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Everything posted by ABSR

  1. Ground Hog Day, MLK and Easter really don't bring the family drama, which makes late winter/spring a barren time for this thread. Give your wife a hug from all of us and tell her THANK YOU!
  2. Can I get one, but add a question mark after the statement and then on the back put “63 - 3”. So “Robbed?” Or “Florida State vs. the World?” On the front and the score on the back.
  3. But he’s never lost and then found the ring, so that makes him a 3%er at least… maybe 2%er if he has not sold nuclear secrets to the Qatari’s.
  4. Well I’m sure this time they have gone through a stringent peer review process before publicizing their “discovery”. Probably Texas A&M.
  5. Who here wasn’t a little confused when you were told about getting or slaying some pussy? and seriously, not only sick but a definite indicator of further aberrant behaviors that will likely manifest with him raping and attacking people. Hope they can toss the key.
  6. "We've never been licked, but we have been traitorous"
  7. "The rankings are determined based on the number of homes that went into contract within 90 days of listing." So if this is just based on a total, doesn't it bias it toward zip codes with more homes? To really be the "hottest" it would need to be this value as a percentage of homes listed in that same period.
  8. Brisket thinks you should only have white sunflowers. Who's the real racist sunflower here?
  9. I've seen this movie. Doesn't end well.
  10. Would it change anyone's mind if I told you I had it on good authority that Arch believes beans are what makes chili good?
  11. Tell me you're Cajun without telling me you're Cajun.
  12. Bibi is trying to have the war last long enough for him to be seen more as the tough leader who defeated Hamas instead of the want-to-be dictator who ignored security and let the Hamas terrorist massacre/debacle happen.
  13. Comrade, what does our motherlands superior radar tell us about the missile? It has constant bearing and decreasing range commander! Excellent work comrade...Excelle.....
  14. I saw the same thing that the receiver had inside position and a strait throw would have been open. However the play call was for him to throw a fade to the corner (From Sark I assume). It is a timing play where if in single coverage he does not read the field, but throws the ball to a spot before the receiver turns around and before the receiver even enters the end zone. The ball was out before the receiver reached the goal line. Throw was too outside, but saying he should have thrown a strait dart is not consistent with the play call, even though it would have worked if he had time to read the defense versus throw a timing pass.
  15. I think this is what she is trying to tell you. She will be marrying a Sub.
  16. We give aggy lot’s of grief here, almost all well earned, but based on what we know about The Meatpimp, if you are not a fan of his then you are no friend of mine.
  17. Look, to drop the MIL you would have to drop the wife because she is not going to ..... wait, I like the way you think.
  18. She’s trying to tell you to bring another girl and a cup into the bedroom.
  19. My guess is they did not have any XXXXXXXL’s available so the took a Muumuu and added the logo.
  20. Nowadays if you have weed in your system you wonder what weed killer to use.
  21. "It just means more for SEC teams to not want to be there, stupid sip!"
  22. Kinda brilliant producing a shirt that your fans mindlessly gobble up today, and then your rivals also want to buy ironically a few years later. Aggy big brains! They need a new one saying “Can’t make rent, got Jimbo’d.”. To complete the circle.
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