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Everything posted by Tom

  1. It'd be nice if Democrats could stay focused on substance and shit that matters rather than trying to score social justice brownie points on something that'll affect nothing and just piss old people off. That's probably asking a lot.
  2. Movie was good and funny, but like you said, wasn't as much of a horror movie. The slasher story line kind of took a backseat to "how many insanely violent ways can I kill myself until I can memorize a bunch of numbers?"
  3. Tom

    Ryan Adams News

    I haven't cared for any of his albums since Easy Tiger so it won't be that hard to quit him.
  4. California and Hawaii are expensive states to live in? No way! Next you're going to wow me by telling me living near the ocean and mountains near lots of jobs is more desirable and costly than living in the plains of Kansas.
  5. Of course, I've only been hearing it for nearly 4 decades. Any day now those southern red states are going to be screwed when California socialism crashes and they no longer have liberals' tax dollars propping them up.
  6. You're gonna shit your pants when you find out how big socialist California's economy is. Of course, I'm not sure if that counts since they have a small homogeneous population.
  7. How many pages would you guess is just you, Hammer, Cajun, etc. bitching about her? Over/Under at 40 pages?
  8. FYI y'all.....using a constitutional amendment is unconstitutional according to me and the creepy old lawyer who routinely defends the most reprehensible Americans imaginable.
  9. This thread is a shitshow, which is Cajun and EMAW's objective. Jesus, Cajun has straight up admitted multiple times he's trolling because it's fun and ya'll have spent the last 5 pages arguing nonsense with him. Either ignore him, neg him, or both and move on.
  10. It is, and I've never particularly cared for her as an actress, but her personality really fits in this role. I had low expectations since it's about the sixth version of the Groundhog Day plot device in a movie (and like Happy Deathday, this even features a female who keeps dying and reliving her birthday). I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it and really liked the way they wrapped the season up.
  11. Tom

    The office shitter

    I usually go down to the basement level to shit in the office gym's locker room. There's almost never anyone in there during working hours.
  12. Relax. Your broke ass won't be paying more in taxes. People of means? Yes, because it's fiscally responsible.
  13. You have a point here. The social media mob took things too far without having all of the evidence. The boys definitely did not start the drama. There was still evidence of those kids being assholes at different parts of the day in videos to different groups of people, including the natives. They weren't free of any blame. Now, here you have no point at all. This. never. fucking. happened. The I.R.S. was also targeting progressive groups, and neither was at the direction of Obama. Just like "Obama did more executive orders than anyone!" or "Hillary sold uranium to the Russians!" or "Hillary killed a DNC staffer and JFK, Jr.!" None of these things happened and you've been lied to. But you people swallow this bullshit hook, line, and sinker every time Sean Hannity or Breitbart or townhallpatriots.blogspot.com feeds it to you. No, you've seen a few of the most fringe members of BLM be openly racist. Most in the group have just protested the police killing people that look like them. Doesn't sound so unreasonable to me. But congrats on voting for someone you don't like because some strangers on a message board were mean to you. Sounds like you've got some real political convictions and principles there.
  14. The first step for a well run and more efficient country might be to stop voting for the R party which intentionally defunds, destabilizes, and intentionally sabotages every government agency and then turns around to their voters and proudly proclaims, "See everyone, government doesn't work!"
  15. Meh. He pretty much makes the same movie/plays the same character every time now. And it's getting pretty unbelievable watching a 70 year old beating up guys half his age. I would have accepted Denzel.
  16. My criticisms of Trump aside, I can't remember the last time I've watched more than 5 minutes of any State of the Union before changing channels. I'm probably jaded, but it just seems like nothing more than a presidential campaign rally in front of Congress. It's also annoying that every three sentences people have to clap for 30 seconds. Was there anyone surprised by a single thing he said? Did he say anything he hadn't tweeted 1,000 times already?
  17. You have to give the first lady credit. She did successfully come to the country illegally and bring in her family through chain migration before we managed to build a wall.
  18. Hmmm.....I'm not sure what point he's trying to make here or why something that happened half a century ago in on a news channel, but did he happen to mention that the vote on the Civil Rights Act was not split by party lines? That those who voted against the Civil Rights Act were overwhelmingly in southern confederate states regardless of party? And those who voted almost uniformly for the Civil Rights Act were in northern states? And did he also mention how those people in those confederate states who were mostly Democrats at the time and their children switched to the Republican Party over the next two decades? Was that the point of the Hannity history lesson?
  19. Byrd also disavowed the Klan and called his participation in it the greatest mistake of his life. What is your point?
  20. I think you meant "Thanks Ronald Reagan and his FCC appointees."
  21. You are not wrong, but it's still frustrating. I get Sanders, but Biden and Beto are running on platitudes with much less substance than Warren. Obviously I'd vote for either over Trump, but neither are inspiring. Warren is a 21st century Roosevelt who is smart as a whip and can lay out real solutions, but she's older and not as hot as Harris, or as cool and handsome as Beto, or as associated with Obama as Biden, so the Democrats will settle for the lesser candidate as they typically do. The electorate is stupid and wants style over substance. Again, it is frustrating.
  22. Our AG looks like Vic Mackey right after you tell him he's stuck working behind a desk the rest of his career. Or our Vic Mackey after you tell him only skinny white girls from here on out.
  23. She won't lose because of the Native American thing. She's going to lose because she's too good for us. We don't deserve Elizabeth Warren.
  24. Oh, cool. Gen X is apparently above it all like a Gary Johnson libertarian voter. Remind me exactly what it is Gen X has done with multiple decades of voting under their belts. Oh, nothing? Exactly the same as Boomers? Sweet.
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