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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. They made a commercial that only 100% Red Ass aggy’s would love and understand. Everyone else in the world sees it and says “What a bunch of psycho weirdo’s!” From the inside you can’t explain it (but you can make a commercial showing all the weirdness), and from the outside you can’t understand it (but you do know they are weird).
  2. That’s just a shot in the dark. He should come out ahead.
  3. It was about some dream she had, right? She was just carrying that imaginary event into the real world to blame you about. That's where I am putting my $'s.
  4. If this was in Louisiana, I seriously think the gator was in greater danger of being eaten by Grandpa than Grandpa of being eaten by the gator.
  5. And that’s how centaurs are made.
  6. When I was younger we had a cat that had kittens. My parents put an ad in the paper saying “Free Kittens” to get rid of them when they were old enough. No one took any or came to even look. Next week they put ad saying “kittens $15”, and they were gone within a day. Free apples are obviously inferior to expensive store apples. Duh!
  7. Not sure about you all, but it was definitely part of my History learnin' growing up (in Texas). In WW1 with our first troops sent over during the war, the below event is fairly historically reported: "On July 2, 1917, United States troops made a symbolic march through Paris ending at the grave of the Marquis de Lafayette, who had convinced the French to aid in the American Revolution. Standing in front of the tomb, Colonel Charles Stanton famously declared, “Lafayette, we are here!” This phrase was largely attributed to General Pershing, though he did not say it. "
  8. I wonder if they did this to “beat” India to a moon landing who launched their mission July 14th versus August 11th for the more direct Russian trajectory. “Luna 25’s trajectory allowed it to surpass India’s Chandrayaan-3 lunar lander, which launched in mid-July, on the way to the lunar surface.”
  9. Tell me you have not spent much time driving in places outside of Texas without saying you have not spent much time driving in places outside of Texas.
  10. I had to give Red two cigarettes to get on the job.
  11. And when looking at demographics this age group is vastly smaller than would be expected…..and there are still no jobs for them.
  12. There are lists out there that show who pays what and who gets what. However, all Robinhood does is make sure that each district has the same per student budget for M&O. So when AISD pays, it is lowering AISD's M&O dollar per student to hit the state appointed amount, and it is adding dollars to whomever receives money to make their amount the same as AISD and the other districts. So Robin hood is a socialistic program to make sure everyone is equally as good or crappy dollar wise. There is other tax dollars for paying off bonds and other interest expenses, and that is where schools can go around (somewhat) the state mandated per student rate by taking out bonds for capital expenses and those tax dollars/rates are outside of Robin hood. My school district does bonds for construction/facilities and also has fund raisers to pay for additional teachers, or teacher bonuses as well as raising funds for other projects outside of the standard tax dollars. Fairly affluent district so this can work/help, but we pay out Robinhood funds every year. Two things really suck about Robinhood is that it is set up so while it raises some poorer districts, it also keeps down spending from others. So they want everyone to be equally mediocre/shitty. Second, is that there is no requirement that all the Robinhood funds go to schools. It is sent to the State coffers and if they collect more in Robinhood than is needed to be distributed....they spend it elsewhere. And try not to let us realize this is what they are doing.
  13. Here is something that I thought was weird and did not know. My Mom died in 2019. Dad just passed recently. Dad bought cemetery plot for Mom and he when she died. Paid for his arrangements/funeral as well. Convenient for us when his time came as payment and decisions were made. However, what I had never heard of is that they had a stacked plot. So they ended up being buried on top of each other. When they buried my dad's coffin they would dig up the site where my mother was and put his coffin on top of hers, then cover them both up. I get maybe in large metro areas or mausoleum's etc where space is limited, but this was in Austin. Never heard or thought of that until they told me the arrangements.
  14. The real tragedy is that this could have all been avoided with better communications. Both sides heard the other saying they were going to rape all the locals and then a the fight ensued. However, if they had just communicated better it would have been clear that the Khadyrovites were talking about raping the men, boys and live stock, and the Russian were talking about raping the women, young girls and elderly women. Shame.
  15. Not real. Lots of articles out there disproving it. https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/10/23827216/superconductor-lk-99-research-findings “With a great deal of sadness, we now believe that the game is over. LK99 is NOT a superconductor, not even at room temperatures (or at very low temperatures). It is a very highly resistive poor quality material. Period. No point in fighting with the truth,” the University of Maryland’s Condensed Matter Theory Center (CMTC) posted on August 7th.
  16. No, he is correct. It doesn't matter if they do or don't adjust their thoughts or actions (although almost impossible to not do so subconsciously). It is the idea that they could do something that absolutely undermines the game. They might or might not do something, but the idea that they could for reasons tied to betting, absolutely undermines the game. People will always say "I did not act any differently!" But lets say a coach bets on his own team to cover an 8 point spread (needs a 9+ point victory). 4th quarter and fourth down with the team driving to the other teams 15. 4th and 2 and winning by 5. Coach goes for it and later explains he wanted to ensure the win. Doesn't matter what happens, but this and every other decision he made in the game can be questioned.
  17. Children of different races. Unless of course this was a Crayola Crayon picture and they had Green, purple, orange etc. colored kids.
  18. It's not A. In Basic they don't get time off base and all they get for women is a Dear John Letter. After they get to their first duty station is when they find the love of their life at the strip club.
  19. But here's the kicker. What pays for all of those Olympic and other sports? Well, that is the Pac-12 driven by Football revenues. So Stanford and Cal can try to self fund through donations or University funds all of the other sports...but even Stanford will struggle with this and Cal will just not care. So losing a real P-5 conference affiliation for football, along with the financial support it provides, will severely affect every sport in the athletic department.
  20. So now Big 10 has an entirely new meaning.
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