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Willfully Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Why would you be sorry that digging into data on this type of research isn’t among my skill sets? Or, were you projecting about dishonesty? Weren’t your questions mentioned by the Dutch researchers in the link I posted? Can’t you think of any other reason M->F youths have for not seeing gender conformity in their bodies? And, a control group? Don’t you claim to be a medical ethicist? Let’s be grateful F->M youth are experiencing more positive mental health. That’s a good thing. But you should share your concerns with the NEJM. I’m sure they’d appreciate the feedback.
  2. The hippies were right about Vietnam. This hippie is also right in pointing out the Covid battle has been waged at home. “We were wrong.” - Robert McNamara
  3. People acted hostile to folks who dodged the draft, too. You have been called out, and also banned, for spreading Covid misinformation. You choose not to support your claims. I will help you out by linking the latest CDC report on vaccine injuries, as well as the data on Covid deaths and long Covid. Please direct your findings to the appropriate thread. Hint: what is known does not support your statements, which read as fact. TBF, I assume there is a backlog in assessing all the reports made to VAERS. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797782 Edited to add a link for data on long Covid among children and adolescents: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-13495-5
  4. Yep. Though not solely Native Americans. My family arrived in 1716. Of course, that doesn’t mean shit, nor impart a plus behind the citizen designation. We are equally citizens with folks who earned it the hard way. Our girls are daughters of both the American and Texas Revolution, though. (MIL loves genealogy). Edited to add: John Doyle is an ignorant pos.
  5. Etymological discussions are in my wheelhouse, so, sure. But let’s discuss the word bureaucrat amongst ourselves, and cease burdening the thread. Government employees are bad, according to the political right. So, smear them whenever possible. That explains your OP, which you have already agreed was flawed.
  6. The disconnect between these two statements is why the trope is bs. Bureaucrats are not unaccountable. SCOTUS justices are unaccountable, Edited to add that bureaucrats are generally hired. “The president can appoint approximately 2,000 people to top positions within the federal bureaucracy. These people are known as political appointees.,” not bureaucrats.
  7. Your last sentence makes more sense to me than either example. Being chairwoman of the FTC does not jibe with my understanding of the term “bureaucrat,” given these examples of the term: “Tax collectors, government accountants, police officers, fire fighters, and military personnel.” I am also resistant to the contention that laws belong to the category of use them or lose them. Laws against insurrection come to mind when considering the merits of such an attitude. Eliminating the “giant pile of “prosecutorial discretion”” is an act I can support, in theory. Is that not a management issue?
  8. Another bs trope. Deep state level nonsense, even though there are undoubtedly shitty bureaucrats. Those folks are supposed to know and follow the laws. Otherwise, their job is at risk. Don’t blame the workers for mismanagement. Of course, you are welcome to support your contention, and I will see if my view needs to evolve.
  9. “Can’t stand on one leg.” -Tom the Bartender. RIP, Tom.
  10. Stating, and then supporting, fact is hardly a cheap shot. I recognize that your rebuttal of Reuter’s is not disingenuous. Your argument, like most commentary, merely fails to persuade. What is disingenuous, in addition to the political plank you keep repeating, is that you ignored the information that I spoilered. But, to be clear, the question of whether there is systemic racism in the real estate market was settled in court, and the court’s ruling is at odds with your fu.
  11. What separates the US from the violence of humanity in general is the number of firearms privately held by its citizenry. No one else is even close.
  12. Two contrary thoughts to keep in mind, with which to face our future: Racism is too deeply entrenched to be eradicated, and I will do everything I can to end racism. But, you aren’t wrong.
  13. Have caught up on this thread, and I wish the families involved, the city of Memphis, and our nation, peace. I confess to feeling frustrated with thread, but that is the nature of DT, an almost free speech space. It is an ideal of the USA that all deserve equal protection under the law. Yet, both of the following statements are true: racism has yet to diminish to a non-systemic level, and also that denying this truth has become a political plank. I will defend the first claim with a clear cut, free market fact. The second claim cannot be openly supported here, because, well, hypocrisy. So, I will spoiler that part of this post. For most citizens, their greatest power is the right to vote- and their greatest wealth is tied to their home. Black citizens have demonstrably been systematically disenfranchised from realizing the wealth homes represent. “They really are all tied together,” Nelson said. “It’s just different forms of extremely harmful discrimination that shuts Black people out of home-buying, whether that’s in access to certain neighborhoods, receiving a discriminatory appraisal in refinancing or selling, or having a foreclosure next door not being marketed or maintained -- which impacts the value of their own homes.” https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/landmark-housing-discrimination-settlement-with-fannie-mae-sets-key-precedent-2022-02-11/ The following is spoilered for those whose panties get wadded from all the sand in their vaginas:
  14. Chose that word deliberately, to reference the myth surrounding the purpose of Limbo- a way station to higher planes, if you will. But mi charas is su charas.
  15. Limbo’s most Benevolent and Excellent Brothel and Nail Salon is always looking to higher.
  16. I love this lady. And she also supports the premise, as do many in the CR, that only one side has their mouths too full, of shit to critcixe their own.
  17. Ah, yes. The personally aggrieved anti-abortion loon. A microcosm of the permanently aggrieved anti-abortion Republican nutcases. The larger group has done far greater harm to our country, from the threats posed by denying health care, to compounding the trauma of rape, and incest, to blowing out a gaping, structural fault in public perception of both SCOTUS and the rule of law. And this is due to their slack jawed inability to understand what freedom of religion actually means, and to hold that right dear.
  18. Mobile Loaves and Fishes \tampons. I used to think socks were their greatest non-food need, then my daughters learned me.
  19. One that is incapable of killing children by the dozen. And I grew up with guns. I, too, have multiple shotguns and rifles. But I recognize gun availability is what has crippled this country’s security. And I will vote for folks who will try to remove the threat. Join me. .
  20. Want to address mass casualty shootings? Or, nah?
  21. Them Jesuits are trouble, huh. Good trouble.
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