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Willfully Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Willfully Horn

  1. Funny you bring that up, She explains that entropy sets particles to “wiggling,” and they have a tendency to want to maximize their individual “wiggle room” as it were. This can drive them into a structure that winds up being complex, when seen as a whole. This is not only true of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels, but of much more visible phenomena such as the beautiful patterns seen as a flock of starlings gathers in the sky. These murmurations as they are called appear to involve some kind of shared consciousness or central intelligence, as if the birds were being orchestrated by some higher power. But in reality, what we witness is the emergent patterns from each individual starling simply doing it darndest not to collide with the starlings nearby. What we now know about how complex systems emerge from simpler ones may show the path to unraveling the mystery behind the most complex system we know of in our universe: our own consciousness. https://medium.com/@marktraphagen/entropy-and-complexity-the-surprising-paradox-behind-our-universe-60f11409da9b
  2. One provably true statement about the universe, as a whole, is that it has a tendency towards complexity. So, I disagree with your premise.
  3. As of the last election, voting R is indecent and unAmerican.
  4. The army times isn’t too good at chronology, it appears. ”She resigned her commission as an officer in the United States Army in October of 2021, after being in hot water for her political activity.”
  5. A state of emergency has been declared, and more than one substations were targeted. These fuckers just won the House, but they can’t wait to get the fireworks started. It will be more than ludicrous that the (now obviously ongoing) civil war cannot be discussed in DT. Maybe politics ought be included in the current events thread. Don’t want to have to read about politics? On behalf of folks whose life is now at risk because their medication needs refrigeration: fuck you. https://wlos.com/news/local/moore-county-north-carolina-mass-power-outages-sheriffs-office-act-of-violence-criminal-vandalism-duke-energy-map
  6. Keep on leaning: None of OP’s quotes loaded (for me.) Doesn’t matter. This is a CR topic.
  7. An (R) after the name is all some* people need. *Folks who buy kneepads in bulk.
  8. Lol Apparently, Cruz posted actual photos of a nude Hunter Biden.
  9. Lol Apparently, Cruz posted actual photos of a nude Hunter Biden.
  10. Anecdotal, but the poster seems on top of other developments, so, here are some of the relevant tweets. Edited to add a tweet that didn’t load. Coordinated armed attack on three substations? Spare the chair (gallows,) lose the security of a free state.
  11. Anti-semitism is on the rise, and that fact should necessitate a forceful response. Kanye, and all other public anti-semites, ought be reported for this reason.
  12. Well, the cause is reportedly vandalism. And, the implication you mention is based on right wing nut bars. These nut bars have been singled out as the number one domestic terrorist threat by the FBI. Until the proof disproves it, Occam’s Razor has a strong track record.
  13. We absolutely need to rescind the tfg tax cut. More importantly, we need the R party to die, and a new Conservative party take its place. Rs have worked diligently to ‘prove’ government does not work by undercutting it’s ability to function. Further, they say we cannot afford social safety nets, and ‘prove’ it by burying the USA in more, and more, debt whenever they hold the reins of power. There is fifty plus years of data on this. Just more facts for the ff-Rs to ignore.
  14. There’s a twit-thread on the LBGTQ+ thread that gives the background on this. If I understand it correctly, the soldier piercing Christ’s side after His death was a very powerful image for Europe’s “movers and shakers,” back in the day. The wound itself became a common focal point/motif in paintings, to the point of anatomical detail. Philosophically, the wound was likened to the birth canal to heaven for folks who were saved by Christ. The transgender reference came from a description of God as all genders and also no gender. All the above is traced back to a sermon, supposedly, that somehow went viral. (This post is to put the answer to your question down for posterity. I’ve no doubt, Mr Duck, you already know this).
  15. tfg pardoning poachers is just fine with the Republican party. Gun voters are sanctimonious, but even R hunters will keep silent, the hypocrites. Enforce gun laws? Please, laws are for the others.
  16. I saw Andy Warhol’s “Frankenstein.” Quote: “To know life, you have to tuck it in the gallbladder.”
  17. “I’m My Own Grandpa.” A Ray Stevens sing, I think.
  18. Hope Piatt is on the perjury hook.
  19. Provocative thread on Twitter. Lots of hoopla based on the claim that red letter Jesus (supposedly) always referred to Himself as “human,” and not a “man.” Perhaps some folks get mad at a description of God as all genders, and also no gender. Yeah, Jesus’ side wound likened to a vagina probably upsets the literal minded, too.
  20. Today’s installment in “Saying the quiet Part out: Loud:” Rs have completely lost the public debate, so, destroying our country is plan B.
  21. Thanks tor the info. want a better Union? Be a better employee/union member. Don’t make the decision to ignore the political arena
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