEARS to start shaking the tree on this. What the absolute fuck. I mean we all could plainly see it with our fucking eyes as it was happening, but to have receipts just brings that rage back
  7. I'd go PS5 if you want the biggest variety of games and the most power on a console, and Xbox if you want game pass. But if you've got a decent PC and a good home network, you can stream your PC to a TV and have an extremely console-like experience, using either SteamLink or Moonlight/Sunshine. My wife and I have played through a few co-op games that way with controllers paired to the TV and streaming from my PC on the LAN
  8. Wow that article really has the receipts on the racism that libzoftiktok pushes and participates in. It's no wonder that Johnny Sack loves her posts so much
  9. A documentary YouTube channel put out a good timeline of Boeing's downfall and specifics to why they made the decisions they did. TLDW - McDG enshittified Boeing and replaced their engineering culture with a profits-first culture. Fast forward a couple decades and they're killing hundreds of people with undocumented changes to airframes in the name of saving type certification costs
  10. Is it your contention that if the fraud has been papered over it would be of no consequence? You seem very unwilling to answer this yes/no question.
  11. So just to be clear: it's your contention that as long as people don't know about a fraud, there's no fraud happening and it's all totally legal and totally cool?
  12. Evangelical fundamentalism is a hell of a drug. Much of what's motivating the support for Israel is that its existence is a condition for Jesus to return
  13. It wasn't a "hit" from CZ - FTX was operating a fraudulent business with a $6,800,000,000 hole in their books and stole billions of dollars of customer funds. He shined a light on it, but he's not the person who made them steal money to make a bunch of terrible longshot bets. And lulz GRUhorn, is that you?? Must be building up your post count before you post some more russian propaganda in the Ukraine War thread, eh?
  14. Ah well I guess that means we just lay back and enjoy it as trumpco grabs lady justice by the pussy? Trumps entire gambit (and of pretty much every demagogue fascist) is to do things so beyond the pale that it stuns his opposition into inaction. There's more squabbling over the right way to respond than there is actually dealing with the motherfucking goddamn fascists in our government. Our lack of imagination combined with the lack of will to punish a member of our oligarch class is how we end up with our mess. The courts have completely been mangled by republican fuckery and our highest court is making overt moves to delay any type of trial until after the election. Where he can of course do the exact same shit as last time because there have BEEN ZERO MEANINGFUL FUCKING CONSEQUENCES FOR HIM! Motherfucker is about to start getting classified briefings again, it's just stupid at this point.
  15. Yeah, the ETFs are providing enough new money for the whales to cash out. Wasn't that the plan all along?
  16. Have you seen "Behind the Curve"? The climax of the documentary is the flat earthers study and recreate a classical experiment to prove the earth is flat, using a large lake and some identical lit up poles at night where they would like up all the dots of light and bingo bango. They rediscover the earth is round, and then immediately discount their own experimental results because it conflicted with their deeply held beliefs. There's nothing that can convince these gleefully and willfully uninformed useful idiots that they're behind the curve.
  17. FAFO is extremely relevant lol. Prepare your anus could go tho, we should let NowThis rest in peace
  18. Dude spent all night rage posting and then woke up to go on a negrep spree lol. Is this dude the reincarnation of WWS or something?
  19. Being an aggressive predator also means that they will be a point of concentration for any pollutants that have been consumed by its prey. We saw it with DEET, and how the birds eating the bugs that it killed ended up having eggs with soft shells and sickly offspring. I wonder how one would go about submitting store bought catfish and tilapia to test for PFAS. It wouldn't shock me if it were off the scale
  20. Well however you slice it, it's banned from Texas universities.
  21. Except for in the judicial and legislative branches of government.
  22. Thats a nice article that better articulates much of the gripes on this thread
  23. You should use a coding specific tool like GitHub copilot or AWS codewhisperer, those LLMs are fine tuned for code and usually give better results than a generalist foundational model
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