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Da Fino

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Da Fino

  1. Worst president in history? Bold. Stupid, but bold.
  2. Houston Kirby store is all a&m and UH. Longhorn stuff is an afterthought.
  3. As if they didn't aggy it up enough with "Shane, Blayne and Kyle"
  4. https://www.google.com.br/maps/@-23.5170989,-46.6726481,3a,15y,342.2h,77.81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3zXQ0aOuBgq7tWkJX8olGQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu https://www.google.com/maps/@12.9455471,100.8845704,2a,34.3y,85.68h,84.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE5mXeKI20wZ2kOAlbRqg-Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
  5. People are dying to get in.
  6. Did these ever get mentioned on here? I don’t remember seeing them previously.
  7. Like what? We can talk in codes if you want.
  8. I think it's that guy from Ohio that doxed his own kid during a rant.
  9. Got this for my 5yo for Christmas. She's going to love it. My older brothers had either these or grasshoppers when I was too young to play with them. I had an RC10t when I was in middle school. I'll build that for her next.
  10. I’ve talked to two guys recently that have had accuracy issues with newer Bergara’s.
  11. Cool move for him. Best of luck. Maalikmas was a fun time.
  12. You should go get everyone a puppy. That oughta fix it. Or a Lexus, it is a December to remember after all.
  13. Cool article. We went to Katami again tonight but took our 5yo this time. She had the aforementioned rice dish, fried pork meatball, and avocado nigiri. Loved it all. We had shima aji, madai, shishito peppers, cod and a roll. The roll we got was the only miss so far. That food writer Alison Cook was eating at the bar. edit to include. We had dessert this time. Apple bread pudding. Star of the night.
  14. Checking back in. We have been to Katami a few more times. Incredible food every time. We had some rice thing last night at the end of dinner (was still hungry as I hadn’t eaten all day) that I could eat for any meal of the day.
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