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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Any R voters reading this, remember, you made this shit possible Schools can’t accept dictionaries. You fucking fucks. .
  2. Well, the wingnuts are showing up in San Antonio, planning to disrupt/intimidate a holiday drag show.
  3. Tuck the Rs, and Putin, and his apologists.
  4. ^Yes, sir. That gumbo, though… it was a misstep due to trying too hard. No idea how it ended up on a menu. The place was up at Mopac and Parmer, maybe 15years ago,
  5. Truth. Cajun Vietnamese gumbo ought use sassafras’s for flavor, not as a base.
  6. FT isn’t the only entity carrying the story. https://news.yahoo.com/us-scientists-achieve-holy-grail-231150102.html https://www.newsweek.com/nuclear-fusion-ions-discovered-behaving-strangely-1759380 VICE weighed in a week ago. https://www.vice.com/en/article/ake8n5/government-scientists-approaching-what-is-required-for-fusion-in-breakthrough-energy-research
  7. Sure. I want to believe. . llUS scientists boost clean power hopes with fusion energy breakthrough https://www.ft.com/content/4b6f0fab-66ef-4e33-adec-cfc345589dc7
  8. Right up to your calling “bullshit,” no. But, you lose me there. I am talking about the narrative, with which we do not read in the same way, which holds that mask wearing doesn’t work. I believe you see that message in a much different light. Because, for me, it offers a reason for folks not to wear masks,, That is the sabotage I see.
  9. I agree with your second paragraph. No question. Implementation was unquestionably ineffective. Can you explain what I am missing when, to me, that is an example of the right wing sabotaging a social construct and later denigrating the construct because it didn’t work as intended? I remember the cloth masks, the pronouncements that were later rescinded. I agree that we are not as concerned about COVID as we should be. The contempt for performative mask wearing, for virtue signaling, also escapes me. I understand derisive humor, though, but I think you reference something beyond that. Any thoughts that might help?
  10. Bragging that you can afford the cost of the ticket has replaced the humble brag in what passes for polite society.
  11. Okay. The thing is, the efficacy of masks IS settled science. And, as presented in your link, the RW chooses to believe the opposite. How is a thinking person supposed to react? What’s the takeaway?
  12. Homer reaction out of gratitude for cleaning up the quote and the offer of a right wing perspective, presumably in good faith. I will resist the temptation to pick this apart, bit by bit, and I will agree that folks committed to right wing ideology, in 2022, must feel overwhelmed by a culture that has ostensibly rejected their beliefs. I think the public discourse has been won, yes. Sorry that the right lost. Surely there are right wing ‘truths’ that can help our Republic see better days. I was not convinced your linked article highlighted any such truth, To the contrary, I want to call out this belief held by the right, because it is both relevant and damaging: masks don’t work. Masks are not only effective at slowing the spread of airborne disease, they would be more effective if they were universally adopted. The cost of this bullshit belief has not yet been fully understood, as covid’s effect on the body’s resistance to other threats is not yet understood. But, this belief is costly and anti-social. I will link support for my claim, and I would consider contrary facts. Let’s focus on masks, what do you say? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg6296 https://scienceexchange.caltech.edu/topics/covid-19-coronavirus-sars-cov-2/face-masks-covid-19-coronavirus https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449 Edited to suggest that the debate to validate the RW belief that masks don’t work ought be held in the COVID-CR THREAD. Mention me and I will engage you there.
  13. No charges have been made public, but there are rumors. The House Ethics Committee is investigating New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, it announcedWednesday, without revealing the purpose of its probe. That said, there is, of course, some speculation on the matter, with the most prominent rumor pertaining to the lawmaker's presence at the 2021 Met Gala. At the time, Ocasio-Cortez instantly ruffled feathers with her designer "Tax the Rich" dress, a (somewhat ironic) message upon which Republicans instantly seized. But two ethics complaints later followed, alleging the lawmaker broke the House's Gift Rule by accepting what may have been free tickets to the gala and/or by wearing the designer dress. Further, if Ocasio-Cortez "used campaign funds to pay for this ticket, she has also violated FEC prohibitions on campaign funds being used for entertainment purposes," Thomas Jones, founder of the conservative American Accountability Foundation, added in his complaint. Disclosure of the probe "does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred or reflect any judgement," the committee said in its announcement, noting the referral came through in June and that it plans to share he findings of its investigation sometime next year. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rumored-reason-why-aoc-facing-181442459.html
  14. Australia is seeing the same types threatening drag shows. It is heartening to see how many showed up to counter the hate.
  15. Publicity has been the source of her trauma, so she reads from a script on social media. Got it. Poor kid. Protecting her shitdad at her own mental cost.
  16. cab/ Once heard a bang, and my studio shook a bit. Went outside to see if a tree had fallen, and saw my neighbor in my yard, on his back, with his pants on fire. As was the gas can nozzle on a several gallon plastic can. He was burning a brush pile. I still wonder if I should not have put out the nozzle flame before attending to my neighbor. /csb
  17. Not only can I say his rhetoric contributed to her attempt, I did say that. To believe otherwise ignores what it is to be human. “Didn’t help” sounds more like whitewashing deadbeat fathers and less a description of a demonizing demagogue whose targets included his own kid.
  18. Have you been paying attention to what nonsense is said in the political arena these days? Stating that Cruz’s rhetoric contributed to his daughter’s suicide attempt might be the most truthful political statement made since 2015.
  19. This. No one has anything but sympathy and support for the young woman. Ted Cruz needs to be asked, every day, whether his rhetoric contributed to his daughter’s suicide attempt. Every fucking day. if I ever see him on a plane, I won’t ask, I will accuse him of exactly that. And, his words have harmed far more kids than just his daughter. He deserves constant opprobrium.
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