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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. Does that make your plumber one of The Sisters?
  2. Sorry to hear you have a broken meter too.
  3. I assume you have a big ass electric or gas water tank or two. What if you installed an instant-on demand gas water heater? Maybe that would give you the opportunity to continuously drip hot water throughout your system. Or is the freeze prone line in question so far removed from that source so that heat will not get to it? Also, is that freeze point in the copper pipe a short enough length where, after pipe replace but before dry wall repair, you can wrap that area in heat tape with a discrete on/off switch?
  4. He might use government money to build a shrine, but he’s definitely gonna sell those wreaths to his marks. “….a portion of every Patriot Wreath contribution goes to Ashlis’ family* “ *The envelopes containing the checks and cash will be recycled and sent to Ashley‘s family free of charge
  5. Nah. He wore tan suits with nary a leek in sight.
  6. Other Reptilian shape shifters are supposed to check your skin condition before you go out among the humans. I guess Marge not even bothering to hide her non-humanness has made them bold.
  7. “Fucking Frigidaire Cunt.” I just like the mental imagery - open up to find frost and ice
  8. Which is not to say that the military is not one of, if not the most profligate waster of government funds you can find. Harry S. Truman as a Senator was put in charge of ferreting out waste and corruption in the military procurement policies of World War II. As Harry came out of the famously absolutely corrupt Kansas City political machine, he was very savvy as to all the ways money could be siphoned off, and did a great job in protecting the public fisc
  9. I remember articles back in the day saying that the Abrams tank was a piece of crap with so many problems it would never be adopted.
  10. You are correct. I went back and checked, and it was five choppers and an IL 22.
  11. Which leaves the pregnant question: given that they are rare and valuable - and one just got shot down - in addition to the one shot down by the Wagner group - will Russia will be so worried about losing more they decide not to employ them? Which, as you say, would hurt Russian battle readiness.
  12. Do you remember the whole Alex Jones bit about Hillary and Obama smelling like sulfur? That is a direct nod at the stupidest people in our country….meaning conservative evangelical Christians.
  13. Uh-oh…the Mennonite with the missing car might get hep if he sees that.
  14. “ And in this photo, you can clearly see she is handing him a fake ballot that she’s written out” - Rudi, probably
  15. Seems you are correct. Real Presidents. Duh!!!
  16. Now, now brisket, I think you’re forgetting the dairy industry in Iowa. There are enough Mexicans working in the dairy industry for anyone to get their legal limit during season.* * I believe that per state law Home Depots are treated like a wildlife refuge.
  17. This is really a good point. I cannot imagine an army without NCO’s. As an example, my dad was career horse cavalry before he got a tank in World War ll. I have an old faded copy of the original battlefield commission where my Staff Sergeant dad kept assuming command of the company every time its lieutenant got killed. They got killed a lot. After a while, the army noticed my dad was really good at leading and he received a cavalry battlefield commission as a second lieutenant. I guarantee you if they had taken my dad out early in the war a lot more men in the ninth armored would’ve died because of his absence. Multiply that experience times tens or hundreds of thousands - and the Russian army will suffer many more casualties. Not that Putler gives a shit.
  18. You do understand that these were ALL Republicans in what is essentially a primary vote, where you will always see the most ardent and motivated of Trump supporters show up. Saying Trump sweeps women and the educated demographic as a general proposition is as valid as Baylor’s rape investigations.
  19. Have you taken a look at the educational demographics on who votes for who lately? I thought my edumifacation was supposed to make me more smarter so I knew how to carry the naughts…
  20. if only someone would expand Medicaid, and then the state governors could implement it and benefit their people….
  21. now do Trump loving doctors and lawyers and such…
  22. “I saw on Facebook where Vivek means “pedophile” in his language…”
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