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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. You have to expect this if you go to a Ray Lewis party.
  2. I only buy free range puppies. Narrator: “He doesn’t.”
  3. If this ruins the holiday family thread I am going to be pissed!
  4. It is a gallant African warrior hero who is leading away the dangerous Lion from the scared dog and portly European who face imminent death if it was not for the Brave warrior. But yeah, does look a little odd/sketchy?
  5. So how does the fire department go in, put out the fire, but not bring out the incapacitated man? Were they just stepping over him thinking the police can take care of it after they put the fire out?
  6. City council is spending $500M to buy these so they can use them to build bike lanes.
  7. Seems like they are trying to cover up the nakedness.
  8. That was probably the plan until they saw the OU/Kansas game. Then they became worried about Tech winning.
  9. If he hasn’t fed his dogs for more than a week, I think he is the asshole.
  10. Coach O got the job that way, as interim coach. They are trying not to make the same mistake.
  11. Sounds amazingly coincidental that the "brief search" was so successful so quickly. Almost like they knew what they were looking for and where. These people suck. I hope their lives go down the toilet along with their son.
  12. only aggy would call that a "W".
  13. Your Russian would have been much better.
  14. So it is only due to Sark doing such a great coaching job that Texas has been in position for two epic and embarrassing collapses?
  15. Aggie is not worried, they have a gentlemen’s agreement.
  16. Why did the Corps kids not draw swords and defend the sacred field/grass?
  17. Anyone else think the biggest tragedy is that he broke the valet code?
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