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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. Riley is a good offensive mind, and I think it took a couple of years for coaches to figure out how best to play against him. But what he had was some transcendent college quarterbacks/athletes in Kyler Murray, Jalen Hurts and Caleb Williams. Two Heisman winners and a Heisman runner up. Who's athleticism and creative play making ability outside the normal scripted offense was key to their and Oklahoma's offensive success under Riley. I imagine Riley is looking for an NFL or new job right now for when Caleb leaves.
  2. So they raped the language, but you are going to cover it up for them?
  3. Sorry, but aggy defense is too “good” for this comparison.
  4. I think for aggy calling it the “four/fifths compromise” would be contextually the correct choice, and make them appear progressive…by their standards.
  5. It looks like there are 7 in this family.
  6. I rag on aggy as much as anyone, but VA Tech's corps of cadets is similar to aggy in that you do not have be in ROTC or go into the military afterward. You can just be in the corps because you want to participate, but not be committed to going into the military.
  7. Marines have Amphibous Ready Groups (ARG) which have ships and marines to force project. This is separate from carrier battle groups. Carriers do have some marine aviation detachments which function as normal air groups, and could possibly be sent to operate from land based locations in support of the ARG's activities. But Navy (or Air Force) aviators could also fly missions supporting Marines. But my point is that the marines on a carrier are not being used to project power as part of marine deployments or amphibious landings etc. They are not taking those marines and putting them on the ground as force projection. They are in support of the ship and ship activities.
  8. Marines on the carrier are only for ship security and security of the nuclear plant/ship. Marines have their own amphibious ships when they want to deploy or transport larger marine contingents and their supplies/weapons.
  9. You're right. Hamas building their weapon systems and weapons storage systems in and under elementary schools and hospitals is horrifying and shows just how shitty of human beings they are. Glad we are in agreement.
  10. Yeah, but he didn't even mention Bullwinkle. He must really scare aggy.
  11. And be clear that Iran and other “supportive” Muslim nations will send weapons, but won’t work to improve the lives and grow the economy of Palestinians. But neither does Hamas. They all want to have Israel as a boogeyman, but actually doing things like fixing infrastructure, creating business and opportunities is something Hamas can’t do and other Muslim countries won’t. They will help them kill and be terrorists, but they won’t work to improve their lives. It is why the two State solution is one they are not interested in.
  12. Well at least he has a date to kiss when they score!
  13. I'm sure you walk funny and whistle when the wind blows, but if mamma straps the 11 incher on I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
  14. I rent children just to skip over you group 1 pricks! Pro Tip!
  15. Tell me you are single without telling me you are single.
  16. The wedding was in Nebraska, so he was the only one who brought a gun. Rookie mistakes.
  17. …under state guarded supervision.
  18. It also means that Russia is building new infrastructure for the Ukrainians when they take over.
  19. They just write it off! That’s how all the big companies do it.
  20. She was actually hired as Popeye's customer management VP.
  21. If I didn't have a family depending on me I'd probably be driving a forklift at a brewery. I don't want to be old, but I can't wait to be done with this bullshit. Amazes me that some people actually enjoy it. “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation"
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