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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. It's all done with ball bearings nowadays.
  2. Aggy has said they are going to build a big trench along the Texas Beach coast to catch the water, so all will be okay when the higher tides come in.
  3. Your assumptions are that the laws of physics as we know them with Light Speed as a limiting factor can not be altered. This may or may not hold true, but if we assume it as a fact your premise still is missing something. Why did they have to receive our signal? We already are doing analysis of other stars and galaxies and identifying the "Goldilocks zone" for potential planets that we think would exist and would fall within what we define as the habitable zone. What if other races did the same who were farther away than those who could have received a radio signal? In this case they may have sent probes, ships or astronauts from farther away which we have been interacting with.
  4. My inlaws have a full basement under the house. My FIL has a work room with great tools and a desk set up, desktop computer etc (It is where he always hid from crazy wife/MIL). He has a Lathe in the basement to give an idea of the type of tools. However, most of the basement is row after row of industrial metal shelving that stacks 4 high all the way to the 10 foot ceiling. It is packed with boxes of records and other stuff. My MIL has also filled another bedroom or two with boxes etc. She told my wife that she hid money in different books and files. What is it? Well my MIL's uncle Sol had an accounting business in the early 1900's so it is all his records, and ...... By "hiding money" she means she put a $5 bill or $10 bill in something every so often. My guess is at least $200 scattered about. All of which any one of you can pull from the industrial dumpster we are going to drop everything into when she is gone.
  5. My wife would love to make some scrambled eggs in that using a metal fork. Ask me how I know?
  6. I know Lukashenko, let’s have a spelling contest!
  7. My Dad retired early 2000 while living in DC suburbs. They were not from there and wanted to move, but they had a large house with a basement that was under the entire house footprint. Over 20 years they had just put stuff down there and it was fairly full and the idea of having to deal with that was daunting and stopping them from moving. Main living areas had nice stuff but was not cluttered. My wife (and my Dad and I) loaded 10 SUV’s full of stuff to take to the dump, and gave away other stuff. This made my Dad feel like he could move, which they then did and moved back to Texas.
  8. "At some point, you’d have to wonder if he’s just a bad parent."
  9. And they would have been 3-8-1 without those one possession wins.
  10. I wonder how old his daughter was, or his daughter's friends were, when he made that search? Pretty specific in looking for a specific age.
  11. This is Putin’s defense against a Dr. Who invasion.
  12. We MUST not allow, a guacamole gap!
  13. And you have already said she will never visit the site. Perfect crime!
  14. "Americans will always do the right thing...only after they have tried everything else." - Winston Churchill But we get there.
  15. I got a buddy in the industry says he use to do something like that. Just put the bodies in town lake if he got backed up. He says he stopped that recently.
  16. But they are sold with only the right shoe.
  17. Unfortunately true. We can hope it is needed, but there will be both destroyed prior systems and additionally earlier systems that have used up their barrel life based on heavy use. If they are sending these and sending replacement barrels for the ones sent prior then it would be a good sign. Not sure that is the case.
  18. ABSR


    I don’t think servers or tip based employees want to do away with tipping for a fixed wage. I was a server in high school and loved walking out with instant cash in my pocket. I also was taxed a flat 12% by the government on my sales (may have changed), and as I earned more in tips than 12% it was also a benefit. Technically you are suppose to track and report actual amount if different….but we didn’t as high school kids. Now that most purchases are credit cards and not cash that may be different as it is tracked more easily. One thing that does suck however is the $2.13 hourly rate. I waited tables in the late 80’s (I’m old), and I was paid $2.01 per hour. So while there has been several increases to base minimum wage, almost none to servers hourly wage. It should have grown at least equally to growth in standard minimum wages. Having said this, I agree on having a request for tip being everywhere? If a counter employee is making minimum wage or higher, you are being paid to do the job that you are now asking for a tip on. If you want to give back the difference between your wage and $2.13/hour and then work for tips, great! But they won’t and don’t. Tip well for employees who are tip/service based employees…especially if they do a good job. Non-Tip based (per minimum wage guide lines) are being paid to do a good job. They should not require additional compensation.
  19. The bolded part has been said by many people, but I believe it is wrong. Well, it is true, but their targeting of civilians and infrastructure is from the Russian play book. They have been doing it all over and most recently if you look at Syria they especially did it there. The intention is first that they don't care about bad publicity or people, they just want to win and get capitulation. So while they target fighters, they also intentionally target Hospitals, schools, civilian living places etc. They do this because while it makes people hate the Russians, what they are working to achieve is a point where people say "I'd rather know my kids are safe and we can get medical care and live with these totalitarian assholes in charge, than worry every day about my kids, parents, medical care etc." If they are attacking your country you may support a fight, but if they attacking your ability to help your kids, family and provide them with basic necessities to live and survive then you may stop resisting, and just admit that while the Russians dominating you is a bad option, but it is better than constant fear and death for kids, families etc.
  20. ABSR

    Shit My Kid Says

    It's not misdeeds, he just has no idea he is doing this. One of my sons is the same way and he has fairly severe ADHD. It's not that he is doing things that are "mischievous" and trying to get away with them, my son could try to do something and will still leave a trail of evidence because his brain just does not let him track those things...without meds. My son gets it from his Mom. Cabinet doors opened and never shut. Takes plastic wrap off the top of a jar and drop it on counter or floor. Get something out and just leave it wherever it was last used. Eggs on counter after being used and never put away, cooking utensils just left on counter after being used. Frustrating as heck, but it is not intentional. They are just wired so they don't notice. I recommend seeing a psychiatrist and try and get him evaluated for ADHD.
  21. And yet it still tastes better than McDonalds.
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