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Chad Fuck

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Everything posted by Chad Fuck

  1. I know how we solve the ammunition problem, and it feels like that's happening, albeit slowly. I don't know how you solve the infantry problem without engaging the infantry of allies.
  2. https://www.wkyt.com/2024/01/31/mom-banned-dropping-kids-off-christian-school-due-onlyfans-ad-her-car/#ls2k3fgc30baci5e298
  3. Chad Fuck

    RIP Melanie

    True. I saw her at ACLFest a while back and it was a great set.
  4. Like I was saying…
  5. The gf was right, they were a burden on their future together. With him now being dead and all.
  6. You must’ve missed it. It was right next to “slightly pregnant” in the encyclopedia.
  7. Chad Fuck


    I wonder if it was this one. Only Pacific crash I could find for 1957. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Am_Flight_7?wprov=sfti1
  8. Chad Fuck


    C’mon now. You gotta tell us the rest of that story.
  9. This. It seems more likely she’s sidelined rather than fired. We will see if any real lawyers turn up for this job.
  10. The haters gonna hate hate hate But I think she’s just gonna shake shake shake Shake it off
  11. That's a great point. We all knew there was never going to be a scene where they get to drink sake out of the Emperor's goblet. And that's kind of anticlimactic.
  12. That’s the kicker, isn’t it? But I have to wonder if they’re taking after China on that front.
  13. The problem is that fascists usually pick marginalized groups or people that can’t fight back as their bogeyman. Hitler had the Jews most famously. This fucking guy started with immigrants, Muslims, then moved on to trans folks. All “out” groups. Taylor is most definitely not in the “out” group (but for being a successful woman with strong strength of character). She’s has captured the zeitgeist of a generation. She has more fuck you money than he does. She has a bigger stage - literally - and reaches more people. It is a very odd move that feels like a real “jump the shark” moment. Nevertheless…
  14. They are North Korea with oil. They must be made a pariah state.
  15. This. Bob covered a time period roughly from early 1944 until May 1945 in 10 episodes. Let’s say a year and a half. It covered one unit because Steven Ambrose realized in doing research for the underlying book how unique it was that one unit was at the tip of the spear start to finish. That’s a great basis for storytelling. Pacific covered 1942- 1945, roughly twice the time period. The action was so varied and geographically widespread there was no way to tell the story of that war through the vehicle of one unit. Really, it should have been twice as long as BoB if we wanted to have proportion. But that’s not real world Hollywood. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed the Pacific and went back and read or reread the underlying books when it came out. It’s just a different animal that BoB. Same family, but different.
  16. Sir, may I subscribe to your newsletter?
  17. Chad Fuck


    Quite possible the wings could have been deformed on landing or on the way to the bottom.
  18. I don’t think it was me. But I’ve hit the limit on my memory in some quarters so…maybe?
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