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Everything posted by locodos

  1. Russians want to frame it as a proxy war with the West and they had no choice but to bring the fight... That's all bullshit. From the internet...so it must be true... Proxy war "a war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved."
  2. No matter which BS propaganda location you picked up this idea, the US did not start or is engaged in a proxy war. Fucking Russians attacked a democracy in Europe and have openly stated neo colonial aims in regard to Eastern Europe. That's it, that's the end of the story Slightly more than half the US seems to be ok arming Ukraine so that they can defend themselves from annihilation and perhaps genocide. Like the French did for us. We are sending mostly old equipment that would otherwise cost the US to "exercise" and keep ready... so besides transportation this stuff is old sunk cost Now that we are clearing out old inventory it is indeed time to be sure that the entirety of the defense supply chain is inside the continental US If the Russians die to American arms wielded by Ukrainians (good) then they can blame Putin and the Oligarchs, and if they want it to stop they should retreat to pre-2014 borders ... and the US/Allies will to arm the Ukrainians would be gutted. I live in S Florida and there are shit load of Russians here enjoying the good life. I am conflicted about whether they should be deported en masse or if it's better that their yuppy asses are here spending money instead of home being conscripted. Just got back from lunch and the table behind me was 3 young blond women speaking russian(?) lots of "Da"s and comparing the stuff they just bought. But my ignorant ears can't determine if they're Russian or Ukrainian or some other Slavic language, but there is at least one house in my hood with Fuck Ukraine flag... so that's nice. Slava Ukraini!
  3. agree to disagree... Alt-country not mainstream country and that's what I'm counting on
  4. Because I'm not much of a country music guy... actually I generally dislike country "twang" and overtly southern accents (I'm from Virginia and a fake or amplified accent is like ice picks in my ears). But I have heard they are a great "rock" show, the tickets are cheap, and the venue is a short walk from my house... Worse case scenario, I'll shove some Skoal in my back pocket (for esthetic purposes only) and drink expensive warm beer for a few hours (or less) and bar hop home. But I have a newly found affinity for Southern rock and I do like "Gravity's Gone" I got their recent set lists and I made a playlist in Spotify so that by the time the show rolls around I'll at least be familiar with some of the stuff they're likely to play. So far "3 Dimes Down", "Daddy's Cup", and "The Driver" are also doing it for me. I want to like them, but we'll see.
  5. Makes sense, not a pickguard screw in sight Heard an interesting quote about SRV...something along the lines of "he makes people want to learn the guitar and people who play the guitar want to quit"
  6. I just missed one of their shows the last time I was in Athens.... damnit!
  7. The thing is that we sent them something like 2x the number of artillery shells that the cannons we sent them can fire. The barrels are only rated for so many rounds... Is there a fudge factor? Sure... but if they need more "shells" they actually need a whole new round of artillery from soup to nuts.
  8. Don't forget the Parkland cowards... Shooter escaped their "Perimeter" and was sitting in a McDonalds watching coverage of his shooting for fucks sake. This work won the Pulitzer prize, I assume in part because the Sentinel had to fight to obtain information and painstakingly piece it all together... Its not a long read and is interactive, but only look at this if you want to get really pissed. Pay attention to the timelines https://projects.sun-sentinel.com/2018/sfl-parkland-school-shooting-critical-moments/
  9. Perhaps, but if you can't screw up your courage to go put yourself to the test in order to literally save young kids lives, then you shouldn't be a cop or anyone sworn to protect anything.
  10. I'm not a tactical bro, but it's my (perhaps naïve) understanding that the policy is to engage an active school shooter ASAP. I'm mean after shots have been fired do you negotiate while kids bleed out on the floor?
  11. Yeah the Uvalde shooter was in an unlocked room murdering children, it was the cops that sat in the hallway. Don't try to excuse their cowardly behavior. Also while I don't think cops are all heroes or villains by default, it sure looks like the Tennessee cops might actually deserve some admiration for a job well done. I saw the video, they went into rooms to clear them. It sure seems like the Nashville cops remembered their training and their balls and went to confront the shooter ASAP instead of detaining parents and setting up road blocks at a safe distance. I wonder why only Nashville PD wanted to release the bodycams so quickly while Parkland and Uvalde have vigorously fought public disclosure.
  12. Otherwise known as doing their f*cking jobs... That said, at least they're not the cowards from Broward or Uvalde.
  13. The smallest fucking German speaking province in the Russian empire!
  14. They also had a limited amount of high octane fuel so they had to cut the power and risk unstable flight. I have read some transcripts that talk about the danger of forming up and that it was greater than that of danger over the objective. They had to climb up through the clouds alone becasue they didnt have information about othter planes positions. They also took off every 30 seconds from 4 or 5 different fields. The Army airforce lost more men than the marines...88k Of that 36K died in accidents ... let that sink in.... They classified accidents and outright denied others so the Japanese and Germans wouldn't know how bad our training and birds were...
  15. I don't want it to be true, but there could be fewer HIMARS attacks because there are fewer HIMARS in service. Could also be that they have been told to use it VERY selectively because our ability to replenish ammo stocks is not as robust as we expected. Also fuck Russia and it's oligarchs
  16. In Florida lots of the complaints are lodged by individuals who do not have a kid in the school so that would not solve the problem. They just want to cram their religious beliefs down everyone's throat. Everyone knows Jesus hates dongs... all dongs should be banned! Wait till they figure out some state funds in the form of vouchers will go to GASP Muslim schools!
  17. Yup, my great uncle died in 1943 in a training crash of his (he was in the crew not the pilot) B-17F about 2miles east of Big Sandy MT near the reservation. There were eye witnesses and supposedly some farmers still have parts of his B-17 in their barn. Not a lot of info out there, but I posted some stuff on the Memorial Thread, but I cross posted that pic because I thought you airplane nerds might like to see it.
  18. This is a little remembrance and a slight rant... This was my grand uncle... I had always seen his portrait in my Great Grandparents house and when I asked as a kid all I got was a terse response and a pained look "he was killed in a training accident" End of discussion. The other day this crossed my mind and I went looking for some more information. Turns out that story is correct. He was in the 612th Bomb Squadron, 401st Bomb Group. His flight crew was assigned 42-6090 B-17F From the 612th: From the 401st: Information about my great uncle's crash was pretty hard to find. So after scrapping up bits of info from here and there I added it to the Wikipedia of B-17 accidents and incidents. Previously there was no record of this accident. And get your tinfoil hats ready boys... it seems like the War Dept. wanted to keep all the crashes on the DL for nation security reasons. (I mean it's war time, I get it) This is a news article that came up during the search... First bold is a reference to the 42-6090 the flight my granduncle was on... the second bold is kind of a jaw dropper. At the risk of adding to a tl/dr post... I ran across an forum post where a family member of 42-6090 organized a memorial service near the crash site and tried to get some participation for the military. They couldn't make it or send a representative, according to the post one Champlin was too busy and the other three were on vacation... cool cool Anyways just wanted something out there with their names and info. The crew of 42-6090 was two weeks from deploying to England. Cool pic The military built Montana’s Cut Bank Army Airfield as a training base for B-17 bomber crews on land within the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. Here a Flying Fortress comes in low on a practice flight. (Courtesy of Airmen’s Memorial Museum)
  19. why not get it patched?
  20. As has already been discussed on this very thread, less grass makes your deck look bigger.
  21. Just bought tickets for Drive by Truckers... cautiously looking forward to hearing them live
  22. To be fair, the name is "It Might Get Loud" not "It might get Great" If nothing else U2 played loud. Also War was their best album with only a few good songs sprinkled throughout the next 3 or so albums. Vertigo was the last song of theirs I can recall liking.
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