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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. I had to fly for work last week, Chicago to Seattle. The airports were fairly busy. Obviously nowhere close to before, but not a graveyard either.
  2. Jesus that was boring and low energy. Look at that awful family. They all deserve bad things.
  3. White House = a couple soldiers on a beach. Whatever dude.
  4. She seem's well adjusted.
  5. I'm going to smoke a 15 pound prime using the hot and fast method (300 degrees) for the first time on my WSM. I saw some videos where they separate the point from the flat prior to smoking. Is there an advantage to going that route?
  6. Joe Biden and this convention was so much better than I dared to hope. Whoever was in charge is a rock star.
  7. Yeah, that was really great. Imagine a president with empathy and compassion.
  8. Jesus dude, stop the thread shitting.
  9. The video of the poor dude with ALS is really powerful.
  10. Whether or not he concedes is irrelevant. There isn't some provision in the constitution that relies on a losing candidate to concede for the winning candidate to take over. I don't understand why people keep raising that as if it has some relevance.
  11. Yep. It's so much better than 4 hours of speeches, applause, and long breaks in between.
  12. You just negged BrickHorn for not agreeing with you. Seriously?
  13. John Kasich because he wants sanity in America. I'll take it even I disagree with him on most policies because I'm not a short sighted moron who expects purity.
  14. He's certainly wanted to at the very least.
  15. I signed up for Biden campaign emails/texts and just got a text that Kamala is the pick.
  16. I've been to Panchitos a handful of times (to-go) since the pandemic began and it's been terrible each time. A shame because it was always a solid bet.
  17. Moneyball for the 10th time. Just a perfectly made movie. And I don't really like baseball all that much.
  18. Just clicked on this thread for the first time in a while and I don't know what the hell is going on.
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