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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Agree. Put another way, it’s a sign that Russia never had air superiority, and that it never will.
  2. if by that you mean the end of the independent judiciary and the beginning of a totalitarian rubber-stamp puppet show court, I agree with you.
  3. That looked like a lazy route. If he’d had a better cut, he might’ve had the tiny bit of separation to catch the ball.
  4. 8. “Nimarata is so woke, as Governor she removed all of those statues honoring the Confederate dead, can you believe it?? < boos from the cult> She did that because the woke Democrats told her to… she had lunch with Nancy Pelosi and promised Nancy she would do it. Many people have said that…..” <sustained boos> < If he has help from writers > ”She says I can’t remember things, but she can’t even remember to use her real first name……..Nimratadata…..or something <neckbeard laughter> . If you remember, the top psychiatrists in the country tested me thoroughly and found that I had the highest mental capacity they’d ever seen.”
  5. SIAP Edit. at 29 min mark This might be the real consensus of the Swedish military, or it might be part of a larger PR campaign to get the west (us) to comprehend the seriousness of the Russian threat, and that Ukraine is not the endgame. Obviously it could be both.
  6. My stage IV diarrhea was an on-going problem until my onc nurse told me to tell my onc that I wanted…insisted…to take both lomotil AND Imodium at the same time. God Bless nurses. RD, the key was to stomp on it hard with big doses of both of them so it did not get out of control. Once it became a problem, it was harder to fix it. Good advice. I was drinking a gallon of pedialyte every day before lunch. Work bathroom was 15 second trot if I caught the doors right, and I went every 20 minutes. The hard part about Lomotil is convincing them that you’re not an opium addict. They hate to refill. Fortunately, after they cut that hunk of my colon out and they sent me home, I skipped the oxycodone they had given me and just drank scotch. When I ran out of Lomotil I just took the hoarded oxy. Fortunately, my chemo only lasted three months or I’d still be shitting. I feel ya brother.
  7. The Tonks were a tad cannibal-y. Great story though.
  8. in mass torts the ultimate resolution may involve hundreds of millions - or billions - of dollars. I would imagine that the pressure put on defense counsel by their clients so that they don’t lose a billion bucks is……uncomfortable. Also, a lawyer who loses that cornucopia of endless massive billing client needs to find a new firm.
  9. I had a client who was selected as a bellwether plaintiff in a mass tort case. The attorneys for Bristol-Myers Squibb helped my client’s ex-husband, retain an attorney to try to take my client’s daughter away and give sole custody to the ex, despite no grounds to do so. Oh, they denied being behind the custody thing. But Bristol’s lawyers just happened to be in divorce court that day. Coincidence and all. They just wanted to send a message to my client that they were willing to do anything they could to hurt her if she proceeded with her claim. This pissed her off, we continued the suit, and she eventually settled for a more than decent amount of money. The ex’s custody suit failed. But never underestimate what a really rich unprincipled party opponent will do to gain an advantage in a case
  10. I still think the Supreme Court must know that a Trump presidency will be the last time that anyone in the executive or legislative branch gave a flying fuck about what the Supreme Court said about anything. Trump won’t. Even this fucked up crew will not rule that Trump can be dictator forever. So after he gets in, they gotta go if they will not do what he wants Roberts might have to rule against Trump to preserve the quaint belief that the other branches have to bow to the Supreme Court. I keep thinking that this might be a Marbury V Madison moment. I see Trump’s reelection as the biggest threat to the continued legitimacy of the authority of the Supreme Court that has happened in 200 years. For self preservation reasons, SCOTUS should do everything within its power to ensure that Trump does not get reelected.
  11. Do we know if you can use Jewish space lasers on bikini areas?
  12. Yelling, “Fire in the hole!” is oddly accurate.
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