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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. And has no idea what is meant by prohibiting the establishment of a religion. And she is certainly not alone in that. We have many in this online community that are similarly nonplussed by the right’s efforts to do exactly that.
  2. An anti-Nazi sheriff? We need more of those.
  3. Enjoyed the game, along with some St Patrick’s Day libations. IPA edition Jameson is pretty good. HISTORY!
  4. DOJ Told Court to Expect a Deluge of New Jan. 6 Prosecutions https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-15/doj-told-court-to-expect-a-deluge-of-new-jan-6-prosecutions?leadSource=uverify wall
  5. More so disparity of wealth, with the wealthy wholly unconcerned for the plight of the poor, according to Ezekiel. The rich would not hear the pain of the poor, but God did, so He killed them all. Further, the story of Lot includes the specter of gang rape, which hatefully became equated with homosexuality. Edit: as usual, WTB was on point immediately.
  6. Some folks, here in Austin, miss Fall foliage. Connecticutters, et al. I miss the lightning displays of North Texas.
  7. That’s what conservative Muslims do, too. American taliban, indeed. RIP, Eden Knight. And damn whoever refused her asylum in the US.
  8. About time. The thought of Fox playing on military base’s tvs gives me heartburn: Edit: I see TxPete already posted this, but I’m leaving my post because the commercial makes me happy.
  9. Powell knew what she was doing. That she was careful not to open herself up to personal liability, from Dominion, for example, speaks to her awareness. Powell is a fascistic cunt.
  10. That makes sense for one trial, but not multiple trials.
  11. From the comments “When politics is religion, truth doesn’t matter.”
  12. Seriously damaging citizenry faith in the integrity of elections is even more serious. Fuck her bar license. She ought not set foot in another courtroom except as a defendant.
  13. Good on Ms Porter. Both for standing up for her principles and for demonstrating the difference between Democrats and the cult.
  14. Fuck Chip Roy with an entire cholla cactus. Don’t stop. Don’t you stop.
  15. Hierarchies of oppression doesn’t jibe with my understanding of the term “woke.” She ought just say, “politically correct.”
  16. Either pull up your pants, or stop digging.
  17. Both Manuel's left and right hands show exit wounds in both palms. The autopsy further reveals that Manuel was most probably in a seated position, cross-legged when killed," lawyers said in a press release. (From the article),
  18. Just saw one of those women speak: after cervical insufficiency early in her second trimester, her water broke. She had to wait until her body went septic before doctors could save her life. She now fears the delay has damaged her chances of carrying a child to term. She also mentioned another of the five plaintiffs, who lost both twins when the abortion of one of the twins could have saved the other. Despicable law supported by rock brained fools.
  19. Toll roads are the consequence of the lack of political will to spend public dollars on roads. Despite government designing, building, and maintaining roadways more cost effectively than the private sector.
  20. Shocking. The US government has sued Exxon Mobil for failing to address racial discrimination after multiple nooses were found at a worksite in Louisiana. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64842269
  21. No surprise. It’s in the playbook. “Michael Knowles—right-wing political commentator associated with the Daily Wire—said “for the good of society... transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely” at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday afternoon.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/michael-knowles-calls-for-eradication-of-transgender-people-at-conservative-political-action-conference Fuck you, Republicans. Fuck you.
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