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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTGrad98

  1. Would it not have been smarter to stay at the park in Wyoming where they both would have been reported as missing. Been found missing days or weeks later and blame the guy who killed the other 2 campers. He was knocked out and left in a remote part of the park and she was gone when he woke up.
  2. All of this. I work at the job I do to provide for my family. I save the way I save so that one day I can do the "jobs" I want to do. I'm not going to go to my wife now and say honey I want to create a video game. It won't pay any money for 3 to 4 years and isn't even assured of making money. Oh and there is a good chance I'll have to take out some sort of loan. Unless you are an amazing writer, artist, athlete, most of the high paying jobs in our society are stressed filled thankless jobs which require a lot of time and energy. My wife and I don't have to worry about money but our trade off is high stress and feeling overworked. Hopefully it pays off in about 4 to 5 years.
  3. So has the press conference started yet? This thread doesn't indicate that it has.
  4. They had apparently gotten unengaged right before or during their trip. She probably ended the relationship and then he snapped.
  5. No, he came back with the car and then told his family he was going hiking and left with his backpack into the wilderness. Nothing shady going on here. The guy might have fucked his own family too. If he confided in them and then told them he was leaving and they didnt stop him or say anything to police. Apparenlty the poloce came to the boyfriends house and the parents said, "Oh he went hiking. Hes been gone since Tuesday. "
  6. Convince yourself you already have 100 billion dollars. It's not a lie if you believe it.
  7. UTGrad98

    2003 redux?

    Einstein had a quote for this exact post.
  8. Tuning in to watch this semi final. Haven't done that in years. The amount of pressure on djokovic is unreal. 21st major AND first calander grand slam since rod laver. Not even Federer had the calendar grand slam. Immense pressure.
  9. I hate to be that pervy old guy but is this the best looking finals match ever?
  10. Am I the only one wondering why they haven't shown the missed extra point again?
  11. I am going to be highly disappointed because I have allowed myself to be completely overhyped. There is nothing anyone can do. I am expecting Peter Jackson's LOTR. Feels like August of every Texas Football season the past 20 years. Jordan was long winded but in terms of the actual storyline of Rand, this is my favorite fantasy series of all time. If done right it is going to be epic. Jordan basically asked himself, "What would you do if you were tasked to be the savior of the world." That is the power Rand has. Cant wait.
  12. My brother got the oculus 2 and I went over there to try it out. Both of us are mostly into rpgs but for this we are seeing flight Sims like star wars could be really cool if they put money into it. We are following some virtual mmos that look a lot like everquest. That said this space is still in its pre infancy but man it's going to be main stream once people see how bad ass it can be. That's just for us gaming nerds. I won't even comment on the possibilities for porn. Critiques are the batteries die after about 2 hours on a wireless headset and the ports mostly suck like star wars etc because so few people have this and companies won't put in proper resources to make bad ass games due to risk. Here is what is coming with the omni one.
  13. Simone Biles is not the GOAT. You don't get to be the GOAT when you let your teammates and country down. If I had a daughter who watched this I would use it as a talking point about mental toughness and perseverance in the face of adversity. As I got older I never seriously considered it when people said this generation is soft or wont be prepared for the real world because I never saw things like this happen. There is an entire generation now seeing first hand that it is OK to quit when things get tough. And it isn't just this example. Others have happened recently too and this attitude is spreading. Everyone feels at one time or another that the weight of the world is on their shoulders especially in sports growing up. You use that experience to become a stronger person. Playing sports has helped me immensely throughout life because there is always adversity and it isn't always going to be easy. Most importantly I was taught you never leave your wingman, you never let your teammates down. Ever. And now not only is it OK to do that, it is celebrated.
  14. So with the new NIL could we pay a player to give us his opinion on this in a pod cast?
  15. Agreed. The Pac needs to be careful. They need to add tech and okst, not for tv revenue but for continued viability as a league. All these leagues need to get to 16 asap. If they dont they leave themselves open to purging. Hell the sec may snatch up their flagship programs if they are not careful.
  16. The name they chose reeks of this day and age. It is horrible. Cleveland Wild Things would have been my choice. For the truly dark and dry humored, Cleveland Reparations
  17. You would think Republicans would be smart enough to at least tell the truth about vaccines to the closely contested states.
  18. For those wondering, I think he is referring to pubmed.
  19. I think max criminal history should be 3 violations.
  20. Why dont you ask them to move in with you? Dont you love them enough?
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