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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by RomaVicta

  1. Today's reading on the interwebs;
  2. Kind of like we're on the ledge with the scotch watching somebody else's world fall apart. Cheers!
  3. There's merit to this. Nietzsche wrote that mistakes always occur in a pair. First you do too much then you do to little. Traylor's a pretty good gamble. Has East Texas connections and will allow the spotlight to move from A&M to somewhere else. I'm thinking getting the story of their obscenely stupid deal with Jimbo out of the news is one of the prime motivating factors. Still, it's an astonishingly huge amount of money to have risked and lost. Even for A&M, it's stupid at an astounding level.
  4. He's evidently been banged up. Still, if he's on the field, utilize him.
  5. And, again, we did not get a laugher. And, again, we gave up late-in-half touchdowns presumably because the stifling defense we had been using must be abandoned for a defense designed to prevent quick scores that inevitably leads to quick scores. I guess we feel like it's enough to limit scoring drives to 3 or 4 plays. All gas. No brakes. Nope. Half gas. Slam on the brakes. It's not the players. Sark has created a culture that overcomes poor strategic decisions. It would take so very little to clean up the repeated strategic errors plus the notable tactical blunder of joining the cult of "being aggressive." Kick the fucking field goal. Punt at midfield when you have a dominating defense. Don't run the same failed blind charges at the middle of the line on fourth and short even if they used to work. Adapt, Coach Sarkisian. Do so and join the ranks of elite coaches. You're so close.
  6. Two observations: I was relieved that we got the false start on 4th and 1 which forced us to kick the fucking FG. I was so delighted that we did not give up our traditional touchdown at the end of the half. Great effort tonight, 'Horns. We look like the real deal through two quarters. Let's beat the shit out of these guys in the second half. Please, for once, let's have a laugher in the fourth quarter.
  7. I zoomed in. I don't usually comment on such things, either. In this case, it looks like somebody used photoshop to switch her breasts with the skeletal woman's on the left. Trump seems to need the women to keep him oriented as to place and time. Sad.
  8. What could be more appropriate than the implosion of their football program on that very same date?
  9. Nothing says sincerity like having your publicist spin a public embarrassment using phony-sounding language.
  10. No offense, but that's some Aggie sounding bullshit right there. So puffed up and postured.* We'll just be us and not worry about proving shit to anybody. *Sincere apologies for the non-sentence. Feature not a bug.
  11. As a sports competitor? Why not? They're not sitting on an equal level in any other way unless they earn it. The celebration of the end of amateur athletics as even a pretense should have told you out front. I agree with those saying Texas has no more interest in this unlikely scenario of UM joining the SEC than anybody else. Do we really want Harbaugh doing sleep-overs with teenage boys all over the South and Southwest? Do we want them to have easier recruiting in Texas? I couldn't care less what conference Michigan plays in. They don't strike me as an A&M wanting to run away from any perceived big brother. It's just a hysterical bluff.
  12. I wasn't aware at how closely we're expected to study every post on a thread for nuance. I shall try to live up to that standard, my friend. For the record, at least I didn't neg the guy.
  13. I don't get the need to declare zero chance about any of this stuff. It's all guesses. There's a chance Murphy is just going through normal early start growing pains. He may improve to excellence for all we know. McCoy didn't set CFB football on fire his first season starting. There's a chance that Arch doesn't turn out to be a great CFB QB. There's a chance Ewers doesn't become consistent game to game. The only likelihood in those three to me is the one about Murphy's growing pains. None of it is crazy.
  14. 4. The spot right before greatness and success. The College Station Dictionary of Homer Language according to this idiot.
  15. It will be written of these pages: There were a few valiant efforts to return the thread to recruiting. Efforts with real news and something to discuss. Still, the flood of dick-headed football board fuckwad fuckery was impossible to stem. One fungus showed up to complain about a player, and the rest stormed the thread like flesh-eating jock rash. O, for the satisfying sting from the nozzles of Lamisil spray.
  16. My guess is that the Aggie aim is to establish themselves as equal in stature to UT, a co-flagship as it were. Two great giants of the college football world clashing every year! Two storied programs, equals among midgets! Either way, I don't care. I recognize the rivalry, of course, but they can try to puff themselves up however they want. They're not fooling anybody. They're afraid of somebody.
  17. There was a twitter thread or something talking about all the shit Jimbo had in his hands. One guy asked if Jimbo was doing his taxes. Still makes me laugh.
  18. In thinking about a career in Hollywood, I decided that I'd rather be a successful screenwriter (a couple of decades ago when the pay was great) than actor. I'd choose more than comfortable life with plenty of extra money to set aside rather than 5 times the money and dealing with fame. Add the responsibilities of a HC to constantly be dealing with boosters, the press, and whatever emotions the fans are experiencing wouldn't be my cup of tea. I don't know a thing about this well-paid DC, but I could see it being difficult to pry him from where he is if he's like me.
  19. If some vicious fuck runs for governor of Fla and out MAGAs DeSantis to win. I guess, typically, we'd be replacing this POS with a worse POS. Lovin' today's political scene!
  20. I wonder if this national campaign flop will hurt him in Florida. This is a whole new spotlight showing him as just how unlikeable a person he is. He's always been hate-able for his actions, but that really doesn't count as much as emotional response these days. Do I need to name the example?
  21. From the corporations, not a word about the future. They make their case in the now. Their paid "scientists" are no longer enough to generate general doubt about what the future holds, so the fat shameless oligarchs won't talk about it. It's bad for business. Energy security? Maybe reduce reliance on petroleum. Maybe build nuclear plants and take the smart bet that if some of them meltdown, that's better than burning carbons. Reliabililty? What the fuck is that? Addiction enabled by the selfish is more like it. Consumer cost? That's where the knife goes in. Joe American wants a ride as free as he can get it. Priority One. The future they sponsor with their greed: Absolutely great movie.
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