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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Royalfan5

  1. Here too, but one of them accidentally asked on what grounds they would do it, and then the wheels fell off. Quickly went back to software errors and what not.
  2. My Trumpkin coworkers are working out there is no path forward in real time in the office, and it's glorious.
  3. I hope that means Silk Stalkings is coming back.
  4. Shit the reactionary Catholics in my office refuse to believe Biden goes to Mass regularly.
  5. ELCGrithtran. We hold Gritty and Jello Salad in equal regard.
  6. Our dumbfuck thumb of a Governor here in Lincoln refuses to take any sort of action as we set case and hospitalization records almost everyday. I’ve been telling my coworker whose wife is due in 6 weeks to get his bathtub ready
  7. It's a lot like the 8-man team my client coaches in Kansas scoring 3 touchdowns and hitting 2 onsides to do so in the last 3 minutes to win 42-40.
  8. Right now grain prices are pretty good, and most guys yielded pretty good, it’s legitimately a pretty good time on the farm at the moment. Is it more because China feed demand snapped back from swine fever, and some production bobbles elsewhere than the trade deal, probably but things are pretty good at the moment
  9. Me too, and I think for me it’s because most of them use abortion as a crutch to not think at all. They think as long as you yell about the unborn you can justify anything you want
  10. Henderson sits on top of some the best farm ground in the United States, while the population might be down a bit, it's pretty fairly stacked with cash especially with recent price rally. There's a bit of meth everywhere in Nebraska, and getting lit up and burning things is a time honored tradition, especially when you have the clash between repressed Mennonite community, and a number of youth treatment homes to keep local school enrollment up.
  11. I actually know there farmer in question. What's far more likely in this case than antifa or insurance fraud, is that either some guys were high on meth and decided to raise some hell (had that happen to one of my clients a few years ago, or it was a revenge type deal over a land deal(had that happen to another client). From the farmers perspective, it's easier to believe that it was traveling antifa than come to terms with the fact that somebody in your local community fucked you. (This is in an Mennonite community) The thread trying to blame it on a combine fire is pretty baseless speculation, because while it's been a banner year for combine fires, it's pretty obvious that the equipment was set on fire indivdually, and not from the initial combine fire. In addition, it's not insurance fraud if your shit burns down accidentally either. That why you have insurance.
  12. So my cousin is getting married this coming weekend in Omaha. They cut back the number of attendees drastically even before the recent surge started getting bad, but they are still doing a reception for the attendees. I got a text from him today asking if I’d drive our 90 year old grandma and 60 year old mentally handicapped uncle with lung issues home from the reception. I told him no because I’ve been in the office with our college interns and younger coworkers that keep going to bars and such along with my fiancé working in the public school system. He said he strongly agreed with my decision not to drive them, which definitely reinforced my relief to be a long way from that wedding.
  13. So as a fun note here, 7 days after the first Nebraska football game, Lincoln shattered its prior daily record for positives by about 50%. Hospital space was already getting tight.
  14. Is there anything more tedious than listening to a person with plenty of money bitch that they might have to stump up a little more to keep the country that enabled their prosperity to keep going?
  15. Not actually a Texan but still chipped in
  16. I've always wondered how much of the last mile of the astroturfing is paid vs. volunteer carrying of disinfo from the first level websites.
  17. Point A: How bad of a spot do you need to be in your life that a two day notice game against FCS school is something that you will fill a hole in your lives? Point B: At some point, I’d like the Nebraska fans around me to ask if Nebraska is always the school voting by themselves that maybe their the assholes. Point C Blonde overall wearing Herbie Husker is the best Herbie Husker
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