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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Captainant

  1. There's a new podcast that's going through all the audio recorded by the FBI during the investigation. Looooooots of stuff that was not used in the trial but gives key context to the most significant domestic terrorism investigation in a decade. https://www.campsidemedia.com/shows/michiganplot It's on all the podcast platforms, and it's a really effective presentation of the evidence and interviews of the people involved
  2. "We don't need oversight! The Free Market will appropriately punish bad actors, its in their best interest to make a good product!!"
  3. How's the espresso grind and noise levrl? I've got an old delonghi grinder where it's finest setting takes a couple of minutes to grind 17g of beans and it's LOUD! My hand grinder gets a good consistent grind size and is quiet, but I wouldn't mind automating it again
  4. Maybe get him on the next season of that insane "special forces" reality TV show? They had scaramucci on lol
  5. Ayup. The justice systems failure to quickly and appropriately punish Trump is breathtaking. It's astounding that we are more than THREE YEARS past the date of his nationally televised crimes, have been getting more and more evidence of his intent to insurrect, and he STILL has not faced a single goddamn criminal trial. It's just an absolute failure of our justice system and lays bare our tiered justice system. That failure fuels the instability in our political system that makes things so goddamn untenable. Trump should not be leading the fucking republican party and guiding policy. He's still in control of our legislative process.
  6. I made the mistake of reading some twitter replies on that thread, and wow. The gomers are 100000% convinced it's an open border bill. Absolutely incredible how far out the right wing of the political spectrum is camped out
  7. Halo: Reach is the last of the "good" Halo games IMO, the story is so damn good and the books are 100% pulp
  8. The benefits have already been reaped by shareholders over the decades leading up to this - it's effectively the pre-MAX scandal period when Boeing was able to coast off the success and prior rigorous engineering reputation they had. Now that they've just about strangled and starved their golden goose to death, the public gets to fund its recovery because of their importance to the defense industry.
  9. Fuck no my dude, that does NOT """benefit everyone""". We are WASTING that energy on propping up a shitty cryptoponzi, and wasting the free money that we are giving them, rather than investing it into public infrastructure. These PUBLIC UTILITY companies should not be seeking to maximize their profit. They should be seeing to maximize their UTILITY to the PUBLIC. Fucks sake. You've got terminal libertarian brain.
  10. Well it worked out so well for anyone who jumped in the last couple of superbowls, I'm sure the market needs more dumb new money to fund more exits
  11. I'm not sure the position you're taking here. Are you saying that we're lucky the bitcoin miners came from China to buy our abundant coal power and get hand outs, because otherwise the grid wouldn't get funding? And we should be thankful for it?
  12. No shame in knocking the difficulty down, but some of those encounters are better faced with a more full party (I'd you're not up to 4 people yet in act1) with a couple of levels under their belt
  13. Just fuckin insane that a $100k+ vehicle didn't come with a clearcoat on top of its RAW STEEL body
  14. Well when you're making $25-35/hr and have huge production quotas, shit is gonna get missed. Boeing spun off spirit to keep costs low, and they are reaping the fruits of that decision. But the leadership that made that decision was bonused out long ago and there's no accountability aside from hoping for a "too big to fail" bailout
  15. Those 20mm shells were likely minnengeschoß shells https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_shell Basically an aerial belt felt grenade launcher, just one or two shells in the right place could take a wing or half the fuselage. Thanks for linking that article though, the scene in the show was remarkably close to that newspaper clipping
  16. They're driving up the prices up for the rest of us by being a hard floor for producers. And they're PAYING these specious consumers to NOT consume? That's not a free fucking market. That's an oligopoly using public money to prop up the price of crypto so that crypto pukes and north koreans and russians can launder their money. A better use of those tens of millions of dollars would be infrastructure improvements like line capacity improvements and storage investments. Not giving hand outs to imported mining operations.
  17. Why the fuck are we paying these leeches too turn off their imported Chinese crypto mining shit? Fuck em, give them the public deal that normal people get
  18. Big difference is that a bitcoin mine is not producing anything of value or "taking" a job from a person. It's just sucking up electricity to prop up what has developed into an extremely elaborate ponzi scheme
  19. I got a Breville Bambino Plus over black Friday last year to replace an old and dying Delonghi Dedica, and I've really happy with the shots I'm getting. The auto milk steam functionality is pretty solid and easy to use too, so I can tidy up and whatnot while it's doing the milk. I have a cheap $30 hand grinder that does a nice job on the beans, but it's a pain if I'm making coffee for more than one person
  20. No, but it's a sign that their governance posture is likely lacking or the org is prioritizing it higher. Most of my finops outcomes that I help my customers achieve are really addressing technical debt that's been outstanding for a LOOOONG time. Stuff like poorly tuned ASG's or "let's just oversize it, the business said it's critical" or an old lift and shift that should be moved to event-driven and serverless. By putting a data-driven number behind that opportunity cost of not fixing the tech debt, you can get leaders to give a shit. And then as progress is made, good finops practices will let you claim credit and have the data to PROVE it. My big feather in my cap last year was across the board driving down my customers unit cost of compute by almost 10% just with what amounts to config tuning and smarter replatforming.
  21. If they're >20,000 feet, they're gonna be safe from MANPADS and I'd imagine they could just do a SEAD with the Tomahawks and then send in the gravity-powered weapons
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