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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. Looks like my friend Donna Imam who is running in TX31 as a (D) made it through some of the gauntlet of 7 (D)'s running in the primary to land in the top 2 for a runoff vs. Christine Eday Mann. You can learn more about Donna's campaign here: votefordonna.com
  2. We’ve reached max pander with the reparations discussion. Kinda surprised that the giveaway king Bernie didn’t get there first, since he’s giving us everything else for free!
  3. Liz seems to be under the impression that anyone gives a shit about anything she says. So shrill.
  4. That’s called cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  5. Crystal ball time ... So Klobuchar and Steyer drop out after Super Tuesday. Warren shortly after. Klobuchar’s people go to Biden Steyer’s go to Biden Warren’s go to Bernie Then Pete drops and his people go to Biden. Final three Biden, Bloomberg, Bernie. Bernie wins clear plurality. Biden takes nom on 2nd ballot, weakest winner in Democrat history. Bros stay home in general pouting. Trump re-elected.
  6. Lulz. Not a trump supporter but you’re blinded by your Bro love. He would be destroyed.
  7. Conspiracy! If Bernie loses it’s because of Gayle King!
  8. If Bernie can’t defend himself against this weak ass field Trump will steamroll him.
  9. The look Pete has as Warren eviscerates Bloomberg
  10. The amount of sweet, sweet tears I'll be here to lap up from the Bernie supporters will be fun when he loses on the 2nd ballot of the convention, following the rules and processes he agreed to by running as a Democrat.
  11. There aren't many center-right Republicans who want to ban guns or tell you what size slurpy you can order at 7-11. He's a big government guy, he's liberal on many issues and the only reason anyone would think he's "center-right" is because the Democratic field has swerved so far to the left that they knocked over the guardrail on the way to Sweden.
  12. Still hopes he tears his ACL, MCL, PCL while getting run over by a car swerving to avoid a crashing helicopter.
  13. I think we all have seen experienced similar. In my experience HOA boards forget that they're not JUST about enforcement, they're also about making reasonable judgement calls - in fact that is their primary purpose, or should be! When I see HOAs veering too far over to enforcement it's usually for one or more of a few reasons: People on the board get off on control or conflict and are using it as a power play The "noisy 5%" of the community has taken over and is terrorizing the other 95% via the HOA (aka little old lady syndrome) There are one or more lawyers on the HOA board who enjoy shit like Robert's Rules and writing nastygrams The HOA was set up incorrectly to start with and requires insane requirements to change anything; I was in a HOA once that required 80% of the ENTIRE community to vote in favor of any rule change. Average voter participation in the board meetings: 2%, average vote by mail participation: 5%... Effectively the rules were frozen in place for eternity. I just don't buy the argument of "but if we make an exception here that locks us into making exceptions elsewhere!" ...because it simply isn't true. Exceptions are just that, exceptions. A functional HOA can and should be empowered to make exceptions as needed. The residents have the power to address those exceptions by replacing the HOA leadership each year if they don't like the judgement calls that they make. My $0.02.
  14. Um, the elected HOA president and the elected members of the HOA board? Don't we have representation for exactly this reason, to make reasonable rules and apply human common sense and judgement in situations exactly like this? If not, we don't really need HOAs, we just need computers since every rule is now black/white.
  15. They made good work of the weakest (but still good) book in the series so far. Can't wait for next season.
  16. You got the AT4 trim? How's the ride in that, looks like the off-road tires. Also, how did you option it out?
  17. Really nice truck, and the same one that's been on my mind. Come back after driving it some more and give your impressions!
  18. Yeah I flipped on FSSW and it was beautiful. I think the DDR 3-pointer was the biggest cheer of the night. Seeing Kawhi cry and toss his hands up in frustration was beautiful. Fuck that guy so much. That sting will never go away, if you want out just do it the right way and don't burn the fucking house down on the way out the door. I hope he tears his ACL, MCL, PCL on the same play and then strokes out.
  19. 🤮🤮🤮 that reads like a quote from the Onion. That said, JFC, we're not declining a bowl game nor are we firing Herman after Tech. We're Texas; we're going suffer through another year of shit, and end NEXT year 6-6 and THEN fire Herman, but we'll stretch it out into recruiting season to make sure we do maximum fuck up to the program first. Then we'll settle for another "up and coming" coordinator or head coach of a smaller program. We're Texas, we don't swing for the fences. Maybe 40 years from now the stars will align again.
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