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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. This guy is fixing to be in a world of hurt. First, he gave up secret docs. Second, he gave up secret docs to win a fucking internet argument. Third, he gave up secret docs to win a fucking internet argument on a group set up so he could revel in his racism with fellow racists. Hope the inner web cred was worth it dawg. In short, fuck this guy. On second thought, wonder what his username here is.
  2. It's on the list. There's a lot of cool stuff to see around there. The only downside is I have to have Jr. back in time for school on Monday and just so many hours in a day. He's been obsessed with tanks right now, and he's been dying to go to this museum, but I have to keep telling him, "off limits b/c military base." He's stopped asking and evidently hasn't checked their fb page in a while. So when I tell him where we're going to the open house, he's going to lose it. Mrs. F will be quite happy to have a weekend to herself not hearing about tanks nonstop. I haven't reminded her that she'll be hearing about this for a while afterwards. She probably already knows and is just choosing to ignore that part. In any case, I hope to see some things I haven't seen before, happily donated by our Ukrainian friends.
  3. Taking Jr. to Benning for the US Armor & Cavalry Collection open house in a couple weeks. It would be a pleasant surprise to see this there.
  4. Yes, it's very well written. There's a reason why students across the world read it. I guess my saying "best personal narrative" about With The Old Breed was a bit broad. I should've said "best personal narrative by an infantryman." For whatever reason, I haven't seen a first hadn't account of the war in Europe that's as good. I think it's because he's going off contemporaneous notes, but writing it with the benefit of education and a long life experience. That's pretty unique. Books like "Helmet for My Pillow" are great, but they're so close in time they lack some perspective and often the language sounds dated. WTOB is a favorite because the writing feels so relatable.
  5. Hands down the best personal narrative of the war.
  6. There needs to be a lot more of this kind of thing going on.
  7. Plus the GOP is too busy shooting itself in the dick on multiple fronts. There’s very little bandwidth left for AOC complaints.
  8. And when you're done with all that, go home and swig a pint of Clorox, so your entire system is completely clean, mouth to bleached anus. Also gets rid of Covid.
  9. In a decade we're going to be talking about the Riverwalk Serial Killer.
  10. Still not cleaned up in France, over 100 years later. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_rouge
  11. Yeah about a 15 minute window between life and "we'll find his body this summer."
  12. Yeah but they’ve never had to deal with MAGAts on a jury where the head MAGAT is in the hot seat.Nevertheless, imma have a beer.
  13. https://www.theinertia.com/mountain/video-of-terrifying-tree-well-rescue-shows-how-lucky-snowboarder-is-to-be-alive/
  14. This popped up in my thread and it seems pretty killer. Apologies if already posted. I've always loved this song.
  15. You guys are gonna make me blush.
  16. I wasn’t thinking of selling, but since you’re flashing all that cash around…
  17. Bought my 68 Princeton for $300 in 1992 at Zoo Music on Garland Rd. It’s been my best all around amp ever since. Great for the house, ready to gig in small venues (and mic’d up if not).
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