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The University

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The University

  1. nextdoor can get pretty weird, but it's nothing compared to the batshit crazies on the nwaca facebooks.
  2. just a heads up...the lost boys is now available on netflix. it's not my favorite, but there are a ton of 80s "actors" and pop culture references in that flick. i feel a bit bad about it, but laughing at the coreys (especially haim), is one of the best aspects of tlb. thou shall not fall...
  3. i've heard good things about austin dent works on burnet. i'll probably go there for the next time i need minor work. however, the last time i had hail damage on a car, it was a massive amount of work so i went through insurance. had ellis & salazar do the job, but i had to take the car back twice for them to get it right.
  4. we had a freaky distemper raccoon in our backyard awhile back. it was interesting to watch until it died by the ladder to the treehouse. kids wouldn't go near the treehouse for months. if a raccoon is acting weird in the daytime, just call animal control.
  5. hell no. as good as hagar was on 5150, he wasn't even in the same universe as david lee roth in his prime.
  6. dude sounds like muttley when he laughs
  7. i am oddly intrigued by the chechen lipstick/joystick dashcam.
  8. i'm sure the scarf is just for flair...but a dark top/blouse? that's a pretty obvious sign.
  9. hate to break it to you, but as they say...that cat has already scratched the bedpost.
  10. welcome to the club. tcad has no qualms with this bullshit.
  11. kudos to you f250. i doubt i'd be able to hold back any smart ass comments in the same situation.
  12. land alone has gone up 500% in the past three years. improvements has gone done 10% during the same timeframe. protax wasn't able to do anything last year, so i'm not that optimistic for this year. fuck fuck fuck i'd sell but the kids looove their school and it's really hard to beat our small no-hoa neighborhood close to 2222/360. our house is on the smaller end for the neighborhood, so there's no doubt that the next buyer will probably tear it down and rebuild. sucks because one of my favorite things to do every now and then is to check out the house and neighborhood where i lived as a kid. where i jumped from 2nd floor windows. where i buried my first pet. where i jacked up my knees doing stupid shit with a go-cart. where my friend's older brother introduced me to music that blew my mind. etc, etc, etc. sadly, i don't think my kids will be able to enjoy that same experience. only memories.
  13. why does the whole neighborhood smell like bacon?
  14. herm sounds like a john mackovic disciple, if it is even possible that is actually a thing. we're just too stupid to understand his genius.
  15. yep, mobile looks great. i don't miss the-site-that-must-not-be-named at all.
  16. the kids are now mainlining fun dip and chocolate bunnies; should make for an interesting drive home.
  17. i hear that there are awesome spigot attachments that allow you to distribute the big tube to a large number of garden hoses. tweaking that damn attachment might be tiring if you don't have the right pattern, though. could be the domain that you are using for email. i had to use a gmail account since one of my own domains wasn't kosher for whatever reason.
  18. decided to do some reconnaissance while in rockport recently. mac's pit barbecue was the destination. if you're in the rockport area, i'd say it's a good option. yeah, i don't see it winning any non-local magazine awards, but i enjoyed my visit. brisket had good flavor and above average texture. the mac and pudding was surprising good for something that seems basic; i don't understand how some places fuck these up. sauce was basically tabasco and pepper--pass. ...and no visit to rockport would be complete without visiting the blue shed
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