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Everything posted by TriStone

  1. Letdown ending or no, I still say Lost is up there with the best shows ever produced by the old school broadcast TV networks. At its worst it was merely entertaining, at its best it could hold its own with any show listed here.
  2. He refused to sign the legislation allowing any more than zero Jan Michael Vincents in this precinct.
  3. I was replying directly to drifter's comment, "These kids put their bodies and in some cases their lives on the line for those things and your entertainment." As if it's some bloodsport they're forced into playing. To your point, the vast majority of these kids sign on to the deal knowing full well they have ZERO shot at the NFL, but they play anyway. They're playing it because they love to play.
  4. The "but free stuff" argument has a lot more merit than the "zomg they're being exploited!" argument. I don't have a problem with them getting a taste of the profits being made off of their likeness, but give me a fucking break with the "they put their bodies and lives on the line for your entertainment" horseshit. They're putting their bodies on the line because they LOVE playing this game. They're free at any time to quit playing and head down to the bursar's office with their checkbook.
  5. It's almost as if someone said they shouldn't be able to do so.
  6. It blows my mind that they tore that place down. I don't know if it was the house sound guy or the shape of the room affecting acoustics or what, but every band I saw there sounded amazing. Even Korn sounded fantastic in that room, so you can imagine what Tool was like in there.
  7. Hehe! I like your style. Same tour. The Bronco Bowl in Dallas on a full hit. I was out of body for a little while.
  8. Movie called IO on Netflix. It's terrible.
  9. Wish I had read this thread yesterday. I was drawn in by my love for dystopian themes and lost 90 minutes I'll never get back.
  10. Dude, I'm agreeing with you. Name one time when the canaries actually helped. Hell, it was apparent when carbon monoxide levels were high given the other miners would begin keeling over.
  11. Seriously. It's like those dipshits who would take canaries with them into coal mines back in the day. So they detect dangerous gasses. And ... ? So pointless.
  12. Your medal's in the mail. The NCAA has made it clear that it has no interest in enforcing the rules anymore. I'd prefer to play by the same rules as everyone else.
  13. Throw shade all you want, but I'll bet no Surly poll ever got 100% member response.
  14. TriStone


    One of those chicken/egg deals it seems.
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