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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by flatdawgs

  1. In two years, the last Apollo mission will be closer to WWI than to the present. Furk.
  2. Dammit, I was about to make a quick run down there and provide the Surly faithful with an update, but they removed it overnight.
  3. Pretty much all I hear the PA guy saying is "Há uma falta na jogada" (there is a foul on the play). 🙄
  4. "A leading chain of psychiatric hospitals...." "...to maximize insurance payouts...." 'Murica kicks ass in so many ways. This is where 'Murica sucks ass.
  5. Needs the little disaster girl 'shopped in.
  6. That's an interesting point about the third-party complaint. "Denunciar" (at least in Portuguese) can mean "to report" and "to complain (about)" as well as "denounce", so that term makes some sense without necessarily having the same harshness that denouncing someone has in English. Plus the dog poopy toss following the denunciation is never not funny. I'd also go with "I rebuke thee!" prior to the flinging of Fido's feces if possible.
  7. Yeah, I've gotta go with the WSJ on that one. Washington had 15 medalists among current and former students, not 3 (2G, 3S, 10B). So - Texas to the podium!
  8. The Romanians recommended all three get bronze (the two Romanians tied on score, with the tiebreaker being degree of difficulty - but of course the judges hosed the second Romanian out of 0.1 when she didn't actually go out of bounds). This seems eminently fair to me, but the IOC said nah, fuck off. Perhaps the IOC delegation to LA can be shown to their rooms at the Royal Roach in San Bernardino when they arrive in 2028, with a heartfelt apology: "We're so sorry, but your room requests arrived 4 seconds too late."
  9. Yeah, this. I imagine at the flag transfer during the closing ceremony the LA rep is seriously thinking about backing away going "Nope nope nope we don't want this but merci mille fois." On a scale of Paris 2024 to F1 Las Vegas, I fear a whole lot of Vegas + Hollywood. Hopefully not - LA if done well could also be a great event in its own right.
  10. Yep, that'll be about a mile from me in two years. Really looking forward to that as well!
  11. Yeah, that's exactly what it's like - just running into people from everywhere all over. The bigger countries have "houses" for their fans and if you can get in (not always that hard) they're a blast. Pretty epic parties. The King of Norway was at their house in Park City when I was there and I think everyone there actually knew him.
  12. I've always loved the Olympics and have been fortunate enough to have attended 3 Winter Games (Cortina 2026 is a bucket list one and hopefully will make that as well). Not been to the Summer Games yet but LA is just down the coast so hope to make that too. Do yourselves a favor - if you have any chance at all to go to any Olympics, do it. Go to some rando events - generally speaking they're quite affordable - and soak up the fact that the entire world is there and it's a party. Normally transportation to the events is straightforward once you're there. I regret not having gone to Paris, but the TV spectacle has been amazing. Well done to the French!
  13. Huh. The Kursk salient looks different than I recall.
  14. You'll also be well rewarded by reading Adam Hochschild's King Leopold's Ghost.
  15. Look'ee there's my privateer She's small but she can sting Licensed to take prizes With a letter from the King I love the streets and taverns Of a pretty foreign town I tip my hat to the dark-eyed ladies As we sally up and down To lay with pretty women To drink Madeira wine To hear the rollers thunder On a shore that isn't mine (Yeah, I'm in, and I too know a few little island boltholes from Mindelo to Port Vila where the grog flows freely. Yarrrrr, fuck Russia.)
  16. Well, yeah. That stuff's sticky.
  17. Well, we sure as hell know Tesla's not capable of driving itself into the ground....
  18. And Angola was a Portuguese colony, not French....
  19. Why do all that turret-removing work, vatniks? I have it on good authority that the Ukrainians can just pop those right off for ya.
  20. flatdawgs

    Euro 2024

    Gibraltar's coming home?
  21. He needs to be denaturalized and deported. Let Canada or South Africa commit him.
  22. I, for one, welcome the Gurhkas into our military.
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